Academic Master


The Case of Hamlet’s Conscience by Catherine Belsey

In his article, Catherine Besley gives his opinion concerning revenge plays. She uses various works to explain his idea that most plays that contain the theme of tragedy usually include some revenge. It is often revenge by the characters’ own initiative or retaliation by the work of the heavens. She further explains that seeking revenge is not justice but deciding whether to seek revenge or not depends on an individual’s conscience or law.

She starts writing her article by demonstrating how the act of seeking justice or revenge begins. She states that once a leader or a person who is regarded in society as a person of higher rank becomes an oppressor, that’s when people start to seek the justice that has been lost. She gives examples by connecting Hamlet to the” revenger’s tragedy”, providing a clear indication that the sovereign is himself a criminal. In Hamlet, King Claudius killed the previous king so that he could ascend to the throne. The idea behind this story demonstrates that revenge is not justice. She further states that an individual who seeks revenge is always in conflict with his conscience and thoughts. Although people are allowed to have particular minor disobedience, killing is not usually among them. This causes friction of conscience to the king who avenged, therefore making him a coward. I agree with Catherine Besley’s comment on Hamlet. This is because there is always a conflict between people who are the upper class and the lower class, as has been demonstrated by Hamlet. Secondly, in reality, most of the people at the top level have a dramatic interest in power and authority. All acts of revenge have a different ending, but there is always a better way to deal with issues, as demonstrated. Further, in real life, acting with rationality rather than impulse sometimes leads to superior ends, as shown by Hamlet.



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