Academic Master


VALs advantages

My first VALs type is the experiencers. This means that I have high resources and a motivation for self-expression. In the secondary part, I fall into the achievers. This means that I have high resources and motivation for achievement.

The VALs correctly identify me since I am a person who wants everything. I also go against the current mainstream that is taking over the modern world and the global market. On top of that, I am up to date when it comes to the latest fashions that emerge in the market. Over my life, I have always believed that friends are extremely important, and therefore, I consider myself a sociable person willing to make new friends and keep the ones I already have close to me. Finally, I have a heightened sense of visual stimulation, which makes me fit into the experiences.

Regarding the achievers, the VALs also identify me correctly since I possess all the attributes of an achiever. For instance, I am a hard-working person. I have always believed that hard work is the only way to succeed. In doing my work, I always have a set schedule for tackling my tasks and follow the schedule in the letter. Achievers believe that money is the source of authority. I tend to believe the same thing since throughout my life I have not seen a poor person occupy the authority seat in the society. It has always been the rich. I also possess traits like being moderate in every situation, being committed to family and family matters, and finally, the “me first, my family first” attitude.

The information collected by the VALs survey not only shows advertisers the kind of consumer they are targeting, it also enables the advertisers to analyze their market and device the most favorable marketing strategies that will ensure they achieve the desired goals. The VALs information also enables the advertisers to have enough information about their target market and thus be able to predict the maximum possible benefits a company could get and, therefore, plan effectively.

Five segments came up in my hometown zip code. This included The Generation Web, composed of low-income and middle-aged families. Secondly, the metro grads comprised the lower middle class, mostly kids. Thirdly, the campers and Camo comprise the downscale middle age family mix. The fourth segment was the struggling singles, mainly low-income middle-aged kids. Lastly, the Second City generation was composed of a middle-aged family mix. My family fits into the Generation Web since I come from a low-income family, and most of us are in middle age. The segments described above describe my hometown correctly since my neighborhood is mostly made of low-income earners struggling to live daily. Most subjects in my hometown are mostly kids as the segments suggest. More than 25% of people in my hometown earn less than $25,000. My hometown also enjoys above-average technology but has low incomes and less income-producing assets.  On top of that, the average age is less than 55 years, and most are renters in the town.

After watching the show, I reflected on the gameplay in the contests and the factors that enabled the contestants to persevere throughout the game with all the emotional and physical challenges they faced. When you link the survivor game to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, the contestants move to the safety level of needs. This includes the need to satisfy the need for protection and security. There is no guarantee that the contestants will not endure any injury or safety risk during the games. However, the contestants are satisfied and comforted when they know a medical team is on standby for any major emergencies or risks and a means for evacuation if needed. After satisfying safety and security, the contestants move to satisfy their needs for belonging. This is the need for acceptance and connection. The need to connect with others on the island and establish relationships starts to develop. The loneliness in the game makes one feel like one has friends and alliances, thus increasing a person’s longevity in the game.

After satisfying the need for belongingness, the contestants move to satisfy their esteem needs, including achievements, recognition, and approvals. The game does not provide room for self-doubt. The contestant has to have high self-esteem to survive the game. Therefore it is disadvantageous if other players realize a weakness in another player. There is a need for recognition in this game especially when decisions are made. Contestants want to be recognized for their contributions to the team and its success. Finally, the self-actualization needs set in. Every contestant needs to have a self-fulfillment. At this level, the contestants are confident in their abilities and are only motivated by becoming all they can be, which is being the sole survivor in the game. The linking of the game to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs shows that human needs remain the same regardless of the situation or condition. For instance, reality shows portray the same characteristics observed in the daily hierarchy of needs in real life.



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