Academic Master


EB Sledge’s Contribution to the fight for humanity in the Second World War


EB Sledge was a professor in biology in Alabama but later was referred for training in Atlanta as a soldier of rank in the Marine. Finally, the man was sent to the Pacific to fight in the Second World War in Okinawa and Peleliu. The EB Sledge with the Old Breed is a memoir source of primary data.

It fully describes the Sledge EB in the Second World War, serving in the Pacific as well as a Marine in the United States. It describes his personal experiences in the war. This book was first written in the year 1944 when he had an experience in Peleliu. He wrote the book while he was taking a break in the camp on the Island of Pavuvu. Sledge served as an infantryman in the Pacific and a private soldier for Company K.


Sledge fought for peace in the country. The incidence of people being killed made him fight for humanity in the Second World War. Sledge learned that the war had some negative effects on both the Marines and Japanese soldiers (Sledge EB., P.27). Besides, the war destroyed the good relationship between man and the environment and further increased immorality among the human communities, thus having a negative impact on the people. However, a number of people died due to the war.

In Peleliu, the Marines fought on the coral reefs during hot weather. The heat was so intense and unbearable to the men. This harsh weather and terrain made it impossible for a successful fight in Peleliu. Sledge witnessed his fellow Marines in Company K digging some gold teeth from the Japanese soldier while the soldier was alive (Sledge EB., p.33). In Peleliu, Sledge learned that the Marines needed to live like brothers and restore harmonious relationships.

However, in Okinawa, the terrain was extremely muddy. Dead bodies were found in the ground, and so many flies and human waste made it uncomfortable to fight in Okinawa (Sledge EB., p.109). The sanitation of the area was very poor, and Marines even suffered from leg diseases. Because it was impossible to build latrines, human waste, including feces, was dumped in all the corners. Therefore, the Marines had to persevere all these challenges to fight against the enemies. Also, the land could slide when the Marines were running against the enemies.

The civilians struggled to live in an environment that was not peaceful. A lot of fear caught the civilians, and they became worried about their lives. Besides, the land totally lacked harmony and people lived as enemies to one another. Further, the refugees experienced mental torture and other physical disturbances. However, some Marines were extremely cruel to the extent of removing gold teeth from the dead bodies (Sledge EB., p.84). sled becomes biased in the story when he does not elaborate on the enmity of the Japanese soldiers. He also elaborates on how he fought for peace but kept on complaining about how the other Marines killed and plucked some gold teeth from the Japanese soldiers.


The memoir truly is fascinating. It describes the personal experience of how the war came to an end. The most horrifying and memorable event in the book is the foul smell that came from corpses that filled the land. Some maggots covered the entire corpse, a very horrific scene. Therefore, peace is needed in the country and the entire world.

Work Cited

Sledge, Eugene Bondurant. With the old breed: at Peleliu and Okinawa. Random House Digital, Inc., 2007.



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