Academic Master

Health Care

Comparison of GCU Wellness Center and Laguna Beach Community Clinic

The Grand Canyon Health and Wellness Clinic is a healthcare facility at Grand Canyon University whose main aim is to provide students and staff with a basic health support system. The facility offers a wide range of services, from support programs for those fighting addiction to immunization programs as per the University requirements. It is open all weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Laguna Beach community clinic is a healthcare facility that offers the required medical assistance to the Laguna Beach community. The services offered at the facility range from specialized services like diabetes care to general care practices like nutritional services. The services are offered to clients regardless of their ability to pay, making this institution accessible to most people in the community.

The GCU wellness program’s strength is assessed by its ability to fit the health requirements of the target population. According to the facilities outline, any student or staff in Grand Canyon University can access basic healthcare services in their facilities. The dispensation of these services aims at reducing stress in this facility and safeguards the students’ future by taking care of their psychological needs through counseling and other health-promoting services like immunization.

The GCU wellness center is equipped with board-certified nurses who provide the required services to the clients. Ensuring that all students are immunized against certain communicable diseases like gonorrhea reduces infection prevalence in the institution. The strength of the institution is evident in the reduction of school dropouts due to health-related events and stress. Support for the first years, a vulnerable section of the population, ensures that they adapt to the new environment faster, positively affecting their academic performance.

The Laguna Beach Community Clinic evaluates its strengths based on the facility’s mission, which is to offer basic care to members of the community who cannot meet their needs due to poverty. Such clients lack insurance coverage, making it hard to obtain health services in other health facilities. At Laguna Beach Community Clinic, the institution’s success is based on the satisfaction of such clients.

The services offered to clients at Laguna Beach community clinic include basic primary care practices ranging from family-centered medical care to educational programs aimed at sensitizing the community to practices associated with better health outcomes. The institution’s location in a formally neglected community offers an opportunity for the needy to meet their health needs. Offering family-centered care gives the institution the ability to adopt practices that best suit the clients (Al-Motlaq, 2017).

Another marker of Laguna Beach Clinic’s strength is the spectrum of its services and the incorporation of teenage-friendly services. The youth have been taken care of by ensuring that they offer anonymous help to young clients. Services offered include counseling on various issues affecting their lives, like sexuality and relationships. It is the role of all healthcare providers to safeguard the community’s future well-being by offering services that target the welfare of the young section of the population (Franck, 2015).

The main challenge faced in the Laguna Beach clinic is the huge number of people dependent on the institution for basic clinical care. Since the establishment of the institution in 1970, it has remained the only health facility in California that offers basic healthcare to patients who may not have adequate medical insurance coverage. Given that this population forms a fair share of the surrounding population, the facilities are overstretched, with more patients visiting the facility than the intended capacity. Even though this has been the case for a long time, the facility takes care of the dependent population in the best way possible.

The challenges faced by the GCU wellness program are identical to most facilities aiming at providing healthcare practices to students. The unwillingness of the students to seek care from the institution and the inaccessibility of the services, especially on weekends forms the major challenge. Increased sensitization of the students on the importance of seeking help from the healthcare body when facing difficult situations could help reduce the impact of the unwillingness of students to seek care on the overall output of the organization.

Evidence-based care has been demonstrated by both the GCU wellness program and the Laguna Beach community clinic. Both institutions aim to provide necessary care for the neighboring population, with the GCU wellness program aiming to ensure that students experience a good university education through adequate stress relief and basic health support. Providing these services is an assurance of recognizing the need to offer students healthcare practices to make their educational process a success. The Laguna Beach community clinic offers basic health to otherwise deficient populations. Recognition of the deficit and filling it with the required clinical care is a sign of evidence-based care that is geared towards filling the health requirements of the population (Kim, 2016).

The GCU wellness program offers psychological support programs to its clients, including smoking cessation programs and counseling on aspects of relationships that have the potential to affect the overall output of the students. The Laguna Beach community clinic has a mental health services program that offers guidance and counseling services to clients. The program is open to a wide range of clients, including adults and children.


Al-Motlaq, M. A. (2017). Family-Centered Care as a Western-centric model in developing countries: luxury versus necessity. Holistic nursing practice, 31(5), 343-347.

Franck, L. S. (2015). The child and family hospital experience: is it influenced by family accommodation? Medical Care Research and Review, 72(4), 419-437.

Kim, S. C.‐M. (2016). Predictors of Evidence‐Based Practice Implementation, Job Satisfaction, and Group Cohesion Among Regional Fellowship Program Participants. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 13(5), 340-348.



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