Academic Master

Education, English

American Beauty by Sam Mendes

Critically acclaimed American Beauty (1999), was directed by Sam Mendes who began his career as a stage director. The film is a combination of vivid cinematography, visionary directing and smart storytelling. Sam Mendes played a major role in this movie by adding a flair of humour and art to the movie. Initially regarded as a witty, it has become an enormous screen accomplishment, definitely this film full of flair. The cast of the film assembled by Mendes is perfect adding to the delight of the film. Film’s continuous source of surprise is the method characters developed to hide and disclose their secretive benefits, and the way they are misjudged by others. The film is not giving away its mysteries too soon, and sarcasm and blunt talk in the movie are scintillating for the viewers. Dependably challenging and entertaining throughout the initial period, ticks into extraordinary gear midway. The film examines the main character’s actions as it moves the story along at a brisk pace, a considerable achievement in itself. Production design was absolutely up to the mark and costumes used in the film boost the film’s look of intended reality, adding much-needed flair to the movie. One of the major Script’s fault is constructing the film upon the sexuality of sole character.

General debate on realism and formalism lean toward framing, lighting, position and camera movement. But one has to realize that other things can also be considered as realist or formalist. American Beauty is considered to be a part of the formalist film genre as the formalist filmmaking inclines to have its origins in the world of Art. Overall, American Beauty has its flaws and limitations but it as a wonderful epiphany of natural beauty and brilliant directional debut film from Sam Mendes.

Works Cited

McCarthy, Todd. “American Beauty.” Variety. N. p., 1999.

Bradshaw, Peter. “American Beauty.” the Guardian. N. p., 2000.

Peter, Travers. “American Beauty.” Rolling Stone. N. p., 1999.



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