Behavioral therapy is based on the theory of classical conditioning. According to this theory, all behavior is learned, and the individual can learn the appropriate behavior easily. It can be understood by acknowledging four areas of development, i.e., classical conditioning, operant conditioning, social cognitive theory and cognitive behavior therapy. Behavior therapy is used for the treatment of many psychological disorders like anxiety, depression, eating disorders and stress (Corey, 2015). I have selected this theory because of its stern dependence on the codes of the scientific method. The process of treatment and evaluation co-occurs, which makes the treatment of the client very easy for the therapist. This therapy creates a link between the individual and the environment. Treating a client using this therapy is active and does not use any medication or drugs.
Selected Goals For Therapy
The general goals of this therapy are to alter the behavior of the client and to create new conditions for learning, and the most important goals of this therapy are to help the client solve their problems on their own. Clients are asked to assume an active role by performing certain actions which can help them in solving their problems. This therapy efficiently helps clients change their behavior and assists them in problem-solving (Corey, 2015). Behavior therapy deals with the current problems and issues of clients that are affecting them at present rather than going into the past of the client and helping them in behavioral change. This therapy helps in solving the individual problems of a client.
Role & Function Of The Therapist
The fundamental goal and function of a behavior therapist are to efficiently treat a client who is suffering from mental disorders. Behavior therapists work as consultants or problem solvers. The therapist first thoroughly assesses the client and gathers the necessary information. The next step is known as the ABC model, in which the therapist builds a link between the event, the behavior of the client and the consequences of the act. The therapist then uses different strategies that promote generalization and the maintenance of behavior change. The clients are encouraged by the therapist to identify their problems, and with the help of behavior learning, the clients can make changes in their behavior, which is helpful in solving the specific problem. The therapist has to make interventions and assessments throughout the treatment.
Techniques To Be Used
There are different techniques that therapists use depending on the problem of a client. If a client is phobic about something, the flooding technique is most suitable. This technique works by directly exposing the patient to the fear. The operant condition technique is used when a therapist wants to alter the behavior of the client. This method uses positive and negative reinforcements, but psychologists are of the view that only positive reinforcements should be used for the treatment of the client. Progressive muscle relaxation methods can be used to treat stress and depression. In order to cure stress and anxiety, the systematic desensitization method is most appropriate. This method exposes the patient to situations which arouse stress and anxiety, and gradually, they become prone to the condition (Corey, 2015)
Expectations Of Client
Treating a client using behavior therapy requires a close relationship between the client and the therapist. The client’s awareness and participation in the therapeutic process are most expected. Clients are expected to do their home assignments and give regular feedback (Corey, 2015). They are expected to translate the change in their daily lives. The clients should be willing to make changes in their lives and to keep on implementing them. Unless this happens, behavior therapy is useless.
Corey, G. (2015). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Nelson Education.