Academic Master


Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Part One: Character Analysis

In the novel Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll titled “Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland,” the author provides us with various inexhaustible philosophical, literary, and scientific themes. The author has also interestingly written the novel based on the book’s plot, writing style, and character presentation. Therefore, in these sections of the novel Alice in Wonderland, we will illustrate character study and analysis involving critiques of the differences between the characters in Alice in Wonderland and the characters in the films. Thus to be specific, the paper will analyze the characters of the white rabbit in the “Alice in Wonderland.”

The white rabbit is the first creature Alice sees in her adventure since it races past Alice on the hind legs, checking the pocket watch and muttering anxiously. Then Alice chased the white rabbit down the hole, making her find herself in the wonderland. The rabbit was anxious, aristocratic, and dandified since it didn’t want to be late, i.e. “I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date!” (Kathryn and ‎Jerry) After following the rabbit through the hole, Alice encountered an enchanted house and a garden. The rabbit was distinguished from the rest since it had a gardener in a big house, and he was always wearing gloves, a waistcoat, and a pocket watch. However, he was in a hurry most of the time. He is a prime minister of the sorts in the wonderland since he is closely involved with the royalty there and carries the royal orders even though he doesn’t institute these policies. His fear of the queen of Heart while in the croquet competition makes him behave as if he is rude, short with Alice, and always in a hurry. For instance “to play croquet and takes her along with the procession. Alice walks beside the White Rabbit and asks if he has seen the Duchess. The Rabbit swiftly shushes Alice.”

As it’s well known from the initial experience, a white rabbit is mostly in a hurry. Similarly, in the film Alice in Wonder by Disney/ Tim Burton, the character used to illustrate the white rabbit possesses the same characteristics. The voice of Michael Sheen acting as the white rabbit has important date information. Fussy Bunny is thus charged with finding Alice and bringing her down the rabbit hole. Things went amiss in the “Underland,” and therefore most people hope that Alice will help set everything right.

In the comparison of both the story and the movie, The first scene of the movie illustrates that the white rabbit goes to find Alice and lures her down to the hole while in the book we find that the white rabbit suddenly appears as the two sisters were sitting together reading a boring book and says “Oh dear! I shall be late!” (Carroll 1) The readers and the moviegoers identify the story by the characters and the most powerful way of reaching the audience is by the character’s emotions. Therefore, the creation of the characters in the book “Alice in Wonderland” and the movie’s directors were influenced by emotions. Developing the character’s emotions is essential in transforming the whole story level. The author also used emotional reaction levels to change the scene and the characters in Alice in Wonderland. This can be illustrated by the white rabbit statement “I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date!” (Burton Scene 1) This statement appears in the first scene of both the movie and the book. Based on the presentation of the first scene, the book version of the presentation is more likable because of the exposition. For instance, it has been illustrated that Alice is an imaginative person who was destructed quickly by the rabbit dressed in white clothes crying “I’m late!”

Part two: Practical application

Based on the character analyzed (the white rabbit) from Alice in Wonderland, he is very anxious and always in a hurry. The problem of dealing with a person who is always anxious is that he/ she faces joint panic that befalls him most of the inconvenient times. This may lead to shocking heart chest pain, zipping digestive system, and their sorts of pain. These effects of anxiety don’t stop there; it may result in anxious thoughts that can lead to doubting ourselves, fear of what people think of us, and also worry about what others think of us. Therefore, a good night’s sleep goes far, replaced with panic, fear, overthinking, worry, and ruminating at night. These effects can lead to poor concentration, poor performance at work, and many more.

However, these effects of anxiousness can be dealt with and then overcome. Hence, the patients could be helped by developing a toolbox of techniques that can rise to the challenges of anxiousness. The patient is supposed to build a list of the activities like practicing, reading the materials, etc. that can work for him to deal with the anxiety effects. Some activities can be very simple at any place while others need proper elaborateness at home. Therefore the patient should read articles and watch YouTube videos relating to the way of beating anxiety. In administering the treatment, It’s essential to understand the cause of the effects and the symptoms of the patient. The other aspect is counseling, which will help people with the condition focus on solving their problems, e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy. The last one is through the administration of the medicine. While dealing with the patient, it is essential to understand how he feels and thinks so that you can understand her perspective, and then you look outside the box to possess cognitive flexibility. Therefore, understanding the patient’s perspective will enable easy assessment of the level of infection and, hence, proper administering of treatment.

Part three: Self-analysis

What do you need most in your life? Most people in the world, including myself, prefer success. Success is important in life, especially in all aspects of being a human being, i.e., academics, investment, and so on. When I think of success, it reminds me of a bad accident I encountered while learning to ride a bicycle at the age of ten. I am grateful I know how to ride it, but I can’t forget the encounter whenever I touch my face. It was on Sunday after church and when I returned home, I retired to bed. My parents could not afford to buy me a bicycle, so all of my life wishes and feelings were directed toward riding a bicycle since I always admired my fellow kids from the neighborhood as they rode. That Sunday was a blessing to me since I woke up and found all my parents were in the house and the gate was open. I sneaked from the compound and went to the neighborhood to utilize that opportunity to learn. The results were injuries after my friends left me to ride alone and I went on hitting the wall of the house. The next minute, I found myself in the hospital covered with bandages in the face. After that, I realized curiosity is good despite the fact that it may lead to a dilemma. I eventually became a talented rider and at the moment I always participate in athletics competitions.

Similarly, as Alice was following the white rabbit, she was not supposed to follow it. Consequentially, she might know that following the rabbit might anger the mother, especially when she gets dirty. However, she decided to do it. She may have convinced herself that she didn’t witness the galloping rabbit in the yard or resist the urge to know what the rabbit was late for. Instead, she didn’t. She went on following the white rabbit and hence landed on the wonderland. Therefore, what this implies to me is that being curious is okay. And it’s also important to be impulsive again and again. It’s known that curiosity was the fact behind the killing of the cat but based on the famous authors, leaders, and inventors in the whole world in the present are curious, and no one will benefit from their curiosity if they cannot follow their white rabbits.

Connecting real life with Alice is important since it’s essential to dream of the impossible things and make them possible. This is applicable in the world since everyone needs to set high goals and strive to achieve them. The other aspects include wondering don’t mean you are lost; everyone has his reality. Lastly, it’s important to know that everyone on the earth is a different person today as compared to what he was yesterday and he will be different tomorrow. You may be healthy today and sick tomorrow; therefore, as a healthcare professional, it is essential to understand other people’s perspectives and assist them based on their perspectives.

Works Cited

Alice in Wonderland. Dir. Tim Burton. 2010.

Alice in Wonderland. Dir. Walt Disney Production. Perf. Beaumont Kathryn and Colonna ‎Jerry. 1951.

Carroll, Lewis. Alice in Wonderland. New York: Macmillan, 1865.



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