Academic Master

Business and Finance

Me as a CEO of a company

The company is going down the road, and its sales/profits are decreasing. In this regard, I have been appointed as the CEO of the company, and my tasks are to get the company up and running in sales and profit. For this task, I will first hire a new sales team, which is going to be trained in the skills to produce results in the market. After hiring the sales team, I will make a SWOT analysis for the company to get knowledge of what external and internal factors lead to the dismissal of the company.

This study will analyze the company’s strengths and weaknesses and overcome appropriate threats and challenges. It will also provide details about the environmental effects on the company and how to overcome them. The marketing mix strategy will also be analyzed for the company.

After making this plan, proper steps will be taken to determine what led to the company’s dismissal and how it can be resolved. The company’s marketing mix strategy is the company’s 4 Ps, which helps to identify the core competencies of the company and tries to make positive changes in the processes. The SWOT analysis is also done because it can identify the required tasks to keep the company on track. SWOT will help the company to make findings of the areas that caused the problem and led to the downfall of the company.

These analysis can help the company to get back on track and provide the potential to make the sales and profit for the company. It is vital for every company to make plans that are beneficial for the company, especially in situations where the directors demand results from them. It is mostly recommended that the company create steps to prevent them from making future mistakes.



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