Academic Master


How was the reconstruction that happened in the 1800s a success for the United States of America?

According to historians, the reconstruction, which happened in the 1800s, was a success for the United States of America because it helped make it a unified nation. All the states that were once against the federation and rebelled against the central government came to an agreement on all the amendments during that time, including the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth. This period of reconstruction also helped solve the problem of federalism, which had been happening since 1790.

After the Civil War ended, the reunification of the country was started by President Lincoln which gained the objective of restoring the union. Few historians have suggested that the reconstruction was a failure due to many key issues that still remain in the United States of America. Those issues were the racial and slavery including the social approach f southern side. Right after the Civil War, when the troops were been removed, the owners of slaves once again captivated the African Americans and started the pattern of brutal treatment, which they had done before. The United America granted rights to every state of legislation, and the politicians from the South passed such laws that took all the rights from the blacks. The pardon was permitted to rebels despite the pressure of giving them punishment, but the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction was provided to rebels.

Many problems were left after the first reconstruction, and for those problems, a second reconstruction needed to happen. The laws that the southerners were reluctant to implement were implemented by second reconstructions. It gave the rights of military commanders to register votes and take the oath from others so that one federal system could be implemented. The other issue was black and civil rights people, which were not implemented, but the second reconstruction helped it implemented.



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