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11 Tips and Tricks To Mastering Psychometric Assessment 

Psychometric tests have become a crucial part of the recruitment and selection process for many organizations. Designed to objectively measure cognitive abilities, personality traits, and job compatibility, acing these assessments can make or break your application. By mastering key strategies and being thoroughly prepared, you can optimize your performance and stand out from the crowd.

1. Embrace the Digital Age: Practice Realistic Online Tests

With assessments now predominantly conducted online, it’s vital to get comfortable with digital mock tests. Familiarizing yourself with the interface and functionality of various test providers is crucial to avoid any surprises on the actual day.

Understanding the unique style and design of different test providers is also pivotal in adapting your preparation approach. While the fundamentals remain constant, nuances in the testing style can impact your performance. Extensive practice eliminates this variability and primes you for success irrespective of the test format.

2. Self-awareness is Key: Identify and Work on Your Weakest Areas

At its core, psychometric testing aims to evaluate your thought processes and behavioral traits. Thus, a deep understanding of your strengths and limitations is invaluable. Rigorously tracking your mock test performance, including the use of Saville Assessment answers, provides tangible data to pinpoint problematic areas.

Whether it’s a particular question type or a recurring error, recognizing your weak spots enables the targeted practice to transform them into strengths. Psychometric testing experts universally agree that tailoring your preparation to address personal problem areas is a sure-shot way to boost scores.

3. Seek Constructive Feedback

In the journey to peak psychometric test performance, feedback is an invaluable tool. Whether from a coach, peer, or mock test provider, constructive feedback shines a light on blind spots. It provides an external perspective to balance your self-evaluation.

Actively seeking detailed feedback after every practice test is hugely beneficial. Look out for patterns in the criticisms to uncover systemic gaps in knowledge or strategy. Similarly, leverage positive feedback to gain insight into your strengths. This informed understanding empowers you to optimize your preparation and achieve ambitious score targets.

Source: Practice Aptitude Tests

4. Expand Your Horizons: Broaden Your Knowledge and Vocabulary

Psychometric tests evaluate your ability to comprehend, analyze, and interpret complex concepts across diverse contexts. Expanding your horizons through extensive reading equips you with this vital knowledge and vocabulary arsenal.

Reading newspapers, academic texts and quality fiction allows you to absorb new information and perspectives. It enhances your critical thinking while exposing you to new terms and ideas. This strengthens your comprehension and ability to handle abstract concepts, which form the crux of psychometric assessments.

To expand your knowledge effectively:

  • Make reading a daily habit – Set aside at least 30-60 minutes for reading daily. Consistency is key.

  • Vary your reading materials – Rotate between fiction, non-fiction, newspapers, magazines, and academic journals. Variety expands your thinking.

  • Underline unfamiliar terms – Note down terms you’re unfamiliar with and look up definitions. Building your vocabulary is pivotal.

  • Retain key insights – Maintain a reading journal with bullet point summaries and key ideas. Refreshing this regularly aids retention.

  • Discuss learnings – Having conversations about what you read provides another perspective.

  • Apply new knowledge – Relate your reading to mock psychometric tests to connect insights.

5. Decode the Employer’s Expectations

Beyond just acing the tests, it’s crucial to embody the attributes your target employer seeks. Carefully analyze the job description and research platforms like Glassdoor to glean insights into the role’s demands.

Working backward, you can then sharpen your preparation to display those desired competencies. For instance, leadership roles may emphasize numerical reasoning, while analytical roles target logical thinking. Tailoring your practice to the employer’s needs demonstrates your strategic thinking.

6. Time Management: Master the Clock

Pace and precision go hand in hand in psychometric assessments. The allocated time per question is limited, so mastering speed and focus is essential. Avoid getting bogged down on any single tough question.

Develop strategies to allocate time appropriately, such as solving easier questions first or reserving a few minutes at the end for review. Structured practice helps internalize an optimal rhythm so maintaining speed and accuracy becomes second nature.

7. Verbal Reasoning: Strengthen Your Logic

Hone your deductive reasoning skills through practice tests encompassing statements, conclusions, assumptions, strengths of arguments, and inferences. Pay attention to subtle cues like “some,” “all,” or “none.” Identify contrary evidence that weakens an argument. Structure your thought process.

8. Numerical Reasoning: Master the Math Basics

Ensure conceptual clarity on key mathematical concepts including fractions, percentages, ratios, basic algebra, and geometry. Practice mental math rigorously through timed drills. Develop number sense, estimation abilities, and comfort with numerical data. Fluency with the fundamentals is vital.

9. Abstract Reasoning: Recognize the Patterns

Look for patterns, relationships, and logical rules connecting shapes and symbols. Start by identifying commonalities in a set – position, shading, orientation, and size. Apply deductive reasoning to determine the related shape. Regular practice builds speed and accuracy.

10. Situational Judgement: Make Logical Choices

Analyze possible responses to workplace scenarios considering priorities, policies, ethics, and impact on stakeholders. Read situations carefully as subtle details influence suitable actions. Choose optimal solutions, not necessarily perfect ones. Justify your rationale.

11. Personality Tests: Answer Honestly and Consistently

Respond truthfully instead of projecting an idealized persona – assessments validate consistency. There are no right or wrong answers in personality tests – self-awareness is key. Answer similarly to related questions measuring the same trait. Rely on your self-knowledge.


How do psychometric tests differ from academic exams?

Psychometric tests assess how you think and react, not just what you know. They are designed to gauge cognitive abilities and fit within an organization, rather than academic knowledge.

Are all psychometric tests conducted online?

While the majority of psychometric tests are now conducted online, some may still be paper-based. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the test format in advance.

Can I use external tools, like calculators, during the test?

The rules vary depending on the test. Some tests allow the use of calculators, while others might require manual calculations. Always check the guidelines before starting.


With these well-rounded tips, tricks, and insights, you now have a blueprint to excel in any psychometric assessment on your horizon. Adopt a focused yet holistic approach, address your weak spots, and leverage your strengths to demonstrate your true potential. Mastering these strategies requires diligence and commitment, but unlocks your pathway to career success powered by peak test performance.



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