Academic Master


Student to Professional


Accreditation is the process or action of recognizing someone or an institution officially as being able to perform a particular activity or having a particular status. There are different kinds of accreditation: Careers, Institutions, Health area specialization, and postgraduate programs. This process may be carried out by a respected and recognized accrediting organization. The emphasis of accreditation is on quality assurance as well as the commitment to continuous enhancement of quality (Martin, 2017). According to the National Accreditation Commission (NAC), a degree or an institution that is not accredited doesn’t mean that their titles are not valid. The regulations specify that all titles and degrees offered by any educational institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education Chile are valid as well. On the other hand, accredited degrees or institutions are believed to offer quality services, which are highly considered by most companies in society today.

The null hypothesis of accreditation is that, students from accredited institutions are not better that those from non-accredited schools. This is evident when we find that students from accredited schools tend to have less skills as compared to those from non-accredited institutions.

Alternatively, Students from accredited institutions also tend to be more skilled than those from non-accredited school due to the quality of studies they are fed with and provision of enough required facilities, which are mostly supported by the government.

Impact of Accreditation on Student Preparedness

Accreditation has a bearing on student’s preparedness for the field in various ways. First, accrediting a learning institution makes the students feel that the knowledge and skills they are receiving are of high quality. It also raises their confidence and makes them work harder with high hopes of being accepted into various institutions upon their completion. An accredited degree is also important since it shows that the student has completed a superior course, which is required for professional preparation. Students with this kind of degree have higher chances of being employed in great institutions (Herzberg,2017).

Accreditation also has other benefits, such as a student being employed without having a license. It can enable the student to apply to AAMFT for Clinical Membership through the Accelerated Program Track. Studying at an accredited school also gives them the advantage of requesting State resources or even loans, which in turn enable them to apply for scholarships that are essential in preparing them for their careers. With all these benefits, you will find that most students work with great hopes of getting the job of their dreams.

Students view a non-accredited institution

With the College of Human Service program being non-credited, students will think that the curriculum standards from CSHSE will not prepare them properly for their work (Herzberg, 2014). Most employers consider students from accredited schools because they believe they have the high-quality skills and knowledge required to pursue a professional course. Unaccredited schools tend to offer tuition at a lower fee with accelerated degree programs, which is harmful to students when it comes to looking for employment since the knowledge they have is much less. In addition, uncredited schools usually have lower standards and policies and are not easily recognized. This will have a great impact on the students later in life since most employees need to hire individuals from accredited and recognized institutions. In most cases, you will find that students from uncredited institutions tend to be discriminated against by those from credited schools since they are believed to be less educated or have fewer skills. Attending a non-accredited institution will generally not prepare students well for work since the knowledge and skills offered are of lower quality.


Herzberg, J. (2014). Foundations in human services practice: A generalist perspective on individual, agency, and community. Pearson Higher Ed.

Martin, M. E. (2017). Introduction to human services: Through the eyes of practice settings. Pearson.



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