Academic Master


living with a respectful and grateful mindset

I grew up in a perfect home, and my parents were always there for my brother and me. They made sure that we attended worship services and Sunday school. My grandmother was the best Christian; in my eyes, she knew who God was, and I admired her, as she always had her face. As I got older and was around her all the time, I wondered how she could always be so cheerful. I could not understand all the injustices and prejudices, being called the “n” word so much. She said that she was used to it now. She would tell us that it was God who gave her strength over all these years and that she was so thankful because God is faithful to His word.

The skills I exercise in my life toward others are understanding awareness, communication, respect, and cultural competence. Human beings find comfort and trust in people that are like them. As human beings, we look to spend time with the people most like us. It can be the same race, age, ethnicity, or the same gender. These characteristics are human nature and in no way mean that humans, as a species, are cruel or mean in essence. Instead, these are the very characteristics that make us humans. However, these facts might be hurdles in dealing with diversities.

These principles, I see, at present, are coming to terms with my attitude and beliefs. I am becoming more understanding and patient and have begun to grow more comfortable with the differences in other cultures. I have learned that diversity goes beyond merely race and gender. The term diversity covers all the aspects of differences among human beings. All people are different in various terms, as they may be either old or young, may be dwelling in urban or rural settlements, or may be the native citizens of the country or immigrants. All people are equal, and therefore, no one should be targeted for their inequities of present or past. All of us behave in a specific manner depending on our socialization. Consequently, it can efficiently be said that we all may b both, the victims and the perpetrators of stereotyping and discrimination at times. What matters is that we strive for the creation of increasing opportunities for people by moving forward.

We, as Christians, should look for ways to work efficiently with people of diverse backgrounds. Cultural awareness is the need of the hour, coupled with the skills needed to interact in the same place that these injustices and disrespectful behaviors come from. Hogan’s four skills of cultural diversity provided me with the tools to help me become a culturally competent person. This book is helpful for developing the awareness, understanding, and skills required for dealing with diverse people. It provides a comprehensive approach to the learning and practicing of cultural competence. Describing the background of the four skills in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 greatly helped me understand what “culture” looks like in the absence of any reservation.

Perception is the byproduct, so to speak, of organization and the interpretation of input information by a person to create a meaningful image of the world. The most important aspect to consider regarding perception is that it may greatly vary among different individuals exposed to the same reality. Culture affects how one hears and sees. Contrary to popular belief, what you see is not always what you get. The key to demonstrating cultural sensitivity is to be aware of the variations that exist in every culture.



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