Academic Master


The volume of daylight hours and the theory of the Earth’s axis

The volume of daylight hours depends upon the latitude and the theory of the earth’s axis. The rotation of the axis is skewed from the orbital line, and it is always pointed in the same direction, i.e., towards the Star in the North (Oberoi, 2017). This results in the variation of Earth’s axis, which changes yearly, as the Earth revolves around the sun. sometimes, the Earth’s axis points towards the sun and sometimes away from it. As this positioning changes throughout the year, the Earth’s sunlight changes upon any autonomy.

The orientation of the axis leads to the variation and production of solar energy (Oberoi, 2017). This causes a change in climate, a difference in the intensity of the sun’s light reaching Earth’s bed, and an effect on the number of hours of daylight. This variation in the heat intensity is because the position at which the rays of the sun hit the Earth’s surface is constantly changing with the period of the year.

Practically, when you shine a flashlight on any wall, the area where the light hits either grows or shrinks, depending on whether there is any object between it. The same is true for the Earth’s axis, where the sun’s energy is spread out depending on the different geographic areas when the sunshine hits the Earth. In summer, it is more intense because the sun is higher in the sky in summer.

This spinning of the Earth also elaborates the cycle of day and night. The shifting of the Earth’s axis also tells us about the day’s span. In different winter hemispheres, daylight hours are the shortest. Likely, in summer, daylight hours are the longest (Gurel, Eryılmaz & McDermott, 2015). Compared to summer and winter solstice, the number of daylight hours decreased. If this rate of decrease is high, the latitude will be higher. The fewer hours of sunlight there are, the colder the nights will be, which happens in winter when sunlight is the lowest.

The spinning of Earth also tells about the number of hours in a day, which is twenty-four in the current world. As Earth orbits the sun, it spins with the axis once every 24 hours. This variation gradually fluctuates based on time. In 650 AD, 22 hours were counted in a day.

The misconception made in the modern world, is the same as discussed. People think summer daylight hours are more than winter, which is somewhat true. But, they don’t know that this concept is followed by science (Gurel, Eryılmaz & McDermott, 2015). Science explains why this happens because the sun is closer to the earth in summer than winter.

A person sitting near a fire feels more heat than a person sitting far away from the fire. This explains that the Earth’s axis determines that the Earth comes near the sun in summer. Due to this reason, there is more heat in summer than in winter. This reason also results in more hours of daylight than night. Usually, in winter, the sun rises at four in the morning and sits at five in the evening. But, in summer, it rises at six in the morning and sets at about seven in the evening. This is due to the changing methods our science has created. Different geographical areas come across different climate effects. In the Middle East, there is a warmer climate in July. However, in America, there is not much hot weather in July compared to the Middle Eastern countries. Due to Earth’s axis, the sun rests one minute after the previous day every day. This means that if the sun rested at 6:03 PM the previous day, it would rest at 6:04 PM today and 6:05 PM the next day. This is the theory of science that clearly explains the misconceptions created today.


Gurel, D. K., Eryılmaz, A., & McDermott, L. C. (2015). A Review and Comparison of Diagnostic Instruments to Identify Students’ Misconceptions in Science. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education11(5).

Oberoi, M. (2017). Review of Literature on Student’s Misconceptions in Science. International Journal Of Scientific Research And Education5(03).



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