Academic Master

The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.

Psychological Testing

Psychology is a daily application in different real-life situations. In particular, I will focus on psychological testing as a tool in real-life applications. Psychological testing is necessary for various aspects of life right from schools, hospitals, and other institutions. The experiment in psychology aimed at getting rigid information about a particular problem (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2017).

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Karl Marx

Adam Smith is known as the best as Moral Philosopher of his time, serving as a Professor at the University of Glasgow and Oxford University. During his life he published two books by the name of “Theory of Moral Sentiments,” and the other was an inquiry by the name of “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.” Smith stated that societies remain dependent on the

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Eating Disorder Essay

a. Thesis/Introduction introducing the Presenting Problem, Population, and Group Topic Eating disorder is a common occurrence in the modern world. In most cases, the characteristic of the disorder is volatility inconsistency. There are three forms of the disorder: bulimia nervosa or anorexia, bulimia, and gluttony. A person starts to want to eat constantly, there are not enough servings. Even with severe overeating, and stomach problems, the body is not saturated

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Motivational Sphere of Personality

Introduction One of the most important components of the activity is motivation. It is common for a person to ask questions about the reasons that prompted another person to act in a certain way. It becomes obvious that our evaluation of a given behavior always includes taking into account the causal or motivational factor (from the motif – the cause). In modern psychology, the term “motive” (“motivating factor”) denotes completely

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Personal Code Of Ethics

  Defining Your Own Personal Bias A personal code of ethics is the belief that one bases one’s opinions and actions on. That’s the reason why it’s always recommended that when one is drafting their code of conduct, they ought to write what they firmly believe in. The first draft of the personal code of ethics takes stock of one’s life, and that is it captures the actual picture of

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what is Aristotle’s Doctrine of Virtue?

Aristotle presented his perception of virtue by clarifying that virtues are not feelings and should not be treated as one. As such a virtue can’t be treated as a person’s capacity, but a better explanation of it illuminates the evident relation of a settled disposition in reaction to the passion that can be referred to as a properly functioning example of a human being. Virtuous actions can satisfy a person

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Our Account will be Adequate if its Clarity is in Line with the Subject Matter Because the Same Degree of Precision is not to be sought in all Discussions, any more than in Works of Craftsmanship.

The statement “Our account will be adequate if its clarity is in line with the subject matter because the same degree of precision is not to be sought in all discussions, any more than in works of craftsmanship.” (NE I.3, 1094b) Appears in Book I, Chapter 3. It is the main from some forewarnings. Aristotle cautions us not to assume any particular rules or codes of conduct. This is not

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Contradictory political views of Jean-Jacque Rousseau and Edmund Burke in perspective of the French Revolution

Introduction Jean-Jacque Rousseau and Edmund Burke, both were the most influential philosophers of politics during the 18th century. Despite the fact that both men lived during the same era, both men’s views on philosophy were totally different from each other. In fact, both philosophers were on opposite sides, sharing absolutely opposite political views from each other. Burke favored the traditions of France, which is why he opposed the French Revolution.

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two case studies of professional and life issues that students are likely to face

Introduction Students are faced with some challenges in their daily lives. It could be challenged at the workplace, at home, at school, or in relation to other people. Deciding on how to solve a certain challenge may be easy for some, and it may also be a big issue for others. The decision that an individual makes may depend on the knowledge the individual has concerning the issue or the

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Seneca’s Work on the Eschatological View

Seneca’s text on the eschatological view is not without sanction. His writings, as well as Regenbogen’s final point, provide compelling evidence for apocalyptic premonitions. Seneca’s work has comparable visions; some are spectacularly destructive and others are ambiguous. The most influential text in his work talks about how great it is to be swept away along with the universe. It is believed that, against human history, nature will finally yield its

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Theoretical Approach of the novel “Passing”

“Passing” is one well-known novel written by Nella Larsen in 1929. It is one of the author’s good attempts to establish women’s prestigious position in the literary world. This particular novel “Passing” can be characterized as an effective debate on the issue of racism. It is based on the narration of two women who crossed the features of colour in the 1920s. Irene and Clare are the story’s two main

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a Reflective Log on Personality Development and Potential for Further Growth

Personality development and room for continuance in improvement during my academic career are the hallmarks that have always urged me to move towards better and better. Such aspects play a vital role in bringing stability and a unified approach to personality for prospects. From my school days, I have been active in curricular and co-curricular activities and have prominently proved myself by the grace of God. My teachers, school administration,

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The Ethical Dilemma and the Contribution of Kantianism and Utilitarianism Ethical Theories

Ethical Dilemma Ethical/ moral dilemma refers to a severe condition often concerning an apparent mental conflict amid moral necessities in which to follow one would result in disobeying another. I am currently facing a friendship dilemma involving four parties: Jeremy, Anthony, Anthony’s wife, and me. I am employing the best way possible to solve it. Being faced with a friendship dilemma is an issue that causes a severe headache. Jeremy

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The contributions Erik Eriksson made to developmental psychology

Erik Homburger Erikson was a German psychoanalyst known for his contributions to developmental psychology, especially for formulating the theory of psychosocial development and its eight stages. He was born in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 15, 1902, and died in Massachusetts, United States, on May 12, 1994. At Harvard Medical School, he got his first job, where he had a private practice to practice psychoanalysis of children. By then, Erikson was

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necessary stages of psychological Development in human beings

Erik Erikson was a famous developmental psychologist. He was born in Germany and died at the age of 91. He is famous for his theory, “Erikson’s stages of psychological development.” Erik Erikson and Joan Erikson have done the work. According to Erik, every human being has to face eight stages of psychological development from the embryonic stage to late adulthood. Each developmental stage is dependent upon the previous stage. A

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The Stuart Mills’ ethical theory of utilitarianism

Stuart Mills’ ethical theory of utilitarianism is one of the most attacked texts in the history of philosophy. Some philosophers argue that this text only tries to show the many mistakes a brilliant philosopher can make. However, several secondary works of literature have shown that Mill’s text is not as foolish as some philosophers have often portrayed it. Mill has made a lot of observations to support utilitarianism. In moral

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Civilizations and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud

Part One Sigmund Freud presents a philosophical opinion regarding the treatment of civilization, aggression as well as super-ego in his excerpt, ‘Civilizations and Its Discontents.’ According to this piece of literature, the author asserts that the construct of civilization brings about fundamental tension in an individual. In essence, the primary cause of fiction is the quest by an individual to exercise his or her instinctive freedoms as well as civilization.

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