Academic Master

Health Care, Nursing

Why are the training tools critical for older people after their discharge from the hospital?

There is a strict need for specific safety measuring tools to make the lives of older people easier just after their discharge from the hospital. In this regard, a research report has been projected using the tailored education program in hospitals. The study comprises the various training tools that engage these older people to get trained and to save themselves from falling.

A Pilot research design has been used to evaluate and study all the measures taken by the hospitals and the community. The positive components of this style of assessing the patients provide accurate and correct findings. The study was conducted, and a group of older people was taken from the hospital to engage them in the evaluation program. They received various videos and written documents for their understanding. Those individuals who have a fear problem and perceive that they might fall from any place get confident after the due training strategies. They are explicit regarding their perception of self-safety. It is necessary for these old agers to be discharged from their respective hospitals to get these types of education because they have to be careful while they are alone at their homes (Hill, Etherton-Beer, & Haines, 2013).

Those who were taken up by the research team responded positively to the change they felt and the safety they realized, of which they were deprived. The collection of the data and the responses made by the participants ensured that the result of the evaluation program was successful. These kinds of studies are helpful for older people who have recently left the hospital. Education or training could be enlarged to other communities or larger groups so that those individuals could also benefit.


Hill, A.-M., Etherton-Beer, C., & Haines, T. P. (2013). Tailored education for older patients to facilitate engagement in fall prevention strategies after hospital discharge – a pilot randomized controlled trial. PloS One, 8(5), e63450.



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