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Barbra Enrich’s Investigation Of Challenges That Low-Wage Workers Experience

Enrich investigates several challenges that low-wage workers experience. Such includes the hidden cost that goes to rent. She asserts that the poor usually spend a lot of money on hotels than they would pay for shelter because they do not have the security deposit that is required by the landlords. Thus, poor people are compelled to buy foods that are expensive and unhealthy and that they could afford if they had the fridges and appliances they would require so that they could cook.

First, Barbara refutes the idea that only unskilled people fit the low-wage jobs. She found out that manual work needs implausible efforts of stamina, memory, active learning, and quick thinking. She believes that to hold a job market, people consistently work through the pain. They get this pain through the quick movements they are put through. Enrich has also exposed the many management responsibilities which were out to interfere with the productivity of the workers by forcing them to do tasks with even lower wages (Barbara 23). She gives the instance of her schedule being shifted by the manager weekly without her being informed. She believes that such directors carry out personality tests regularly to remove argued workers. She says that this practice is common in low-wage businesses. This prevents qualified applicants, denies employees liberty, and does not have a positive correlation with job performance.

Moreover, she asserts that a low-wage market is unable to satisfy one person, let alone his or her family. This is because the prices of houses are inflating, plus the regular earnings that stay with us. She regards the working poor as the philanthropist; they sacrifice everything for their employers (Barbara 14). She believes that all wage employees, the recipients of government or free services such as health care and food as well as welfare, do not live off of the generosity of their employees. Instead, those employees are living off their generosity. She asserts that these people sacrifice their time, their children and even their leisure to make their employees comfortable.

They leave their children behind while those children of their employees are properly cared for. This is how low-wage workers sacrifice everything about them to make ends meet. The prosperity that the employees brag about is the low-paid efforts of the workers. Barbara believes that these low-wage workers should be adequately paid so that they can sort out their bills effectively (Barbara 15). She believes that this person has greater roles in society and the running of businesses. Barbara hopes that one-time low-wage workers will rise and demand fair treatment from their employees. From that time on, things would move smoothly. The low-wage workers would be able to live and not survive in shelters while buying expensive food in hotels.

According to Barbara Enrich(13), many people take many chains of unglamorous jobs, including waitressing, housecleaning and retail sales, and they live on meagre payments for these jobs. He asserts that these youths strive to take a second job so that they can make ends meet. Despite the fact that these teens add their second jobs to the ones they already have, they cannot still meet the minimum wage; they cannot pay their bills effectively. The author asserts that getting by in America is not an easy thing (Basu 24). People will continue working and add more jobs, but they will still not pay their bills and remain with some money for other purposes. Additionally, he posits that many workers, especially those working in the kitchen, do not even have time for themselves. They work very hard throughout the day without even eating something. The reason is that they are working for money (Barbara 16). These youth were doubling their work and found it quite difficult to have their free or leisure time. The work in a hotel is so much that someone cannot have his or her time off.

To make ends meet, many people struggle; they have to meet different customers they serve, and some show respect while others do not show them respect. Also, while working in different departments, there are different management practices. Some managers are so harsh and do not care about giving off to the staff. Thus, our times are just occupied with running for jobs from one point to another, yet we cannot pay our bills and have something that can make ends meet. Barbra highlights the extent to which greed for money has attacked our system. She tells us about the colleague who they were working with at the Jerry’s Hotel, This fellow was called George; she realized that George was not being paid yet he was working tirelessly. His urgent question was who had received the payment from Jerry’s instead.

This shows us how people strive to make money by using other people as their slaves (Barbara 17). The agent is the one who pays them and gets the difference in the amount that Jerry pays his employees. She adds that there are many shipped employees like George who were mistreated; they worked very hard, yet their agents gave them stipends that they could not afford to pay their bills. Barbara claims that she could not pay her bills with the money Jerry paid. Barbra exposes to us that the lifestyle we can never allow us to make money (Barbara 18). She argues that many people’s lifestyles, such as drinking alcohol, are consuming our hard-earned few bucks. She narrates the story of the employees at Jerry’s. The experience is horrible. People work, yet the meagre payments that they are given do not add up.

In conclusion, Barbra Enrich is a journalist with PhD in Cell biology; she was concerned by the persistently low wage market as well as the unfair treatment of workers. To find out the truth about the experience workers undergo, she looked for employment in the hotel where she served with their employees; she figured out that the situation was not any better. Employees perform quite a lot, yet they are given meagre payments. She says that workers are sacrificing almost everything for their employees. They leave their children behind as those children of their employees are well cared for. They buy unhealthy and expensive foods. Finally, she hopes that one day, workers will demand fair treatment. That time will be the beginning of better things.



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