Academic Master

Business and Finance

the best approaches to deal with an insufficient adoption rate of changes in businesses

Change is such a crucial instance in an organization, and there is a need to ensure that it doesn’t affect various operations with the process. The only way to achieve that is the emergence of a sufficient adoption rate. People will always resist change due to its impact on the organization. For instance, a particular extent of change can result in individuals losing various positions within the premise. That will not get along with their demands since they will to cater for bills in most cases.

Moreover, the dependency ratio is currently high in various parts of the world (Holsapple, Lee-Post & Pakath, 2014). Therefore, losing such opportunities in the workplace contributed to the high poverty level, which is depicted mostly in developing work. The question that thus arises is: What are the best approaches to deal with an insufficient adoption rate? Carious solutions, as outlined in the prompt, can serve best.

First, there is a need for a high level of user involvement. What does this involvement look like? Ideally, everyone in the organization should be part of the change. The contemporary society keeps evolving (Chen, Chiang & Storey, 2012). As a result, businesses need skills related to analytics in planning. Most of these processes require the use of the latest technology. During my internship, it became apparent that skills are needed to meet the demands of the modern society. A barrier that arises when handling the processes effectively is limited training (Seufert & Schiefer, 2005, August). It is, therefore, imperative for the organization to offer the right training to foster the adoption rate. It becomes possible to navigate through the sub-systems, which still results in success at the end of the process. Business analytics is a new concept in the business domain, and it needs the integration of both hardware and software components for optimization. Involving the users and offering user training ensures effectiveness in handling the concern.


Chen, H., Chiang, R. H., & Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact. MIS Quarterly, 1165-1188.

Holsapple, C., Lee-Post, A., & Pakath, R. (2014). A unified foundation for business analytics. Decision Support Systems64, 130-141.

Seufert, A., & Schiefer, J. (2005, August). Enhanced business intelligence-supporting business processes with real-time business analytics. In Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2005. Proceedings. Sixteenth International Workshop on (pp. 919-925). IEEE.



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