Academic Master


Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Recruitment

E-Recruitment – Developments, Advantages, and Limitations, New Tools and Options, etc.

Article (1)


This paper aims at looking at the advantages and disadvantages of E-Recruitment. Information technology sector of India has been selected in this study. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of posting any vacant position over any social recruiting website in IT sector of India to identify the benefits of using E recruitment?

Article Title, Author, and Source

Title of the article is “A conceptual study on E-Recruitment System And Its Efficiency In Indian MNC Companies”. Author of the article is Narmadha. M. P and Dr. M. Sampath Nagi. Source of the article is Google Scholar.


We’re seeing nowadays companies recruit new candidates from social websites like Linkedin, Xing, Twitter, Facebook etc. As this is new in the market so I wanted to go deep into it to find out is it really a reliable source, Do recruiters really recruits, what are the advantages of using E-Recruitment, what would be the possible problems a recruiter has to face while recruiting new staff from the internet.

Key points of Article

Main points of the article include the recruiting process by using the internet in large Multinational Corporations in India. This paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of using E-Recruitment and what kind of E-Recruitment methods are being used in IT sector of India.

Concepts Studied in Course

The concepts of recruitment that we have studies in the course, all those concepts applied on a practical basis in organizations, screening, shortlisting, interviewing, recruitment techniques, recruitment agencies etc.


The article explored the effectiveness of using E-recruitment. It is way more effective and cost-efficient than how traditionally recruitment used to be done. The profiles available on social sites allow the professional recruiters to access the basic information like education, hobbies, interests etc which helps them to know one better. The study revealed that E-Recruitment will grow in coming years (Nagi, 2017)

Article (2)


The paper is based on the adoption of E-recruitment and its advantages disadvantages in the banking sector of Ethiopia. Results have indicated that 39% of the banking sector is using E-recruitment for recruitment purpose. Article results also showed results related to those applicants who do not have an access to the internet can think of themselves as being discriminated and is one of the drawbacks of using E-recruitment.

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Article Title, Author, and Source

Title of the article is “Adoption of E-Recruitment in the Ethiopian Banking Industry”. Author of the article is Kasa, Addisu Kebede. Source of the article is Google Scholar.


The banking sector is different from other private organizations. Private organizations although having the same recruitment approaches. The approach may be little different in big companies with respect to small companies. This article mainly focused on the Recruitment professionals in industries like Academicians, researchers etc. It also explains the after effects of E-recruitment as previously Ethiopian banking sector was using traditional recruitment approaches.

Key points of Article

Main points of the article cover the advantages of using E-recruitment for recruiting new people in the banking sector. How did the banking sector adopt E-Recruitment for recruiting? How did it affect the image of the industry?

Concepts Studied in Course

The concepts of recruitment that we have studies in the course, all those concepts applied on a practical basis in organizations, screening, shortlisting, interviewing, recruitment techniques, recruitment agencies etc.


The study revealed that poor segmentation of the market and lack of data transparency are the key disadvantages of using E-recruitment in the banking industry of Ethiopia. Although the use of E-recruitment made a positive impact on the image of industry along with it reduced the time and cost that was high in the traditional recruitment approach. The success of any organization centered on one component that is Human Resource and the use of effective & efficient recruitment (Kebede, 2017).


Kebede, A. K. (2017). Adoption of E-recruitment in the Ethiopian Banking Industry. IBMRD’s Journal of Management & Research6(2), 28-36.

Nagi, M. S. (2017). A Conceptual Study of E-Recruitment System and Its Efficiency in Indian MNC Companies. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research3(8).




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