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How can Testicular Cancer affect the patient and their family?


Cancer, as deadly as it seems, varies among the different forms of it. However, each patient suffers through the same painstaking treatment or lives an isolated life right after diagnosis of cancer. Testicular cancer poses a similar threat but is limited to men aged between 15-35 years of age. However, unlike other cancer forms, Testicular cancer, if diagnosed early, has a ninety-five percent chance of fully being treated. However, even with the chances of recovery from it being high, research into testicular cancer in regions of the United States has revealed that around 8,000 males are diagnosed with symptoms of testicular cancer, and around 390 males die from it every year.

Thesis Statement

The diagnosis, symptoms, and risks of Testicular cancer among males in the United States and the impact it has on their life and their relationship with their family and peers.


The diagnosis, symptoms, and risks of Testicular cancer among males in the U.S. and the impact of it on the patient’s family, social, and emotional life will be discussed further with a proper insight into the topic. Testicular cancer is regarded as one of the most common forms of cancer normally found in young males, starting at the age of 15 and up until the age of 35. The chances of successfully treating it have been confirmed to be at 95 percent presently. Although there are issues, an individual might face other than being diagnosed with testicular cancer. Since it affects a male’s sexual health, the topic becomes less discussed due to its nature, and mostly younger males will find it less convenient to discuss it openly with friends and family or even their physiotherapists and doctors.

Causes of Testicular Cancer

Knowing the exact cause of Testicular cancer still remains obscured, and researchers have been studying it for years to locate the main instigator behind it. However, there are several things that might propel the development of cancer. Detecting testicular cancer requires an individual to routinely check their testes after every bath by feeling around the sack for any hard lumps. However, in most cases, if a person gets a testicular injury, it might complicate things since the testicular region will swell up, and identification of these lumps will become relatively difficult (Albers et al., 2015). In a situation such as this, it is highly recommended that a doctor be seen for a proper diagnosis.

Symptoms of Testicular Cancer

Testicular symptoms vary from guy to guy, with signs of cancer appearing in different forms. However, it is imperative to understand that each lump around the testicle is not to be considered a sign of cancer. Establishing the fact that lumps are the first signs of cancer, a significant pointer suggests that these lumps can be as small as a pea, and notably, through numerous medical examinations, only one of the testicles will be affected by it (Miller et al., 2016). Symptoms of cancer in males will appear as feeling an imbalance between the testicles, an observable change in the shape of the testicle, heaviness around the scrotum area, a formation of a painless lump on one of the testicles, a noticeable tenderness, and enlargement of the breast tissue and reoccurring stomach pains.

Notably, people often misjudge cancer of the testicular region to be limited around the affected area. However, these cancer cells can easily affect the lymph glands and spread to the lungs or other organs as well. A noticeable symptom of this can be found in a person’s shortness of breath or other forms of breathing ailments.

Risks of Testicular Cancer

The risks linked with testicular cancer can exist in different forms, ranging from treatment, impact on social lifestyle, and financial to physical side effects. A common pattern to follow during cancer treatment may be well applicable for most, but notably, it is false to proclaim it as so. Since most cancer patients undergo different situations and the effects of both cancer and treatment vary from person to person, so implying a general laid-out perspective on what an individual should do will be unfavorable.

The treatment for testicular cancer varies depending on the stage of cancer. If diagnosed early, cancer will be less likely to affect the body on a major level. Patients who undergo the treatment may develop physical side effects (Darabos & Hoyt 2017). Although these physical side effects mostly diminish after the treatment ends, however, in a situation where they prevail even after the treatment is over, those are labeled as late effects and there’s a separate treatment for it. These physical side effects can leave an impact on an individual’s ability to socialize, confidence, and emotional health.

Effects on Social Lifestyle

Being diagnosed with testicular cancer can disrupt an individual’s emotional health as well as their personal and social life. The topic of cancer by itself is a challenging issue to discuss openly, and being associated with a guy’s testicular region may cause insecurities for them. Surveys have revealed that most men find it hard to disclose the news to their parents, siblings, or their wives and children (Cappuccio et al., 2016). A common detail on this topic revealed that most patients found the news more devastating for their families than themselves. Oftentimes, people find their relationships difficult to sustain because of it. Married guys decline into an emotionally unstable lifestyle because they are unable to engage in sexual activities, or single guys will find themselves in an extensively depressed state because no one will opt for them if they become aware of this ailment.


Testicular cancer is seemingly common among males around the age of 15 or 20 up till the age of 35, and 44 are mostly diagnosed with it in America and European countries. Each year, more than 8,000 people are diagnosed with it, and cancer claims the lives of 390 males on average. If diagnosed at an early stage, cancer can easily be cured, with chances of fully recovering from it to be at 95 percent. The topic of testicular cancer is such that patients often find it inconvenient to discuss it with their family members, friends, their doctors, or support groups.


Albers, P., Albrecht, W., Algaba, F., Bokemeyer, C., Cohn-Cedermark, G., Fizazi, K., … & Oldenburg, J. (2015). Guidelines on testicular cancer: 2015 update. European urology, 68(6), 1054-1068.

Cappuccio, F., Abate, V., Bolognini, I., Mazzoni, O., Quarata, E., D’ANIELLO, C., … & Barberio, D. (2016). Impact of testicular cancer on survivors’ quality of life: systematic review. World Cancer Res J, 3, e738.

Darabos, K., & Hoyt, M. A. (2017). Masculine norms about emotionality and social constraints in young and older adult men with cancer. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 40(2), 259-270.

Miller, K. D., Siegel, R. L., Lin, C. C., Mariotto, A. B., Kramer, J. L., Rowland, J. H., … & Jemal, A. (2016). Cancer treatment and survivorship statistics, 2016. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 66(4), 271-289.



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