Academic Master


Theoretical framework to guide vocabulary instruction and learning in K-5 classroom


Vocabulary as a branch of the science of language in the school was not studied either in the pre-revolutionary period, nor in the Soviet era, although work on the word (vocabulary) at different historical stages was given a large place. Vocabulary and phraseology have been taught in school since 1970. Their inclusion as separate sections in the school curriculum in the Russian language increased the cognitive and practical orientation of the course, helped to increase the interest of students in the Russian language as a subject, revived the extra-curricular work, provided the conditions for holding classes in the seventh and eighth grades on vocabulary and phraseology.

For a relatively short period of study of the above sections, a new field of methods of teaching the Russian language has developed-a technique of vocabulary and phraseology that formulated its goals and defined the content of instruction, as well as methods for studying lexicological and phraseological concepts and methods for the formation of language and language lexical and phraseological skills among students. Many methodologists contributed to the creation of a new field of methods of teaching the Russian language, as well as teachers whose articles and development of lessons in vocabulary and phraseology were published in the journal “Russian language at school” in various collections.

In the middle of the 19th century F. Buslaev recommended the work on lexical concepts, which proclaimed “the principle of comprehensive study of the language” 1 . He first introduced into the school course of the Russian (native) language the study of individual lexical concepts: onomastics (studying the initial meaning of words, the figurative meaning of words, synonymy); archaisms; borrowed words (“alien elements”); dialectal words (“provincialisms”) 2 .

As a section of the science of the language of lexicon was included only in the draft programs of 1944, 1951, 1965 and 1967. Her long absence in the school course of the Russian language is due primarily to the fact that lexicology as a branch of the science of language, which studies the word as one of the main linguistic units, began to take shape in our country only in the 30s of the 20th century after the publication of ” The course of the Russian literary language “L.A. Bulakhovsky (Kiev, 1939), in which the section “Vocabulary” was first published, revealing the lexicological and phraseological categories of the Russian literary language.

The lack of vocabulary in the Russian language school in the past is also due to the fact that the methodologists and teachers underestimated its great importance for the formation of both verbal and spelling skills, as they saw the basis for the development of skills and skills only in grammar.

In the 1960s and 1970s, when the foundations of the lexicology of the modern Russian literary language were created, the methodology was able to develop content and techniques for studying vocabulary as a branch of the science of language at school. In these years MTBaranov 1 , A.V. Prudnikova 2 , A.I. Kondrashenkova, Yu.Ya.Plotnikova 3 , K.A. Sidorenko, V.A. Myzin and others conducted methodological studies aimed at clarifying the role of vocabulary in the formation of skills and abilities of students in grades 5-7, the content of the work, principles and methods of study, etc.

Expanding the content of teaching Russian in grades 5-7 due to the inclusion of vocabulary and phraseology caused the emergence of a new field of methods of teaching the Russian language – the technique of vocabulary and phraseology, which became an element of the structure of our science, along with its previously established fields.

The technique of vocabulary and phraseology has now acquired the rights of an independent field of methods of teaching the Russian language, not only because it has direct correlation with sections of the school curriculum – vocabulary and phraseology. It has its goals and its subject of education, its content, its methods of teaching, and its methods of scientific research of the process of mastering lexicological and phraseological concepts and mastering the educational and linguistic lexicological and phraseological skills.

Chapter I. Fundamentals of the methods of studying vocabulary in school.

§1. Linguodidactic bases of studying of lexicon at school.

Vocabulary, on the one hand, is a section of the science of language, studying its vocabulary system, on the other – the totality of all the words of the language. Vocabulary (lexicology) as a branch of the science of language in the methodology of the Russian language corresponds to the technique of vocabulary, and vocabulary as the aggregate of all words of the language (vocabulary) – the technique of enriching the vocabulary of students.

Work on vocabulary at school has a huge both general educational and practical significance. 1 The general meaning of the vocabulary is that its study expands the students’ knowledge of the language, introduces one of the units of the language – the word (along with the sound and sentence), shows the existing links in the language between vocabulary and other levels of the language: between vocabulary and phonetics, between vocabulary and word formation, between vocabulary and morphology, between vocabulary and syntax, introduces the use of words, with the main sources of vocabulary replenishment 2 .

The practical meaning of the lexicon lies in the fact that its study reveals the word as an element of the vocabulary system, positively influences the students’ awareness of the specifics of the remaining units of the language, influences the acquisition of spelling skills, is the basis for enriching the vocabulary of students and the basis for work on style. The study of vocabulary develops the attention of schoolchildren to the meanings and uses of words, educates them in the need to choose a suitable word for the expression of a particular thought in their own speech, allows us to justify the system of exercises on the expressive and visual means of the studied artistic works in literature lessons, forms the ability to use an explanatory dictionary .

Through interest in vocabulary, interest in the Russian language as a whole also develops.

Sustained characteristics of the phenomenon.

In the school course of the Russian language, vocabulary is studied as a special section of the science of language and as a lexical aspect (ie taking into account the interlayer linkages of vocabulary) learning grammar. Lexicology has its object of study – a word that is viewed from different sides, and its own system of concepts.

In lexicology, words are studied in terms of:

  1. Their semantic meaning,
  2. Places in the general vocabulary system,
  3. Origin,
  4. Useability,
  5. Sphere of application in the process of communication,
  6. Their expressive-stylistic nature.

In school, lexicology is studied in the narrow sense of the term, that is, as a dictionary system of language. However, the school lexicon includes some information about stable combinations and dictionaries (explanatory dictionary, dictionary of foreign words, phraseological dictionary).

The section “Lexicon” has a special role in the development of schoolchildren’s sense of language, in the formation of their skills to use the word with regard to its semantic, stylistic qualities, the laws of its compatibility. Assimilation of some theoretical information about a word as a lexical unit should become the basis of work on enriching the vocabulary of students, to promote the formation of skills in the field of connected speech.

Aspect study of vocabulary allows you to better understand the grammatical phenomena and understand the features of the functioning of lexical phenomena in the sentence, and also provides a systematic repetition of lexical concepts and the consolidation of relevant skills in the study of grammar. At the same time, without a special study of vocabulary as a section of the science of language, it is difficult to show the students the relationship between grammar and vocabulary.

With a word as a unit of language, students deal with the first steps of schooling and throughout the course of studying Russian language and literature, because the word is a building material for both a sentence and a coherent statement. In accordance with this MT Baranov allocates four stages of work on lexical phenomena in the Russian language school course:

  1. Propaedeutic (primary classes);
  2. Systematic (grades 5-6);
  3. Aspect study of vocabulary (Grade 7);
  4. Functional-stylistic (grades 8-9) 1 .

Acquaintance with individual lexical concepts (without the use of terms) begins in the primary classes. At this stage, children learn that there are words that are close and opposite in meaning, they learn to choose “the best word for expressing thought,” to engage in “eliminating the monotonous use of words in connected speech.”

At the initial (propaedeutic) stage, there is a practical acquaintance with the word, which is opposed to reality; with words that are close and opposite in meaning. Practically, students get acquainted with many-valued words.

At the systematic stage, lexical concepts characterizing the word from the side of meaning, use and origin are studied, and educational and linguistic lexicological and phraseological skills are formed to find the phenomena studied, to use them in one’s own speech, to use various explanatory dictionaries.

Lexical concepts associated with the meaning of the word are included in the program of the 5th class, and the lexical concepts associated with the use and origin of words are included in the 6th grade program. The study of vocabulary in grades 5 and 6 provides the most favorable conditions for both mastering it and for developing various skills and for implementing interdisciplinary connections of the Russian language and literature, relieves students of the difficulties associated with insufficient preparedness in other subjects and the assimilation of use and the origin of words.

When determining the structure of the program for grades 5 and 6, the question arose about the place in it of vocabulary. It should be placed before the grammar (that is, up to word formation, morphology and syntax), since all sections of the grammar operate with the word, therefore, the pupils should be familiar with the vocabulary of the language.

Words, as you know, are included in the semantic level of the language, which is between the lower, phonetic, level and higher, grammatical. In accordance with this vocabulary as a section of the science of language, studying the features of the vocabulary of the language, in the program for the 5th and 6th grades is placed after the phonetics before the grammar. The study of vocabulary after phonetics allows you to rely on the material familiar to learners, makes it possible to correlate the composition of a word with its lexical meaning, and also to show the “servicing” role of sounds with respect to words.

The basis of the Russian language course is the lexical concepts of modern lexicology (the synchronous principle of selecting lexical concepts).

“To be able to distinguish and name the corresponding concepts,” wrote MA Rybnikova, “it means having a great expressiveness and accuracy of the language” 2 .

In aggregate, lexicological concepts are made up of three groups:

  1. Concepts that are part of the lexical paradigm at the level of the semantics of the word;
  2. Concepts related to the use of words in different areas of language use;
  3. Concepts associated with the development of vocabulary, with the origin of the words of the Russian language.

The first group consists of concepts: the word, the lexical meaning of the word, the polysemy of the word (multivalued and unambiguous words), the portable meaning of the word, homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, emotionally expressive words, stylistically colored words. The second group consists of concepts: common and uncommon words, dialect words, professional words. The third group includes obsolete words, neologisms, primordially Russian words, borrowed words.

In addition to lexical concepts, lexicographic concepts are included in the school lexicon: “explanatory dictionary”, “dictionary article”. Practically, students get acquainted with the main ways of interpreting the lexical meaning of the word.

The school course of the Russian language also includes phraseological concepts: “phraseology,” “phraseology.”

But in the real educational process (especially in literature lessons) schoolchildren are faced with lexical phenomena considered in historical lexicology. Therefore, the vocabulary of the vocabulary includes, in addition to the basic concepts of modern lexicology, individual concepts of historical lexicology: obsolete and new words that are necessary primarily for the formation of schoolchildren’s view of language as a developing phenomenon closely related to the history of the Russian people.

The amount of information about certain lexical concepts can not be the same. It depends on the significance of the lexical phenomena studied for understanding the lexical system and for the practice of students. As you know, some lexical phenomena are found in all or in several functional styles (polysemantic words, synonyms, antonyms), others – in separate functional styles (dialect and professional words, obsolete words). Naturally, the first group of lexical phenomena should be reported more information than the second. Here we trace the direct link between vocabulary and stylistics.

All the lexical phenomena studied in the school are the information of the following information: the definition of the concept, the use of the phenomenon in speech, the way the phenomenon is reflected in the explanatory dictionary, and the use in art works. On the lexical phenomena of the first group, in addition, information on their own uses are in different styles.

Along with the study of vocabulary as a special section of the science of language in special studies of the grades 5-7 (grammar lessons, as well as in classes on stylistics and development of speech), where knowledge students in the vocabulary are generalized, repeated and deepened 1 .

Vocabulary, being an independent section of the school of the Russian language, is directly related to its other sections, and in particular to grammar. After all, words, denoting the phenomena of objective reality and having a lexical meaning, at the same time belong to one another lexico-grammatical category. The knowledge of the meanings of words is also important for the assimilation of the morphological and syntactic concepts, since each grammatical category represents a unity of lexical and grammatical aspects. Thus, in the study of lexical concepts, students also comprehend the grammatical structure of the language, and learn its laws. This connection was drawn to the attention of VV Vinogradov, who wrote that “in the languages ​​of such a system as the Russian,there are no lexical meanings, which would not be grammatically formalized and classified … Lexical meanings of the word are summed up under grammatical categories. The definition of the lexical meanings of a word already includes indications of the grammatical characteristics of a word. The grammatical forms and meanings of the word collide, then merge with its lexical meanings “2 .

A great place is found in vocabulary and in the development of speech. In preparation for writing essays and essays, students work on the appropriate choice and use of linguistic means, depending on the purpose of the utterance, the style of speech. At the same time, it is necessary to work to prevent lexical errors in the process of vocabulary preparation for presentations and essays, and after their verification.

Therefore, by studying the vocabulary, vocabulary and grammar, vocabulary and spelling, vocabulary and stylistics, which creates the necessary prerequisites for learning different sections of the school course on a lexical basis, for purposeful enrichment of the vocabulary students. In addition, familiarity with vocabulary reveals to the students, inexhaustible riches of the Russian language, its vocabulary, educates in them, a conscious attitude towards the word, its choice and use in speech, depending on the topic and the main idea of The utterance.

§ 3. Goals, tasks of teaching vocabulary in school, the content of work.

Common problems in the methodology of vocabulary and phraseology are those of the solution of extensions to all languages ​​in the field of language education in the Russian language (the task of and role of learning vocabulary in school, the linguistic basis of the school course of vocabulary and phraseology, the principles of selection of the vocabulary and phraseology, the content of the vocabulary and phraseology of the vocabulary and phraseology, the content of work on vocabulary and phraseology, the lexical and phraseological concepts the study of nonleptic phenomena, the specifics of verifying work on vocabulary and phraseology in controlling the knowledge and skills of students in grades 5-7.

Between the lexical concepts there is much in common, therefore, in the methodology for their study, general principles are outlined, and similar types of exercises and similar ways of systematizing the material are used for fixing. Theory of vocabulary and phraseology, as well as in other sections of the theology of the Russian language, uses obshdidakticheskie principles (visibility, accessibility, systematic, scientific, the connection theory and practice) and special principles stemming from the specific features of the studied lexical and phraseological phenomena.

Given the specifics of lexical phenomena, in order to reveal their essence, it is necessary to rely on the following comparisons: words and realities, denoted by this word (extralinguistic principle); lexical and grammatical meanings of the word (lexico-grammatical principle); units of the lexical paradigm with each other (the system principle); words and phraseological units according to the spheres of their use (functional principle); history of the life of the word and the life of the people (historical, or diachronic principle). From these comparisons, a set of principles of the methodology of vocabulary 1 created is .

As is known, significant words are directly connected with the real world with objects, signs and actions, being their name. Proceeding from the unity of the signified and the signifier, when the essence of lexical phenomena is separated, it is expedient to rely on this word, that is, the extralinguistic principle that applies to words with a matter of sense.

The reliance on the extralinguistic principle of the study of lexical phenomena. In accordance with the nature of the lexical concepts, for example, in paragraphs on antonyms and homonyms; the second group includes drawings accompanied by signatures, for example, in paragraphs on synonyms, obsolete words, borrowed words. Each of these groups of figures is used differently in explaining the essence of the lexical concept. When analyzing the first group of drawings,students come up from the image of objects to the word, and when analyzing the second group of pictures.

Lexicological categories, in which the studied lexical phenomena are combined, are closely connected with grammar. Thus, not all words having different meanings with the unity of speech and writing are homonyms, but only those words that belong to the same part of speech. For example, a bow (vegetable) and a bow (weapon) are homonyms, because they are both nouns, but the words stove (action) and oven (object) are not homonyms, because they belong to different parts of speech.

Comparison of the lexical and grammatical meanings of the words is of great importance, in particular, in the derivation of the law. The lexico-grammatical principle is especially necessary in working with words.

The word, enter into different semantic links with other words, forms a lexical paradigm. To clarify the linguistic essence of this or that member of this paradigm.

This system should be used in the study of polysemantic words and homonyms, polysemantic words and antonyms, synonyms and antonyms, synonyms and related words.

Words in the language, the nominative (naming) function and function of expressing feelings, moods, and personal relationships. Some words are freely used in all styles of speech. Other words have a predominant use in any one style of speech, which often depends on which of the functions of the communication. Therefore, lexical meanings must be considered taking into account their stylistic stratification; guided by a functional principle. This will ensure in the future vocabulary preparation for the presentation and writing of a given style of speech.

Emotional stylistic coloring of words in school is not specifically studied, but in 5 and 6 classes, when familiarizing themselves with lexical phenomena, the sphere of their use is indicated, which creates conditions for linking work on vocabulary with stylistics. In textbooks, this principle is implemented in the form of information on litters in words in the explanatory dictionary and in the form of exercises for exercises.

Baranov out the diachronic principle 1 . This principle of vocabulary techniques is reflected in the correlation between the life (history) of the word in the language and the history of the people, since the borrowed words are related to the social, economic, military and cultural development of the people. Historical changes in the life of the people are either in the language in which either new words (neologisms) enter or obsolete words (archaisms) are disused. The diachronic principle allows us to understand in a generalized way the connection between the word and the history of the people.

When studying lexical concepts, the same cognitive methods, the same. The choice of cognitive methods of instruction depends on the specifics of the lexical and phraseological phenomena.

§4. Types of lexical exercises.

As a result of studying the vocabulary, the following skills should be formed in schoolchildren:

  1. to distinguish the lexical meaning in the word and its phraseology from the grammatical meaning;
  2. to interpret the lexical meanings of words and phrological units;
  3. determine the meaning of the word in context;
  4. use different dictionaries.

Lexical and phraseological skills are formed with the help of special exercises:

  1. common in the study of each lexical concept,
  2. private, specific for each lexical phenomenon.

Lexical exercises are exercises aimed at understanding the essence of lexical skills.

Let us dwell on the general exercises.

  1. Finding the phenomenon under study among words according to the pattern and without it. To perform this exercise, students must know the distinctive features of each of the lexical phenomena.
  2. Selection of examples illustrating the phenomenon under study (from memory or from any printed sources);
  3. Grouping of studied lexical phenomena (including the compilation of tables aimed at grouping these phenomena);
  4. Finding and correcting lexical errors. The material for this exercise are groupings of lexical phenomena composed not on the same basis, or groupings compiled by the students themselves with errors.
  5. Lexical analysis. Its content and sequence are determined by NM. Shansky 1 .

A lexical analysis as an exercise consists in characterizing a word from the point of view of the specific features of the lexical concepts studied. This exercise can only be done with the support of dictionaries.

  1. Determining the role of the phenomenon in the text.
  2. Use in the speech of the phenomenon studied for a specific purpose.

The exercises specific for each lexical phenomenon include:

  1. Finding words in the dictionary article of the explanatory dictionary. This exercise reinforces the knowledge of students about the structure of the dictionary entry.
  2. Finding words in dictionaries for one or another litters. This exercise teaches students to apply knowledge about certain properties of the word, to find information about the conditions for using or not using the word, depending on these properties.
  3. Compiling the dictionary entry of a familiar word. Such an exercise requires the synthesis of the student’s knowledge of the word, the structure of the dictionary entry.
  4. The solution of crossword puzzles.
  5. Performing oral and written works on the formation of speech skills.

The tasks of studying lexical phenomena in the school course of vocabulary are not the same, therefore the set of types of lexical exercises, and also the character to them, is different. It depends on the specifics of the lexical phenomenon being studied and the lexical ability that is being formed.


Vocabulary and phraseology have been taught in school since 1970. For a relatively short period of study of these sections, a new area of ​​the methodology of teaching the Russian language – a technique of vocabulary and phraseology. Many methodologists contributed to the creation of a new field of methods of teaching the Russian language, as well as teachers whose articles and development of lessons in vocabulary and phraseology were published in the journal “Russian language at school” in various collections.

Work on lexical concepts in the middle of the XIX century was recommended by FI Buslaev, who proclaimed the principle of comprehensive study of the language.

As a section of the science of the language of lexicon was included only in the draft programs of 1944, 1951, 1965 and 1967. Her long absence in the school course of the Russian language is due primarily to the fact that lexicology as a branch of the science of language, studying the word as one of the main linguistic units, began to take shape in our country only in the 30s of the 20th century after the publication of ” The course of the Russian literary language “L.A. Bulakhovsky (Kiev, 1939), in which the section “Vocabulary” was first published, revealing the lexicological and phraseological categories of the Russian literary language.

In the 1960s and 1970s, when the foundations of the lexicology of the modern Russian literary language were created, the methodology was able to develop content and techniques for studying vocabulary as a branch of the science of languages ​​at school. In these years, MTBaranov, A.V. Prudnikova, A.I. Kondrashenkova and others conducted methodological research aimed at clarifying the role of vocabulary in the formation of skills and abilities of students in grades 5-7, the content of the work, principles and methods of study.

The technique of vocabulary and phraseology has now acquired the rights of an independent field of methods of teaching the Russian language. It has its goals and its subject of education, its content, its methods of teaching, and its methods of scientific research of the process of mastering lexicological and phraseological concepts and mastering the educational and linguistic lexicological and phraseological skills.

Vocabulary, on the one hand, is a section of the science of language, studying its vocabulary system, on the other – the totality of all the words of the language. Vocabulary (lexicology) as a branch of the science of language in the methodology of the Russian language corresponds to the technique of vocabulary, and vocabulary as the aggregate of all words of the language (vocabulary) – the technique of enriching the vocabulary of students.

Work on vocabulary at school has a huge both general educational and practical importance. Through interest in vocabulary, interest in the Russian language as a whole also develops.

In the school course of the Russian language, vocabulary is studied as a special section of the science of language and as a lexical aspect (ie taking into account the interlayer linkages of vocabulary) learning grammar. Lexicology has its object of study – a word that is viewed from different sides, and its own system of concepts.

In school, lexicology is studied in the narrow sense of the term, ie, as a dictionary system of language. However, the school course of vocabulary includes some information about stable combinations and dictionaries (explanatory dictionary, dictionary of foreign words, phraseological dictionary and certain concepts of historical lexicology: obsolete and new words.).

With a word as a unit of language, students deal with the first steps of schooling and throughout the course of studying Russian language and literature, because the word is a building material for both a sentence and a coherent statement. In accordance with this MT Baranov allocates four stages of work on lexical phenomena in the Russian language school course:

  1. propaedeutic (primary classes);
  2. systematic (grades 5-6);
  3. Aspect study of vocabulary (Grade 7);
  4. functional-stylistic (grades 8-9).

Vocabulary as a section of the science of language in the program for grades 5-7 is placed after phonetics before grammar.

All the lexical phenomena are informed of the following information: the definition of the concept, the purpose of using the phenomenon in speech, the way the phenomenon is reflected in the explanatory dictionary, and the use in artistic works.

Along with the study of vocabulary as a special section of the science of language in special lessons provided by the program, work on vocabulary continues throughout the course of the Russian language in grades 5-7 (grammar lessons, as well as in classes on stylistics and development of speech), where knowledge students in the vocabulary are generalized, repeated and deepened.

Vocabulary, being an independent section of the school course of the Russian language, is directly related to its other sections, and in particular to grammar. VVVinogradov drew attention to this connection.

A great place is found in vocabulary and in the development of speech. At the same time, it is necessary to work to prevent lexical errors in the process of vocabulary preparation for presentations and essays, and after their verification – over the errors that have appeared.

Therefore, by studying the vocabulary, students are introduced to the system of concepts at the level of vocabulary, before them are revealed the existing links between vocabulary and grammar, vocabulary and spelling, vocabulary and stylistics, which creates the necessary prerequisites for studying different sections of the school course on a lexical basis, for purposeful enrichment of the vocabulary students. In addition, familiarity with vocabulary reveals to the students inexhaustible riches of the Russian language, its vocabulary, educates in them a conscious attitude to the meaning of the word, its choice and use in speech, depending on the topic and the main idea of ​​the utterance.

Between the lexical concepts there is much in common, therefore, in the methodology for their study, general principles are outlined, and similar types of exercises and similar ways of systematizing the material traced are used for fixing.

Chapter 2. Methodology of studying vocabulary at school.

§1. Analysis of programs and textbooks on the Russian language for grades 5-7.

The structure of the Russian language school course is characterized by continuity from class to class and the sequence of the location of the teaching material. The program of the Russian language at each concentration represents a certain completeness, i.e. In the next section, in an expanded form, those topics that have already been studied earlier are considered. However, the problem of continuity between primary and secondary schools is not sufficiently solved.

The first stable programs are built according to a linear principle, i.e. first, the units of the lowest level are studied – sounds, then higher – morphemes, words, then higher – sentence and text. This construction of the program has revealed some shortcomings (one and the same topic has been studied for a very long time). The educational material is located in a linear-step aspect, so that it is possible to return to what has already been studied. In the linear-graded arrangement of the material there are positive moments: simple, easy to perceive, memorizing the students of the topic are studied at the first stage, more complex ones – at the second or third stage. However, some difficult topics (participle, adverb, service parts of speech) are studied only once.

Analysis of the program on the Russian language to textbooks for grades 5-9 (authors of the program MT Baranov, TA Ladyzhenskaya, NM Shansky).

The program opens an explanatory note, which defines the content and sequence of the study of the Russian language.

The program contains:

  • selected in accordance with the tasks of teaching a system of concepts from the field of phonetics, vocabulary and phraseology, morphology, syntax and stylistics of the Russian literary language, as well as some information about the role of language in society, language as a developing phenomenon; speech concepts, on the basis of which the work is being built to develop coherent speech of students, – the formation of communicative skills and skills; information on the basic norms of the Russian literary language;
  • information about the schedule, about spelling and punctuation; list of types of orthograms and names of punctuation rules.

The program is built taking into account the principles of systematic, scientific and accessible, as well as continuity and prospects between different sections of the course.

The material of the Russian language school course is divided into classes as follows: in the 5th, 6th and 7th grades, phonetics and graphics, vocabulary and phraseology, morphology and word formation, morphology and syntax are studied. The systematic course of syntax is the subject of study in the 8th and 9th grades. The educational material is based on the age opportunities of the students. In accordance with this, the study of some topics of the course is conducted in two stages. For example, the topics “Vocabulary”, “Word formation”, “Noun”, “Adjective”, “Verb” are given in grades 5 and 6, information on stylistics – in 5, 6 and 7 classes.

Work on the culture of speech is dispersed in all classes.

The program specifically allocates hours for the development of coherent speech of students – one fifth of the entire study time specified for this class. Topics on the development of speech – speech concepts and types of work on the text – are proportionally distributed among the grammatical material. This ensures the uniformity of speech, the conditions for its organization.

At the end of each class’s program, a special section lists the basic skills that are formed in the process of studying information about language and speech.

One of the main directions of teaching the Russian language in this program is the organization of work on mastering students with strong and informed knowledge.

In vocabulary and lexical work, special techniques are used: the thematic association of words into special lexical groups, the compilation of word combinations and sentences with these words, their inclusion in independent works, the compilation of nests with one-root words, the maintenance of individual vocabularies, an appeal to the etymology of words, work with orthographic and explanatory dictionaries, the carrying out of dictionary dictations 1 . These and other types of exercises contribute to the assimilation of vocabulary minima (they are placed in the annexes to textbooks called “Write correctly”), necessary for a literate person.

The study of each section, each topic should contribute to the development of logical thinking and coherent speech of students. The development of the speech of pupils in the Russian language classes presupposes the improvement of all types of speech activity (speaking, listening (listening), reading and writing) and is carried out in three directions that make up a single whole:

  1. mastering the norms of the Russian literary language: literary pronunciation, the formation of word forms, the construction of word combinations and sentences, the use of words in accordance with their lexical meaning and style;
  2. enrichment of vocabulary and grammatical structure of students’ speech. The vocabulary of schoolchildren is replenished when studying all academic subjects, but a special role in this belongs to the Russian language and literature. Enrichment of the vocabulary in the lessons of the Russian language is provided by systematic vocabulary work. One of the most important requirements for vocabulary work is the development in students of the ability to see unfamiliar words, to bring up the habit of applying for their explanation to the teacher and to use dictionaries-directories.

Enrichment of the grammatical structure of children’s speech is achieved by constant work on the synonymy of word combinations and sentences, observations on the form, meaning and features of the use of linguistic units.

  1. formation of skills and skills of coherent presentation of thoughts in oral and written form. The development of coherent speech presupposes work on the content, construction, language formulation of the utterance, which is carried out during the performance of special exercises and in the preparation of statements and essays.

An obligatory component in the work on the development of speech is the prevention and elimination of various language errors. Work on the development of speech includes the formation of skills of expressive reading.

The closest and organic links of the Russian language as an object are realized with literature. In the lessons of the Russian language, program art works are widely used to illustrate linguistic facts, observations of the use of individual words, grammatical forms, various syntactic constructions, means of communication of sentences and parts of the text, and certain types of speech (narrative, description, reasoning).

The same linguistic concepts take place in the course of the studied foreign languages ​​(subject, predicate, sentence member, etc.). Related concepts are contained in the course of literature, fine arts; at the lessons of history, students get acquainted with archaisms, historicisms, borrowed words, widely introduce them into speech; when studying geography – with population issues and language groups; at the lessons of biology – with questions of thought and speech; when practicing music – with sound, with timbre, intonation.

Intersubject communication in the educational process provides a better understanding of the students of the material studied and a higher level of proficiency in the Russian language.

This program in the structure of the Russian language course in the 5th grade determines the study of the section “Vocabulary. Culture of speech »eight hours. Work on vocabulary contains three blocks of topics:

  1. Vocabulary as a branch of the science of language. The word as a unit of language. The word and its lexical meaning. Multivalued and unambiguous words. Direct and portable meanings of words. Homonyms.Synonyms. Antonyms. Explanatory dictionaries.
  2. Ability to use an explanatory dictionary, dictionary of antonyms and other school dictionaries. The ability to use words in their own meaning.
  3. Create text based on the source (detailed presentation), dividing it into parts. Description of the picture depicted in the picture using the necessary language facilities.

However, these topics do not exhaust the study of vocabulary in the 5th grade. Other sections expand the knowledge of students and vocabulary. When studying the section “Morphology”, students develop the ability to use nouns-synonyms, adjectives-synonyms, verbs-synonyms in order to express their thoughts more accurately and to eliminate the unjustified repetition of one and the same words.

The course of the Russian language in the 6th grade begins with the study of the topic “Vocabulary and phraseology.Culture of Speech “(eight hours):

  1. Repetition of the vocabulary in grade 5.

Original Russian words. Borrowed words. Common words. Professionalism, dialectism, jargon. Neutral and stylistically colored words. Obsolete words. Neologisms.

The main ways to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language.

Explanatory dictionaries of foreign words, obsolete words.

Phraseology as a branch of the science of language. Free combinations of words and phraseological phrases. The main signs of phraseology. Stylistically neutral and colored phraseological units. Sources of phraseological units. Use of phraseological units in speech. Phrasebook.

  1. The ability to determine from an explanatory dictionary, from which language the word is borrowed, whether it refers to obsolete, dialectal or professional words.

Ability to use dictionaries of foreign words, obsolete words, phraseological dictionaries.

  1. Collection and analysis of materials for the composition: working materials. Compressed paraphrase of the source text.

By the end of the 6th grade, students must master the following vocabulary skills and vocabulary skills:

  1. use words (terms, professionalisms, borrowed, etc.) in accordance with their lexical meaning, as well as with the conditions and tasks of communication;
  2. avoid clogging of speech with unnecessary foreign words, jargon;
  3. to be able to use different kinds of dictionaries (explanatory, synonyms, antonyms, foreign words, phraseological units);
  4. In detail, concisely and selectively narrate narrative texts with elements of the description of the room and landscape. Collect and systematize the material for the composition, taking into account the theme and the main idea. To improve the content and language of your text.

The program of the Vocabulary. The central place is occupied by the section “Morphology”. Knowledge of vocabulary in schoolchildren is formed in parallel when studying parts of speech.

Analysis of the program on the Russian language to the educational complexes for grades 5-9 (authors of the program VV Babaitsev, AP Eremeev, GK Lidman-Orlov, AY Kupalov, SN Molodtsov, ).

The concept of the program: the formation of a certain system of knowledge, skills and skills in schoolchildren on the basis of mastering them, fully and competently (in the broad sense of the word) to use the rich resources of their native language in their speech practice, fostering respect for the language, striving for self-improvement in language training and the culture of verbal communication.

The program is implemented in the educational complex addressed to the students: “Russian language. Theory “,” Russian language. Practice “,” Russian speech “.

In the textbook “Russian language.” Theory “describes information about the language, designed for study in grades 5-9. The main principle of the book – systematic exposition of the theory rather than the fragmented data from different sections of the science of language 1 . This type of textbook performs both teaching and reference function. It is used not only for studying new material, but also for repetition, in preparation for examinations, for exams, etc. This type of textbook contributes to the formation of students’ cognitive independence, the ability to work with educational literature, use different types of reading.

The book “Russian language. Practice “(for each class) provides students with mastering knowledge of the language, ways of operating them, forming and improving skills correctly and appropriately use the resources of their native language in oral and written form.

The third component of the educational complex – “Russian speech” (for each class) offers a system of work on the development of coherent speech: tasks and exercises are based on speech concepts and rules of speech behavior, which contributes to the conscious improvement of the oral and written speech of students, and the enhancement of the culture of speech communication.

All components of the educational complex are closely related (they represent a single textbook in three parts) and in combination.

The sections of the program have two headings: the first one determines the range of the theoretical information and rules (orthographic and punctuation rules are indicated in the program with a vertical line) theoretical basis.

The programs and the complex as a whole are built on the basis of the linear principle of the material supply, but the program distinguishes an introductory course (generalized studied in the initial classes and containing propaedeutic material) and a basic (systematic) course , according to which already in grade 5 (in full) sections: “Phonetics”, “Graphics”, “Vocabulary”, “Morfemika” – the main course of morphology (with the noun) begins. In the 6th and 7th grades, the study of morphology continues, in 8 and 9, the syntax is studied, as well as the topic “General information on the language”. The study of all sections is accompanied by the formation of spelling and punctuation skills.

Such a course is methodologically justified, since it allows organically to combine the study of the study of the new,

In the 5th grade, eighteen hours are devoted to the study of vocabulary. The content of the work on the study of vocabulary is as follows:

  • Vocabulary wealth of the Russian language. Lexical meaning of the word.
  • Unambiguous and polysemantic words. The direct and portable meaning of a word.
  • Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms.
  • Words are common and limited in use.
  • Historisms and archaisms. Neologisms. Borrowed words. Old Slavs.
  • Neutral and stylistically colored words.
  • Phraseological units.
  • Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms.
  • Explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language.

Skills and skills that should be formed as a result of studying the topic “Vocabulary”: use dictionaries; select synonyms and antonyms for the word in the sentence and phrase; identify in the context of semantic and stylistic differences of synonyms; to perform (selectively) the lexical analysis of the word; improve the text, eliminating an unjustified repetition using synonyms; Enrich speech with phraseology and use them correctly.

In the 6th and 7th classes, vocabulary independently as a section of the science of language is not considered, lexical phenomena are studied in parallel with other topics.

Analysis of the program on the Russian language for textbooks for grades 5-9 (authors of the program MM Razumovskaya, VI Kapinos, SI Lvova, GA Bogdanova, VV Lvov).

In accordance with the purpose of training, the speech orientation of the course is strengthened. The conceptual basis for teaching coherent speech is expanded in the program. The theory is close to the needs of practice; it is introduced in order to help students understand their speech, rely on speech knowledge as a system of orientations in the process of speech activity, to master the skills of self-control. Refined and brought into the system of communication skills. They are selected and grouped according to the nature of the learning activity.

The structure of the course was formed in accordance with the patterns of learning. 5 class is considered as a transition from the initial stage of the study to the basic one; Grades 5-7 have a morphological and spelling orientation, although they include an introductory course of syntax and punctuation, phonetics and orthoepy, vocabulary and word formation in the content of training; 8 and 9 classes are aimed at developing a systematic course of syntax and corresponding punctuation rules.

A certain change in the traditional structure of the course is due to the desire to create more favorable conditions for the successful promotion of students in mastering their native language. So, the participle and the gerundance are studied in the 6th grade, then the difficult questions of this topic are fixed in the 7th grade; this arrangement of the material improves the quality of its assimilation. In addition, the traditionally complex course of grade 7 is unloaded.

Each year of training is built on the basis of a two-tier structure: the consolidation-deepening stage relative to the previous year of training and the main stage realizing the program material in the logic of its development.

In the 5th grade, vocabulary is studied in two stages.

  1. The word and its meaning. Vocabulary (3 hours). This section of the science of language is studied separately.

The subject of the study of vocabulary.

The word and its lexical meaning. Basic ways of interpreting the lexical meaning of a word: a brief explanation of the meaning in an explanatory dictionary; selection of synonyms, antonyms, single-root words.

Etiquette words as a special lexical group.

Acquaintance with the explanatory dictionary.

  1. Vocabulary. Word formation. Spelling (35 hours). Vocabulary is studied along with word formation and spelling.

Word; interrelation of its lexical meaning, morphemic structure and spelling.

The words are single-valued and multivalued. The direct and figurative meanings of the word, the figurative meaning of the word as the basis for the creation of artistic paths: metaphors, personifications, epithets.

Synonyms, antonyms (repetition). Homonyms. Ways to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language: word formation and the borrowing of words from other languages. The words are native Russian and borrowed.

Neologisms as new words built on typical models.

Common vocabulary and words with a limited scope of use (dialectism, professionalism). Obsolete words.

Phraseological units; their stylistic affiliation and basic functions in speech.

Observation of the use in the artistic text of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms; words in a figurative meaning for creating tropes (metaphors, personifications, epithets); dialectisms, obsolete words and phraseological turns.

In the 6th and 7th grades the section “Vocabulary” is not considered separately. Lexical concepts are assimilated by schoolchildren in parallel when studying other topics.

Next, we will analyze the textbook of the Russian language for grade 5 / M.M.Razumovskaya, S. I.Lvova, V.I. Kapinos and others; Edited by M.M.Razumovskaya, P.A. Lecante.

The section “Vocabulary” is studied according to this textbook together with word formation and spelling. We will analyze the representation of vocabulary. Each topic is formulated as a problematic issue:

  1. How to determine the lexical meaning of a word. The definition of vocabulary, lexical meaning, synonyms, antonyms is given. The concepts are illustrated by examples of verbal and non-verbal (pictures)
  2. How many lexical meanings has a word. Words are multi-valued and unambiguous. The schoolchildren are offered various creative exercises (write and write sentences with suggested words, draw a family tree of data of one-root words).
  3. When a word is used in a figurative sense (the portable and direct meaning of a word, phraseology). It is noted that the transfer of the meaning of the word serves to create a figurative and expressive speech. Based on the portable meaning of words, a metaphor, avatar, epithet is created. Reproductive exercises prevail (read the text, find examples of using words in figurative meaning), creative (guess what phraseological units are depicted in the drawings, make sentences using these phraseological units).
  4. How to add vocabulary of the Russian language. The notions “word formation”, “borrowing”, “foreign words” and “borrowed words” are introduced. Distinctive signs of foreign words are given (combinations in the roots of ke, he, ze, bu, vu, piu, kyu , the neighborhood of two or more vowels in the roots – n, m, d, e, t).
  5. The difference between the words-homonyms. The definition of homonym is given. The concepts of “homophones” “homographs” are not introduced.
  6. What are professional and dialect words. Definition of professional and dialect words. Some exercises require working with an explanatory dictionary. For a written retelling, a text is proposed about the life and work of VI.Dahl.
  7. About what the obsolete words tell. The notion of “obsolete words” is introduced. The exercises proposed in the textbook are designed to work with different dictionaries (explain the meaning and origin of the expressions).

Can we use etiquette words in speech? The definition of speech etiquette, etiquette words is given. Reproductive nature prevails (find etiquette words in the text and write them out).

§2. Work with an explanatory dictionary in Russian language lessons.

Learning to use an explanatory dictionary is of great general cultural importance. This work is carried out in the lessons of vocabulary in both 5 and 6 classes as the study of lexical concepts. The content of the work with the explanatory dictionary consists of information about the dictionary entry, about the litters used in the dictionary entries, and about the types of dictionaries of the Russian language. It is necessary to give students a chance to work not only with an explanatory dictionary, but also with other dictionaries, for example, with a school explanatory dictionary or with a dictionary by S.I. Ozhegova, introduce the system of litters and abbreviations used in dictionaries, teach you how to get the necessary information in the dictionary.

In teaching pupils to use an explanatory dictionary, three stages are planned:

  1. acquaintance with the explanatory dictionary;
  2. work with an explanatory dictionary and with the content of a dictionary entry;
  3. work with an explanatory dictionary when learning grammar 1 .

Acquaintance with the explanatory dictionary and the content of the dictionary article of the explanatory dictionary takes place in a special lesson devoted to the study of the lexical meaning of the word. To fix the information about the explanatory dictionary obtained in this lesson, the following exercises are performed:

  1. finding these words in the dictionary and reading the entries;
  2. finding in the dictionary entry the parts from which it consists;
  3. elucidation of a dictionary of new information about the word;
  4. comparison of their interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word with the interpretation of the lexical meaning of this word in the dictionary.

In the study of lexical concepts, an explanatory dictionary is used to familiarize students with ways to reflect in the dictionary article various properties of a word (for example, polysemy, homonymy, etc.), with types of dictionary entries, and also to consolidate the ability to use a dictionary in order to obtain information and enrichment vocabulary. At this stage, students will learn that different meanings of the word are numbered, that before the interpretation of the lexical meaning of words used in certain spheres, a certain litter is put (for example, an outdated value) that the homonyms are denoted by the numbers on the upper right. This information is communicated to the students gradually, as they become familiar with the new lexical concept. They are fixed during the following lexical exercises:

  1. For this litter, find a few words in the dictionary.
  2. Write a few words from the dictionary with this litter.
  3. Using the dictionary, determine which litters have these words.

Work with an explanatory dictionary is necessary for the student and in the process of studying (in lessons in all subjects), and at the end of the school for self-acquisition, seeking new knowledge about the word.

§3. Features of studying vocabulary in school.

The section “Vocabulary” has a special role in the development of students’ feelings of language, in the formation of their skills to use the word with regard to its semantic, stylistic qualities, the laws of its compatibility. Assimilation of some theoretical information about a word as a lexical unit should become the basis of work on enriching the vocabulary of students, to promote the formation of skills in the field of connected speech.

Usually students consider the section “Lexicon” to be interesting and easy. This is the opinion of many educators.

To realize the speech aspect of the study of vocabulary, it is necessary to pay great attention in school to the peculiarities of using the word in speech. To this end, many concepts of the section “Lexicon” are studied in connection with the concept of “text”, the introduction of which in the program creates linguistic bases and for work on the development of coherent speech. Performing exercises on vocabulary, schoolchildren will deepen their knowledge of both the main features of the text, the lexical means of expressing interphrasal links.

Teaching vocabulary for the development of speech involves not only a constant work on enriching the vocabulary of students, but also increasing attention to the issues of word compatibility. The choice of words, the dependence of the standards of compatibility on the semantic, expressive and emotional properties of the word, its functional-stylistic affiliation – these questions can be considered in the process of performing various exercises.

When studying the topic “Lexical meaning of the word”, one of the most important, basic in the section concept is the lexical meaning of the word. When studying this topic, work is carried out with an explanatory dictionary. In order to encourage students to master the ability to work with dictionaries, one must bring to them the idea that using words without knowing their exact meaning is as dangerous as pronouncing words whose meaning you do not understand at all. You can get into a difficult or even stupid position, when you do not understand quite right or do not understand at all.

It should be noted that in connection with the introduction of a methodologically significant concept of linguistic competence in the school curriculum, there is a need for a methodology for its formation among schoolchildren, which was justified by Academician N.M. Shansky 1 and other researchers (MTBaranov, EA Bystrov, ADDeykin). At present, the concept of linguistic competence has not yet received a single definition. Under linguistic competence, we mean the knowledge of the minimum defined by the typical program of theoretical knowledge about the language, the awareness of students in the science of language, the knowledge of information about the researchers of the Russian language, the origin and laws of language development. Students should be familiarized with information about linguistics and its development, talk about the life and work of Russian scientists. This causes the school students a keen interest in the science of language.

So, it is necessary to enrich the school practice with information about scientists. How to do it? First, you need to adapt the texts, the source of which can be popular science literature on linguistics, and secondly, to compile to them a multilevel task (the text should contain information about linguists or a description of the language problem solved by scientists).

Conversations with students, questioning, questioning of schoolchildren made it possible to reveal that children, except for M.V. Lomonosov, V.I. Dahl and less often – S.I. Ozhegova, they can not name anyone. Therefore, the formation of linguistic competence among students of grades 5-6 is easiest to start with the study of vocabulary with familiarization with the activities of lexicographers, in particular, VI. Dahl, D.N. Ushakova, S.I. Ozhegova, as the work with dictionaries teacher is constantly.

Yanchenko V.D. in his article “What and how to tell schoolchildren about lexicographer scientists” (Russian language at school, 1997. № 6), writes that acquaintance of students with information about the activities of scientists and stories about the contribution of researchers to the development of language can be put into different forms. For example, when studying the life and activities of VIDal, D. Ushakov, SI Ozhegov, the following variants of work are possible with cognitive material: a teacher’s story, a lecture, a conversation-discussion, an exposition or an exposition with elements of composition, on the activities of scientists, free dictation. All these types of work are based on texts, which are a story about the life and creative path of lexicographer scientists. Based on these materials, students should answer questions, perform written, oral, creative assignments. For example:

  • Write a condensed statement, completing the work by answering the question: “What is interesting about VI.Dahl as a scientist and as a person? “
  • Subject for discussion: Do you agree that the activities of D.N. Was Ushakov extremely versatile? Should the scientist strive to focus exclusively on the issues of science? 1

Tekuchev A.V. in the work “Fundamentals of the methodology of the Russian language in grades 4-8,” the most effective tool in achieving systematization tasks is the compilation of generalized tables and the identification of common and various distinctive features of lexical phenomena familiar to children. The knowledge of concepts related to:

  1. with the meaning of the word;
  2. with ways of replenishing the vocabulary of the language;
  3. with sources of replenishment of common words.

Concepts related to the meaning of a word can be compared by the number of words entering into the corresponding lexical category, by the correlation with the objects denoted by these words, by the words belonging to one or other parts of speech. In the 5th grade, it is advisable to use the table below to systematize knowledge about this group of concepts. It is compiled collectively in a lesson or posted in a finished form, depending on the general level of knowledge of this class.

Correlation of word, subject and part of speech.

Lexical phenomenon Number of words What are the words What part of the Rhea are Examples
Many-valued words One word that has two or more different meanings Different, but similar things (signs, actions) The different meanings of a multi-valued word are one part of speech Command:

  1. order
  2. Personnel, crew
  3. sports team 1
Homonyms Two or more different words, identical in sound and writing Different, in anything not similar objects (signs, actions) These words refer to the same part of speech The key (from the doors) is the key (spring).
Synonyms Two different words on writing and pronunciation One and the same thing (feature, action) Relate to the same part of the speech Trouble, grief, disaster, misfortune,


Antonyms Two different words on writing and pronunciation Different subjects, opposite in any respect (signs, actions) These words refer to the same part of speech Love-hate, truth-lie, good-evil

The following exercises can be performed on the table:

  1. Choose examples for each of the items in the table and prove the correctness of your answer.
  2. Choose words that have both synonyms and antonyms, and write them down the pattern. You can use dictionaries.

In the 6th grade, you can also repeat the information on the ways of replenishing the vocabulary of the language in the following table.

Ways to replenish the vocabulary of the language.

Formation of the word according to the rules of grammar The transformation of one of the values ​​of a multivalued word into an independent word Borrowing words and other languages
Quiet, cloudless, sofa-bed. The braid (1), the braid (2), the braid (3). Computer, pavement, jury.

By its content the following tasks are performed:

  1. What are the ways of replenishing the vocabulary of the language and indicate how they differ from each other.
  2. Choose your examples that illustrate each of the ways of replenishing the vocabulary, and justify your answer.

Using this table, schoolchildren talk about sources of enrichment of common words, give examples of words to illustrate it, determine the graph in which to put those or other words (work is done with the dictionary).

Pakhnova TM in the article “Learning vocabulary for the educational complex” (Russian language at school.1996. № 4) offers to perform most exercises of the theme “Direct and portable meaning of the word” on the material of works of fiction. This gives an opportunity to acquaint the fifth-graders (yet without entering the term) with a metaphor. The metaphor is based on the use of the word in a figurative sense, when the name of one or many objects or phenomena is transferred to another object or phenomenon on the basis of their similarity (in form, appearance, position, etc.). With metaphor, one thing or phenomenon is likened to another. Pupils should realize the connection between the theme “Direct and portable meaning of the word” with the one studied in previous lessons: the use of a word in figurative meaning is one of the manifestations of the wealth of the Russian language; many-valued words can have direct and portable meanings.

At the same time, we should not assume that a multivalued word always has one value, the others are portable. For example, the words bread, earth, and word are many-valued, but none of the meanings of these words fixed in dictionaries have a litter . (portable). At the same time, in a figurative sense, there can be used not only many-valued, but unambiguous words.

“The portable meaning of a word is better understood by students on the basis of comparison with direct meaning.This should be taken into account when selecting didactic material: it is advisable to propose texts for analysis in which the same word, repeating itself, is used in different meanings. ”

Studying topics “Synonyms” TM Pakhnov. recommends starting with one of the explanatory dictionaries: students select examples of the use of synonyms in vocabulary articles as a means of interpreting lexical meaning, the selection of antonyms is a way of clarifying the meaning of a multi-valued word.For this purpose, for example, dictionary entries can be analyzed: accurate (1 value), trouble (1, 2 values), runaway (1, 2 values), delicate, defiant, otherwise, have (1 value), adorable, timid, even, full, battle, old (4 values), vain, darkness, heavy (2, 3, 4 values).

Most of the exercises on this topic are carried out on the basis of the material of coherent texts.These tasks guide students to identify the role of synonyms in speech. Such assignments make it possible to draw the attention of students to the ability of synonyms to the same time. They are then to characterize the different shades of the phenomenon for the transmission of intensity of action, 2 .

An important kind of work is the lexical analysis of the word 3 . Lexical analysis of a word is a characteristic of a word, revealing its lexical meaning, features of use and origin. Expanding the features of the meaning and use of the word in this context, the pupils.

Lexical analysis can be done orally or in writing. This work is expedient to carry out. If it is executed in writing, the word in the initial form.

When studying the topic “Obsolete words and neologisms” you can work on the stylistic differences of a number of words of synonyms. Words such as gold-gold, hail-city, coast-coast are stylistically differentiated. And such pairs of words as a party – a country, power – a rural municipality, a brief one – a short, healthy – healthy synonym in modern language are not. When doing such exercises, the spelling of words with full and incomplete combinations ( olola, orro, raer ) is conducted and a rule is formulated on the spelling of the vowels a, o, e.

As a result of work on vocabulary, students must acquire a certain level of knowledge and skills in accordance with the cognitive and practical tasks of studying this section of the science of language. To monitor the mastery of knowledge and mastery of skills, it is necessary to use both oral and written forms of verification.

The current test of knowledge of vocabulary and phraseology is implemented during the survey. For oral verification, it is advisable to ask questions of the following types: What words are called, for example, antonyms? What is common and how do single-valued and ambiguous words differ?

In the future, it is desirable to raise questions.

For the purpose of checking the teaching language, linguistic skills, you can offer the following types of exercises:

  1. find in the text such and such lexical (phraseological) phenomena;
  2. group words, including in the same group the same lexical or phraseological phenomena;
  3. to form phrases or sentences with given lexical or phraseological phenomena.

Pass- through testing of knowledge on vocabulary and phraseology, as well as in educational and non-lexical material. It is necessary in order to maintain the students’ knowledge and skills at a high level and, if necessary, in time to carry out their work. Putting questions on vocabulary and giving lexical assignments to students, it is necessary to take into account, firstly, the tasks of the study of the studied material on vocabulary, and secondly, the possible connection of the lexical and phraseological phenomena with the studied grammatical material.

To implement these provisions, it is advisable to offer students questions and assignments: Why does not this word form? Why do some words disappear from use, and others appear? Prove that these words refer to these lexical phenomena. For what purpose are there explanatory dictionaries?

Repeating and generalizing testing of knowledge on vocabulary and phraseology “Lexicon” in the 5th grade and “Lexicon and phraseology” in the 6th grade, as well as at the end of the academic year. If you repeat the topic at the end of the topic, attention is drawn to the knowledge of the system. scope of use, on verifying the level of educational and linguistic knowledge.


  1. make proposals (or a small text) with the given lexical or phraseological phenomena, so that their specificity is clearly reflected in them;
  2. to determine, by means of an explanatory and phraseological dictionary, the meaning, origin and use of these words and phrological phrases.

The study of vocabulary is at the same time accompanied by a recurrent repetition and consolidation of the earlier schoolchildren. Lexical phenomena can be shown on relatively any vocabulary. Therefore, it is advisable to select a language, which would allow to simultaneously solve the problem of learning the new material and the repetition of previously covered by other sections of the science of language 1 .

Work on the development of speech consists of teaching students language norms, enriching their speech with words and phraseological phrases and syntactic constructions, the development of coherent speech. This type of work in connection with the study of vocabulary gives a significant effect, if the students simultaneously form a lexical-semantic view of the word (the student’s understanding of the word as a carrier of lexical meaning of language). A lexico-semantic view of the word is manifested in the ability of students to distinguish in the words of the lexical and grammatical meanings, to establish the semantic links of the given word with other words. These skills are fixed on all other lessons in the process of learning grammar and in the course of the course.

The conclusion.

The structure of the Russian language school course is characterized by continuity from class to class and the sequence of the location of the teaching material. However, the problem of continuity between primary and secondary schools has not been sufficiently solved.

The first stable programs are built on a linear principle. This construction of the program has revealed some shortcomings (one and the same topic has been studied for a very long time). In the linear-graded arrangement of the material, there are simple, easy to perceive, memorizing the students of the topic. However, some difficult topics (participle, adverb, service parts of speech) are studied only once.

Learning to use an explanatory dictionary. This work is carried out in the lessons of vocabulary in both 5 and 6 classes as the study of lexical concepts. The content of the work with the explanatory dictionary. The content of the work with the explanatory dictionary.

In the study of lexical concepts, an explanatory dictionary, is used to familiarize pupils with the ways to reflect in the dictionary. information and enrich the vocabulary. This information is communicated to the students gradually, as they become familiar with the new lexical concept.

Work with an explanatory dictionary is necessary for the student and in the process of learning (in lessons in all subjects), and at the end of the school for self-acquisition, seeking new knowledge about the word.

To realize the speech aspect of the study of vocabulary, it is necessary to pay. To this end, many concepts of the section “Lexicon” are studied in connection with the concept of “text”, the introduction of which in the program creates linguistic bases and for work on the development of coherent speech. Performing exercises on vocabulary, schoolchildren will deepen their knowledge of both the main features of the text, the lexical means of expressing interphrasal links.

Teaching vocabulary for the development of speech is not only a constant work on enriching the vocabulary of students, but also increasing attention to the issues of word compatibility. The choice of words, the dependence of the standards of compatibility on the semantic, expressive and emotional properties of the word, its functional-stylistic affiliation, these questions can be considered in the process of performing various exercises.

It should be noted that, in connection with the introduction of a methodologically significant concept of linguistic competence in the school curriculum, there is a need for a methodology for its formation among schoolchildren, which was justified by Academician NM Shansky and other researchers (MTBaranov, EA Bystrov, ADDeykin). At present, the concept of linguistic competence has not yet received a single definition. Students should be familiarized with the information about linguistics and its development, talk about the life and work of Russian, in particular VI Dahl, DN Ushakova, SI Ozhegova, as the work with dictionaries teacher is constantly. This causes the school students.

Yanchenko VD in his article “What and how to tell schoolchildren about lexicographer scientists” (Russian language at school, 1997. № 6), writes that acquaintance of students with information about the activities of scientists and scientists about the contribution of researchers to the development of language can be put into different forms.

Tekuchev AV in the work “Fundamentals of the methodology in the grades 4-8,” the most effective tool in achieving systematization tasks is the compilation of generalized tables and the identification of common and various distinctive features of lexical phenomena familiar to children .

Pakhnova TM in the article “Learning vocabulary for the educational complex” (Russian language at school.1996, No. 4) offers to perform most exercises of the theme “Direct and portable meaning of the word” on the material of works of fiction. This gives an opportunity to acquaint the five-graders with the metaphor.

An important kind of work is the lexical analysis of the word. Expanding the features of the meaning and use of the word in this context, the pupils.

As a result of work on vocabulary, students must acquire a certain level of knowledge and skills in accordance with the cognitive and practical tasks of studying this section of the science of language. To monitor the mastery of knowledge and mastery of skills, it is necessary to use both oral and written forms of verification. The study of vocabulary is at the same time accompanied by recurrent repetition and consolidation of the previously published material on phonetics, grammar and spelling, as well as work on developing the speech of schoolchildren.

The section “Vocabulary” has a special role in the development of students’ feelings of language, in the formation of their skills to use the word with regard to its semantic, stylistic qualities, the laws of its compatibility. Assimilation of some theoretical information about a word as a lexical unit should become the basis of work on enriching the vocabulary of students, to promote the formation of skills in the field of connected speech.



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