Academic Master


Comprehensive Learning Assessment of Individuals from Different Ethnic Groups about Their Cultures


It is a belief in the superiority of the culture, nation, or group to which the individuals belong, and it’s always associated with dislike for other people’s cultures. Therefore, it’s based on the attitude that the individual group is superior. The individual’s judgment of other groups is based on their language, customs, religion, and behavior. The ethnic distinctions and subdivisions enable each ethnic group to have a unique cultural identity. Therefore, ethnocentrism is one of the major reasons for division among people of different races, religions, and ethnic groups in society. They normally believe that they are better than other people of other ethnic groups.

Part 1

According to the investigation comparing my ethnic culture and other ethnic group cultures. The following statement was used, and my response was recorded. The statements are:

  1. Most of the other cultures are backward as compared to my culture.
  2. Lifestyles in my ethnic culture are the same as those of other cultures.
  3. My ethnic culture should be used as a role model to other cultures.
  4. I always respect the customs and values of the other ethnic cultures
  5. Our ethnic group individuals do not know what is good for them.

The response to the statement is based on the response degree scale indicated below: strongly agree = 5, agree = 4, neutral = 3, disagree = 2, and strongly disagree = 1.

Table 1

Statement Response degree
1 4
2 2
3 5
4 2
5 1

Based on the response on the table, I strongly believe in my ethnic culture and fully exercise my cultural values and customs. My culture is best and should be used as a role model in our nation. Sometimes, we normally see individuals from other ethnic groups appreciating our values and customs, and some copy them. Therefore, it may be good if our ethnic culture should be declared as the country’s culture.

Part 2

The second assessment is between my two friends and me. My friends are from a different ethical community and they have their cultural values and customs. Therefore, it is more significant to compare our cultures to identify which is more valuable and useful to its community. The responses of the individuals recorded in the table below are based on a score range of 10 to 50. The statement to be used in this assessment is as follows:

  1. Most of the other cultures are backward as compared to my ethnic culture.
  2. Individuals from other ethnic groups act strangely when they come to my culture.
  3. I am interested in the customs and values of other cultures.
  4. Individuals from other cultures do not know what is good for them.
  5. Many of my friends are from different cultures.

Table 2

Statement Response score
I Friend 1 Friend 2
1 50 30 35
2 35 20 30
3 20 40 40
4 35 20 20
5 20 35 35


The result recorded in the table above shows that I still strongly believe in my ethnic culture. My interest in our cultural values and customs is high. However, my friends have a weak interest in their cultures to some extent. In some cases, they like the culture of other ethnic groups, more so our culture. They like the way we live, our lifestyle, and even our behaviors. They are willing to adopt values from my culture that make our community recognized in the nation. This makes them develop strong friendships with me to learn more from my community.

Part 3

According to the results in Table 1 and Table 2, I scored higher to impress my culture. I strongly value my culture because it’s the culture I was born in. I grew up absorbing our culture’s behaviors, customs, and values, making me consider it the norm. If I experience other cultures with different values and customs, it may be difficult to associate with that culture. Therefore, I prefer my ethnic culture over other ethnic cultures. My friends show interest in my culture because they grew up with a mix of cultural values. Their parents are based on different cultures and for most of their lives, they lived in urban areas where people of diverse origin live. Therefore, it was difficult for them to learn their full culture, as I did, living in rural areas.

I was correct in my assessment. I normally practice most of my culture’s values and customs and teach juniors in our community about those values and customs. In some cases, I am involved in the community’s traditional practices like ceremonies, making me more aware of my culture. Otherwise, on the side of my friends they are only told stories about their cultures. They are not fully involved in their traditional practice. Thus, they know little about their cultural values and customs.

What surprised me most was that one of my friends did not know his community language (mother tongue) well. He mostly uses the national language to communicate. This shows that he has little knowledge about his community culture. He was willing to adapt to my culture because he knew little about his native culture.

However, ethnocentrism is a powerful force that weakens human being relations and association. Depending on the individual communities’ cultural differences, they value them more than other cultures. But it depends on personal ethics. Otherwise, despite our cultural differences, we are still human. Hence, no need to discriminate against each other because of their culture.


Andersen, M. L. (2006). Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society. Wadsworth.

Kinder, D. R. (2009). Ethnocentric foundations of American opinion. University of Chicago Press.

Reynolds, V. F. (1987). The Sociobiology of Ethnocentrism. University of Georgia Press.

Seidner, S. (1982). Ethnicity, Language, and Power from a Psycholinguistic Perspective.



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