Academic Master

Business and Finance

Are You an Innovator or Executor? Research Paper


We have been provided an article written by Michael Glauser by the name of “Are You an Innovator or Executor? Take This Quiz to Find Out”. Starting the article with a view of entrepreneurs he states that they lack social thinking skills and hence are predictable and can’t operate their company while on the other side they will need to hire an MBA in this regard. The focus is given on innovation and execution skills that are required to run a business successfully. So if one of these skills is lacking, then there will be a need for a partner in this regard. So the following quiz will help to understand our ability to be an innovator or an executor (Lozano & Ceulemans, 2015).

Quiz for Innovation

A person’s mind is always constructive or systematic which means he prefers to solve a problem either an innovative way or he wishes to choose a pre-defined method address an issue. The former approach is called innovative, and the other one is called executive. Following is a set of questions extracted along with the responses being presented.

Quiz for Execution

Following a set of questions can be used regarding execution.

Questions Response
I prefer to have control over the established organizations. Yes
I prefer to use a pre-defined and systematic procedure. No
I like to reduce redundancy by increasing efficiency and effectiveness. Yes
I like to prefer solving the existing problems first. Yes
I can maintain high accuracy in detailed work without getting bored. Yes
I like to be very methodical, precise, reliable and dependable. No


Based on these estimations and responses one can easily determine the type of person he is either executor or innovator. If I talk about myself then from the analysis of quiz I am more of an executor as I like to follow a systematic pattern of instructions given by my subordinates during a course of action and my efficiency is more in such conditions where I will have to follow organized and systematic procedures. I have a strong background in executing various activities. These executions require extensive background knowledge in this regard. I like to follow a predefined order to problems as they are easy for me to understand rather than to create a background scenario for the problem in this regard. Another work which I can do in a fine-tuned method, I can maintain high work accuracy if the work is a systematic procedure as it gives a complete understanding of how to act in a specific situation.

Personal Strengths based on Execution

Based on the questionnaire, following personal strengths have been identified (Craig & Henry, 2002):

  • The first strength that I possess due to executive mind is to make a quick decision based on a pre-defined and well-established problem background which help me to cater my issues.
  • Due to executive thinking, I can absorb information related to the decision quickly as I don’t have to discuss it with others at least not with my subordinates and it allows me to make my own decisions relatively faster.
  • Due to an executive approach, I can identify the bottlenecks existing in the organizational hierarchy as I am well aware of the system and had gone through it several times.
  • I deal a particular problem in a problem-solving mechanism rather than a constructive approach as from my point of view it takes more time to make a decision based on such constructive approach.

Personal Weaknesses Based on Execution

There are certain weaknesses which are based on execution approach to solving problems which are listed as follows (Kazmi, Zainab, & Marja, 2013):

  • Due having a more systematic approach, I face difficulty to handle off-routine issues like the dispute between subordinates and these issues consumes a lot of time.
  • I also feel difficulty as some decisions are to be made by gut feelings which is not that much systematic. Because the role of gut and intuition is much more vibrant in some decision-making scenarios.
  • I often get bored with a mechanical process of decision making as each activity is being repeated over and over again hence executive model makes it difficult to me to make a favorable decision under such boredom.

Self-Assessment Example based on Executory Approach

One particular example I will like to quote when I was working manager operations in a branch of KFC. It was medium to a large-scale outlet, and I had a team of 10 under my supervision, and the system of the organization was mechanistic and having an execution of several tasks on repeating basis. As one customer places an order the food processing and serving consists of several steps which are to be repeated several times each time a customer will place an order. In that scenario, I was enjoying my work, but any practice of work like an employee and customer dispute and customer complaints were a difficult task to handle as they were off the routine.

Using Two Leadership Practices

Now we will discuss two of the leadership models based on the above quiz. The first quiz focuses on innovative approach so for which charismatic visionary leadership model can be used in this regard. The second quiz is based on a more systematic approach, and pre-defined problems are to be solved in this regard so in this scenario we can recommend the autocratic leadership style which is comparatively less innovative. The detail of two methods which can be adopted by an individual is listed below (Loop & Swell, 2017):

Charismatic Visionary Leadership Model

When we talk about the charismatic visionary leadership model, it heavily depends on the charm and the skills of the persuasiveness of the manager. Sometimes these leaders are called Transform leaders as they have similar capacities. These are the managers with extraordinary communication abilities and can reach the deepest level of a person’s emotions by using this skill. So there are certain pros and cons of this model which are listed as follows (Lewis, 2012):

  • This model urges people to cooperate with each other and work for a common cause.
  • These managers are committed to a central mission which is their collective responsibility to achieve.
  • Management of the organization keeps learning from their mistakes in such approach.
  • These managers are sometimes non-responsive to their peers.
  • Sometimes they think they are above from the law and hence make problems (Lozano & Ceulemans, 2015).

Autocratic Leadership Style

The next thing which is related with autocratic style of management which is also adopted by managers and this style enforces that only one person will make decisions in the organization and he will be solely responsible for managing the company affairs. To decisions to be made quickly autocratic style is preferred by several managers as it gives ease of access in the decision-making process but on contrary employees also feel exploited when they know they have no participation in the process of decision making (Voet & Vermeeren, 2016).

Analysis of Skills

The five skills identified through the quiz are analyzed as follows (Leswing, Kif, 2017):

  • The innovative exercise of controls of an organization is essential and required. As innovative skills will reduce the amount of redundancy and hence make sure that organizational efficiency is increased.
  • The managers will have to leave the autocratic set of thinking behind. As this approach is obsolete in several terms, people now prefer to use other leadership approaches.
  • Managers will need to be realistic while making managerial decisions. Because decisions made on assumptions are sometimes not valid (Sandy, 2009).
  • The SMART goals approach should be used in the decision-making process. The goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic and time-bound.
  • The PEST and SWOT Analysis should be conducted in an orderly fashion. These are effective tools for leadership and management (Voet & Vermeeren, 2016).


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