Academic Master

Health Care

Therapeutic Agents Most Commonly Used In Dentistry

Therapeutic agents refer to substances with the ability to produce curative effects during a disease state. These substances are consumed due to the presence of disease-causing microorganisms, chemical substances, radiation, or presence of any deficiency disease which could in turn result in a more advanced form of the disease (Farlex, 2017).

Dental therapeutic involves preventing and restoring dental care to inpatients experiencing dental problems. The therapeutic agents used in dentistry include antifungal, antiviral, oral bacterial infection controls, aesthetics, and anti-inflammatory agents.

Nutritional supplements refer to dietary supplements which are intended to supply nutrients that may not be consumed in sufficient quantities. Such supplements include but are not limited to vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, and other nutritional substances such as fish oils, probiotics, and glucosamine. The nutritional products are usually ingested in the form of liquid, capsule, or tablets to enable the individual to acquire sufficient nutrients for the effective functioning of the body cells. These nutritional values ensure that individuals get the recommended intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients necessary for optimal body functioning, full health, and vitality. Nutritional supplements supplement to a healthy and nutritious diet but do not necessarily replace poor diet or poor eating habits.

On the other hand, over-the-counter medications refer to medicines bought at medical stores without a prescription. They are, in other words, termed OTC or nonprescription medicine. These medications are effective and safe if the descriptions of the medication are clearly adhered to as prescribed by healthcare practitioners. Over-the-counter drugs can help with minor muscle and joint problems, headaches, fever, colds, sore throats, coughs, allergies, eye problems, pain, sprains as well as arthritis. However, these drugs can have serious side effects, especially when consumed for a long period or in high doses. The commonly used over-the-counter drugs include antihistamine pills, ibuprofen, menthol throat lozenges, acetaminophen, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- just to mention a few.

Prescription drugs refer to strong medications that should be prescribed by medical personnel in order to be dispensed. In contrast, over–the–counter medications can be bought without any prescriptions. Although medical personnel clearly prescribe prescription drugs, they have been prone to misuse and abuse, in turn causing deaths and addiction, especially among teenagers.

Dentists may prescribe various drugs based on the patient’s condition. For instance, drugs such as anesthetics, analgesics, and intravenous sedation are commonly applied in dental care to help ease and control dental pains. Other types of dentistry drugs include corticosteroids, which reduce mouth redness and gum problems; chlorhexidine, which is an antibiotic used to reduce plaque and gingivitis; and antiseptics, which reduce mouth odor. Antifungals stop the oral thrush and spread of candida fungus, fluoride prevents tooth decay, and dry mouth dental medications reduce moth dryness by stimulating the production of saliva. However, medications such as fluorides expose the user to the risk of allergy and can cause teeth staining (Rotskoff, 2016). Chlorhexidine drugs can also cause tartar on teeth and stain them, too. Most of these dental care drugs are bound to have adverse side effects for the user, especially if consumed for a long period of time or in the wrong dosage as prescribed by the health professor.

Modern health practitioners have adopted a patient-centered approach that emphasizes considering the patient’s medical history as well as collaborative decision-making with the patient. Psychiatrists tailor their medication recommendations on the basis of the patient’s needs and concerns. By considering the patient’s past medical history, medical practitioners are able to gain information on the risk factors and also generate insights on the efficacy and adverse effects of various medicines on the patients. Therefore, tracking the medical history is vital in the identification of rare but adverse effects and for determining effective patient treatment plans and best practices in ensuring high-quality patient care. The information gained is used in the formulation of a diagnosis and patient care. Most drug histories are limited to the history of presenting complaints, names, and allergies. The generated data is used to formulate lengthy details on the patient’s medical history and a management plan for various illnesses.

Productive and profitable dentistry is built on principles. These principles guide dentists in prescribing medication to their desired clients. When prescribing dental medicine, the risks and benefits posed to the patient must be taken into consideration. Psychosocial interventions should also be considered before any prescription. For instance, the dentist should be guided by the principle of honesty. This is to ensure that they tell the truth about the services they are rendering to their clients. They should also not harm their clients by observing the nonmaleficence principle. Respect is also upheld in dental care to help ensure that the patient’s opinions are highly respected, as well as the confidentiality of their records. Dentists should also not always consider medications as their only therapeutic strategy but should also advise clients on other means of living a disease-free life, for instance, through dieting and consumption of minerals and nutrients to ensure healthy teeth.

The key principles applied in prescriptions by dentists include pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. The pharmacodynamics principles applied in dentistry involve analysis and study of how various drugs affect the patients ((Antonaccio Gomoll 2008). In this essence, dentists are in a position to understand the fate of the body of the patient and hence be able to explain the link between the dose and the patient’s response. On the other hand, pharmacokinetics refers to the application of pharmacokinetic principles to ensure the safety and effective therapeutic management of medicine among patients. It involves analysis of how the body reacts to the drugs and the extent to which the body tissues utilize the drug. All these principles are key to ensuring patient safety and treatment.


Farlex. (2017). Therapeutic agent. Retrieved from

Antonaccio MJ and Gomoll A. (2008). Pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics of sotalol. – PubMed – NCBI. Retrieved from

Rotskoff K. (2016, April 26). Medications Used in Dentistry on Retrieved from



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