Academic Master


Over Hundred Years Old Inventions That Have Significant Impact On Civilization


Although history reveals a myriad of inventions and innovations that revolutionized the world, the invention with the most significant impact on civilization was the electric motor. This invention has not only impacted the world itself but has also proved to be a platform for most essential inventions that followed. Traces of the first motor produced under the phenomenon of electrostatic force date back to the early eighteenth century. However, the mechanism came to the understanding of a scientist, Michael Faraday, a century later. Faraday demonstrated the concept of conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy.

The invention was most remarkable for many reasons. First, it paced up the idea of automation. Motors enabled the completion of tasks without the involvement of the human workforce. The concept evolved very rapidly, and today, innumerable devices use motors for their operations. To estimate the impact of motors on civilization, imagine the absence of all of the equipment that uses a motor for one purpose or another.

Undoubtedly, inventions play a part in drastic changes in every household’s routine operations, and hence, the usability of inventions depends upon humans, too. However, the world has seen weapons of mass destruction being built in which motors have a vital role. The need for WMDs is debatable, but it is an inarguable fact that such weapons have killed hundreds of millions of people. However, the motor cannot be regarded as a bad invention because using it for malicious intentions is a matter of ethics and morality and not science. As great inventions bring with them high responsibility for humans, one needs to ensure that the usage serves positive changes and does not lead to vicissitudes.

By some incisive research, it can be concluded that the invention of the motor has played a decisive role in the exponential progress of the human race.

Less Than Hundred Years Old Invention With Significant Impact On Civilization:

This past century has, arguably, seen more inventions than the entire prior history of the human race. If an individual from only a century earlier returns to live on earth, it would be impossible for one to distinguish technological inventions and magic. Artificial satellites are not only one such invention but the single most crucial achievement, which has shown far-reaching consequences. All of the objects in the developed and developing world that consume most of the time of an average human have come into being as a result of the giant stride of inventing artificial satellites.

As a consequence of satellite invention, the human race has made substantial progress. Television lets us know what is happening around the world in real-time. Weather prediction saves millions of lives by alarming people to take refuge before floods and storms occur. Each country can effectively manage borders through satellites. Illegal activities and movement can be tracked through the efficient use of the satellite. With the tap of a button, one can find the most appropriate path to reach any destination. In fact, the Global Positioning System assists car drivers, sailors, and pilots around. Philanthropists are planning to provide internet to regions in the world with less-privileged people with the help of artificial satellites. Television, weather prediction, and border management are all the by-products of the fundamental and prime creation of satellites.

Besides improving living standards, satellites have put an end to a range of myths, too. Solar and lunar eclipse are no longer considered signs of ill-fortune. Satellites can predict the time of eclipses with immaculate accuracy.

One can conclude that the invention of the artificial satellite is the single most significant and impactful event that has changed the lives of humans for good. The absence of satellites has not only improved lifestyles but saved the existence of the human race, too.



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