Academic Master

Health Care

Chick-Fil-A Brazil

What flavors resonate with the Brazilian culture of chicken?

The Brazilian culture is rich in food, and they like spicy food when it comes to chicken or meat (Yarmolinsky et al., 2015). Most of their chicken dishes are grilled and rich in spices. They try to grill in a charcoal pan, and in restaurants, it is done with intense care to ensure quality (Yarmolinsky et al., 2015). For Chick-fil-A, it might be most appropriate to introduce grilled chicken only in the states of Brazil, which will be beneficial for the company.

What flavors of seasoning are popular in Brazilian culture?

Seasoning is also the marination of meat or chicken. It can be done using lemon syrup, barbeque sauces, or teriyaki. In Brazil, most of the dishes are seasoned with lemon water, as the Brazilian people like their food to be spicy with a touch of lemon on it (de Oliveira Santos et al., 2015). For Chick-fil-A, introducing chicken dishes with marination of lemon might work for their restaurants in Brazil.

What are the popular dipping sauces used in Brazil?

Brazilian chicken and meat dishes are mostly without sauces, but in different areas, there are specific dipping sauces that go along with the dishes. These causes include Coxinha and Brazilian hot sauce. Coxinha is a mixture of onion, tomato, and capsicum (da Cunha, Stedefeldt & de Rosso, 2014). It is combined, and a paste is made, which goes with the main chicken dish. Another sauce used is the hot Brazilian sauce, which is mixed with different Brazilian herbs and vegetables. Chick-fil-A should use Coxinha and hot sauce in their dishes to have a good impact on the customers.

What popular beverages or soft drinks are used in Brazil?

Most of the chicken dishes in Brazil go with the famous Brazilian drinks, i.e., Alua, which is a combination of rice, sugar, and maize. Bombeirinho is made from gooseberry syrup and is in the form of a cocktail (Yarmolinsky et al., 2015). Caipirinha is a cocktail made with lime juice and refined sugar. Chick-fil-A should use these beverages on their menu to enhance the restaurant culture.


da Cunha, D. T., Stedefeldt, E., & de Rosso, V. V. (2014). The role of theoretical food safety training on Brazilian food handlers’ knowledge, attitude, and practice. Food Control43, 167-174.

de Oliveira Santos, R., Fisberg, R. M., Marchioni, D. M., & Baltar, V. T. (2015). Dietary patterns for meals of Brazilian adults. British Journal of Nutrition114(5), 822-828.

Yarmolinsky, J., Duncan, B. B., Chambless, L. E., Bensenor, I. M., Barreto, S. M., Goulart, A. C., … & Schmidt, M. I. (2015). Artificially Sweetened Beverage Consumption Is Positively Associated with Newly Diagnosed Diabetes in Normal-Weight but Not in Overweight or Obese Brazilian Adults–3. The Journal of Nutrition146(2), 290-297.



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