Academic Master

Health Care

Theory Development In the Nursing Field


A theory is a foundation of principles to which the behavior of a subject is related. In the nursing field, there are various aspects associated with the behavior of the nursing personnel as well as the patients and other stakeholders. Therefore, a theory explains why they behave the way they behave and in the conditions that they are in. It is a description of the reason why things are the way they are. Concentrating on the nurses and the medical practitioners, they at times get bored and tired due to the nature of their jobs. They are required to work for many hours, at times with limited breaks. The relationship between the stress that affects the practitioners and the nature of their jobs constructs a theory. They get stressed because they work for long hours, and the nature of their job is stressful as well. At other times, medical practitioners are said to work better and well due to the professionalism gained in their school life and subject to the code of ethics. The cause of their responsible character is, therefore, the code of ethics and school life. The relationship between responsibility and the code of ethics forms a theory. Therefore, a theory explains the reason for having issues the way they are (Scott & Poteet 2017). It is a way of elaborating more than what can literally be seen. Theories form the basis for the deeper conduction of research regarding a certain aspect affecting people. A theory allows researchers to come up with the hypothesis as well as the study questions. By setting the goal for research, one is able to create research questions around those objectives. In addition, a prediction of what is expected of the research is made through the hypothesis. In short, the theory lays the foundation for all relationships between different entities.

The middle-range Theory Selected

The middle range theory selected is the sister Calisto theory. This is one theory that defines the nursing profession exclusively. In this regard, it provides for the perception that professional nurses are taken for. It is the best alternative as it forms the basis for the study of various aspects of nursing. For instance, it explains the causes of human behavior by taking nursing professionals as samples. It serves well in determining the various impacts that come with being a nurse. In addition, the theory elaborates on the various source of stress that affects professionals. It also elaborates on the stages of nursing, helping the researcher to understand deeply the real aspects that take place.

Explanation of Sister Calisto’s Theory

This is a theory that explains more about the nursing profession. It takes into account the three aspects of a human being, claiming that he takes the biological, social, and psychological aspects. In short, a person is referred to as a bio-psychosocial being who has various systems that work in coordination. The biological part of the body supports its function, and all the body’s systems deliver what they are meant for (Head & Noar 2014). On the other hand, the theory describes a person as being social. As such, he is required to keep interacting with other people in order to remain stable and keep on growing. By being psychological, the theory states that a person has an internal process that connects to the mind and that determines the moods he takes as well as the attitudes.

Proposed Theoretical Theory

The proposed theoretical theory, in this case, is the motivational theory. This revolves around the fact that human behavior and productivity are determined by the level of motivation at the workplace and elsewhere. In the nursing profession, how well the nurses work and attain the ultimate goals depends on the way the seniors treat them (Lowry et al., 2015). In addition, there are other major factors that determine the level of nurses’ satisfaction. The satisfaction of the nurses determines the ultimate satisfaction of the [patients. Therefore, the satisfaction of the patients is directly proportional to the satisfaction and motivation of the nurses. Well, some may wonder what the productivity of the nurses would mean. The productivity of the nurses would be determined by the number of patients that they are able to serve at a time, as well as the level of services that they offer to the patients. The better the services, the more productive the nurses are said to be. A lower level of services reflects a lower level of expected productivity. The motivational theory, therefore, describes nurses as workers and people who require having their esteem boosted from time to time to attain satisfactory job levels. Nurses need to be recognized so that they feel better in the healthcare facility (Chinn & Kramer 2014). When the nurses are more recognized and rewarded, they own up to the healthcare system and thus offer better services. On the other hand, when nurses are not recognized, they develop a spirit of us against them. They, therefore, work for the sake of and not from the heart. Therefore, it is not about the level of education that the nurses have. They are human in nature and need to be motivated. The motivational theory relates the level of nurses’ productivity to the level of motivation.

Testable Questions

What is the effect of nurses’ recognition on productivity?

This is a question that seeks to determine the role that recognition plays in the motivation of nurses. In this case, the question aims at determining if there exists any relationship between the level of motivation and the aspect of being recognized for their work and for who they are in the organization.

What is the effect of the level of job security on nurses’ productivity?

Job security is an important aspect of the employees’ motivation. It, therefore, seeks to determine how well the employees would work in a situation where job security is unknown. In addition, the question aims at determining the level of motivation that the nurses would have on their work in an environment where job security is unknown (Alligood 2017). The question seeks to compare an area of work where the nurses are secure about their jobs and another instance where the future of their employment is not definite.

What is the effect of the level of payment on the nurses’ productivity?

Even though the level and amount paid to the nurses are not the ultimate factors of productivity, they are part of the motivational factors for the nurses. As such, the research question aims to determine how well the nurses would be willing to work under conditions where they are underpaid despite having all other aspects well catered for. On the other hand, the research question aims to determine how well the nurses would be able to work in a healthcare facility where they are paid heavily as compared to others in the market.


A high level of recognition of nurses results in higher motivation levels and, thus, higher productivity.

This answers the research question regarding the impact of the level of recognition on the level of employees’ productivity. This is because the two are directly related. When the employees are more motivated, they feel appreciated and give their best in their work. This increases their productivity.

A high level of job security increases the level of nurses’ productivity

It is the hope of every employee that he will be employed for the longest time possible and will not run out of employment unexpectedly. When the employees work under tight job security conditions, they feel relaxed and thus offer better results and higher quality of services.

A higher level of payments leads to higher levels of productivity.

Money is not the only factor in employees’ motivation. However, it is impossible for any of the employees to work under minimal conditions, or to work effectively where one is underpaid. When the employees are paid effectively, they are able to meet their needs effectively and thus do not strain their daily lives. With lower stress levels, the nurses are able to offer better services due to the higher levels of motivation.


The work of a theory relates different aspects. For instance, aspects that are directly related are compared to determine the end result. Theories form the basis for conducting research. For instance, Sister Calisto’s theory describes the nature of human beings and, thus, the nature of nurses. Calisto’s theory describes the human being as being a system that operates in three different aspects. On the other hand, the motivational theory relates the end result of the nurses to the cause of their motivation. The motivational theory paves the way for the determination of the various aspects that lead to better performance for nurses. In addition, it leads close to the determination of the factors that would not affect the level of employees’ productivity in a big manner. Theories are all about relationships. Therefore, they relate the dependent variable to the independent variables. They provide organizations with good opportunities to gauge their performance. It is based on performance that management gets a chance to effect necessary changes in the long term.


Alligood, M. R. (2017). Nursing Theorists and Their Work-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (2014). Knowledge Development in Nursing-E-Book: Theory and Process. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Head, K. J., & Noar, S. M. (2014). Facilitating progress in health behaviour theory development and modification: The reasoned action approach as a case study. Health Psychology Review, 8(1), 34-52.

Lowry, L. L., Cartier, E. A., Back, R. M., & Delconte, J. D. (2015). Addressing the need for new tourism theory: The utility of constructivist grounded theory methodology for theory development.

Scott, J. C., & Poteet, M. L. (2017). From the editor. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 10(4), 503-506.



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