Academic Master


The structure and function of the Kidney

Kidneys are present in pair form, and they are bean-shaped in appearance. Kidneys in the body are present on both sides they are present below the ribs and behind the abdomen. The primary function of kidneys is the filtration of blood. The kidney, glomerulus, and Bowman’s capsule are known as the main filtering units. Both are termed renal corpuscles. A glomerulus is a sandwich between two arterioles responsible for increasing and decreasing blood pressure flow. The glomerulus is known as the capillaries bed and capillaries are surrounded by podocytes which further leave finger-like projections between capillaries known as filtration slits. Slits are considered to be critical because they have to filter the blood. These slits filter blood depending on the size of particles protein can not cross, whereas salts, water, and small-sized particles have to be filtered (“Renal physiology: Glomerular filtration,” 2018).

When a person consumes a liter of distilled water rapidly, it is absorbed into the blood, decreasing the blood’s colloidal osmotic pressure. Water diffuses out of the blood, reducing the colloidal osmotic pressure in the interstitial and other extracellular body fluids. As a result, water diffuses from the interstitial fluid into the cells, raising the intracellular fluid (“Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance”, 2018).

The presence of fluid in the body is considered necessary because it is responsible for lubrication, helps in digestion, and the transport of oxygen and nutrients, and it also protects the body. For the performance of body functions, the body’s PH level should vary according to the body. Each body section has different mechanisms for the regulation or maintenance of PH. For example, water balance, electrolytes, and acid-base balance are present in the urinary system. In the human body, lactic acid is a significant waste product of metabolism. Lactic acid is a strong acid that is used for the maintenance of body PH. Sodium bicarbonate and carbonic acid buffers are present in the blood (“pH of the Blood – 3 – Control mechanisms – M J Bookallil”, 2018).


  1. Renal physiology: Glomerular filtration. (2018). Khan Academy. Retrieved 22 February 2018, from
  2. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance. (2018). all aboard the mucus elevator!!. Retrieved 22 February 2018, from
  3. pH of the Blood – 3 – Control mechanisms – M J Bookallil. (2018). Retrieved 22 February 2018, from



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