Academic Master


Minimizing gun Violence by the regulation of weapons

Crime is generally considered the common people as one of the most significant issues facing our society, and aggressive criminality is considered the most significant and scary sort of crime. Where crime is usually considered an uncontrollable issue that is hard to diminish through deliberate authority effort, many proclaimed that it, however, may be minimized by the regulation of weapons, especially gun violence that uses assault rifles.

The mass shooting in very recent times in Los Angeles and Florida has led the people of the United States to stand against it and demand action. The nation is demanding a ban on weapons or some policies to take care of gun violence (YouTube n.p). On the other hand, the President stressed the need to address mental health issues and not raise any gun control issues. Looking at the particular event of shooting in Florida, a journalist from The Wall Street Journal thinks that the governor should be the at the bad or typical spot to address the issue and come up with some policy to control gun violence because the mass shooting happened with his constituents who are demanding actions. In order to prevent gun violence, particularly gun violence that uses assault rifles, we should adopt a new approach, which is “a public health approach.” While the liberal approach is not effective, we should go for the public health approach instead. A ban on such weapons may reduce the mass shooting rate, but if a person intends to kill someone, he/she can find any weapon to fulfill his/her evil goals. The Second Amendment affirms that a person does not have an individual right to have weapons, and the government administrative bodies and the state itself, in this regard, have the right to alter guns without embroiling a protected legitimate (Time n.p). More gun control laws can control and reduce the gun deaths, but these laws do not determine the crime, the owner of these guns do. Gun control is required, but more education is needed, and gun safety is required to prevent these gun violence incidents ( n.p).

Works Cited

“Gun Debate Returns After Las Vegas Shooting.” YouTube. N. p., 2018. Web. 22 Mar. 2018.

“Here’s A Timeline Of The Major Gun Control Laws In America.” Time. N. p., 2018. Web. 22 Mar. 2018.

“Is Washington Any Closer To Addressing Gun Violence?.” YouTube. N. p., 2018. Web. 22 Mar. 2018.

“Republican Views On Gun Control | Republican Views.” N. p., 2013. Web. 22 Mar. 2018.



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