Academic Master

Global Politics

the evolution of politics and political parties in the United States of America


Understanding the political party that exists in the country is necessary for building the conception of government and democracy. A political party is a group of people who represent the ideas and demands of the public while making democracy workable. The state machinery is run by the government and those people who will run the state machinery are being selected through those political parties. They first present their manifesto, which is the plan that aims to bring well-being to the country. This well-being plan helps in bringing them into the government (Bailyn, 26). Furthermore, the essay analyzed the evolution of politics and political parties in the United States of America, along with the existence of the two-party system.


The political party’s evolution started with the Federalists when Hamilton and a few of the other leaders had the aim of establishing a central government. The first ever political party in the United States of America was the Federalist Party, and the year was 1787. The next political party was formed when Jefferson stood against the Federalists in 1796 and created the Anti-Federalist Party. Those who were part of the Anti-Federalists group were known as Democratic-Republicans. The supporters of the party belonged to different regions of America. Those who were from the North side and belonged to the professions, such as bankers and industrialists, supported the Federalist Party. Those who were from the south side and had a profession in farming supported the Anti-federalist Party.

Realigning elections was part of the political change in the United States of America when the elections started to take place, which was the process of replacing one party with another. The realigning election also refers to the national election of America in which changes were made in the leaders of parties, as well as the demographic and regional power of the parties, which led America to the new structure of political power. America is known as the two-party system, not because it only has two parties but because only two parties are dominating the politics of America. The two-party system is defined as having any two parties in the country, but despite having several other political parties, America is still dominated by only two parties (McCarty et al., 17).

Works Cited

Bailyn, Bernard. The ideological origins of the American Revolution. Harvard University Press, 2017.

McCarty, Nolan, Keith T. Poole, and Howard Rosenthal. Polarized America: The dance of ideology and unequal riches. MIT Press, 2016.



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