Academic Master


poverty vs. privilege


The theme of poverty vs. privilege is seen in many stories and novels, but the way Sherman Alexie addresses it is unique. He did not only attend to the differences between the poor and the rich families but persuaded his readers that we all are poor in distinct ways. Thus, poverty does not only mean affordability of food and clothes; the privileged ones are also poor in some ways, which are quite different from the poverty we understand to be. The author Sherman Alexie, through his story “The Absolutely True Story,” has given a new understanding of the contrast between the poor and the privileged. The tale shows that even the privileged are poor, though not like Arnold himself.

The privileged are not poor like Arnold.

“The Absolutely True Story” depicts the life of a 14-year-old Arnold, who is a Spokane Indian. His family did not have any respect and self-esteem in the community because of their poverty. Arnold had physical health problems due to the scarcity of food. The whole Spokane Reservation, where Arnold and his family lived, suffered from extreme poverty and hopelessness. “Okay, so maybe my white teammates had problems, serious problems, but none of their problems was life-threatening” (p.195). The poverty of Arnold, as shown in the story, is a common definition that we all have in our minds.

Poverty does not only mean the unaffordability of food.

After spending a great deal of poor living on the Reservation, Arnold got a chance to observe that poverty is not only what he, his family, and other families living on the Reservation are suffering from., He moves to Rea, where he keeps poverty a secret from his rich and privileged classmates. “I lied about how poor I was” (p. 119). Moreover, in that secrecy, he noticed that being poor does not have one definition only. It does not refer to the unaffordability of food and clothes only or lack of education. He noticed the problems of the rich kids around him and found their poverty as well. He found that poverty comes in different shapes and forms, and privilege does not mean a perfect life.

A poverty of food is better than poverty of positive feelings.

A perfect life does not only mean providing food, education, and clothes. Poverty can be fought with or mitigated by other positive influences such as support within the family and the community, helping each other, etc. However, these positive impacts were absent from the rich and privileged community of Reardan. A lack of respect, care, and love was seen in this new community. But Arnold, with his sensibility, taught them how to care. “All of these white kids and teachers, who were so suspicious of me when I first arrived, had learned to care about me. Maybe some of them even loved me” (p.176). Arnold also went through racial discrimination and had been called various insulting names. A life is perfect when we have friends, receive love, care, and respect from the people around us, and are supported. Life is even better when people encourage us for our strength and bravery. “Junior,” she said. “I’m so proud of you.” That was the best thing she could have said.” (p.178)


The difference between poor and privileged is quite obvious in the text, but we can say that all people are poor and rich in their own distinct ways. The things that Arnold possessed were missing from his white friends at Reardan, and what he didn’t have, they were having them. “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” (p.164). The term ‘privileged’ is always taken to mean wealthy and rich and having the ability to afford anything. But actually, happiness, love, care, support, hope, and friendships; these treasures can’t be bought with money.

Works Cited

Sherman, Alexie. “The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian.” CELL 608 (2009): 0753.



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