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Understanding Generational Diversity For Enhanced Teamwork

The positive patient outcome depends on teamwork, application of information and technology, and useful communication. One of the factors that contribute to dysfunctional communication patterns is demographic differences as well as weak teams (Tolbize, 2008). One of the demographics is the generation. This generation varies in ages, and they comprise of veterans, Generation X, G generation Y, and Baby Boomers. Understanding the communication preferences of each generation, as well as their frame of reference, remains essential since there will be enhanced teamwork and a cohesive team. Exploring generation diversity helps in assessing characteristics that exist in individuals. By description, generation is identifiable groups sharing birth years as well as an essential life event, communication, and technology, among others. A single generation has shared features, expectations, and values. They have goals to attain, as can be seen in the workplace.

Veterans / Silent Generation

This group of generations is believed to have been born before 1946. They are said to have grown during difficult times characterized by war as well as the Great Depression. Members of this generation embrace discipline and hard work because nature has conditioned them to remain disciplined. They always tend to be very respectful of the authority above them. Moreover, they tend to be not technically savvy. In fact, most of them have retired. These nurses have come of age at a time when there was war and economic hardship. They are regarded as economic conservatives. The implication is that they are cautious about how they use their money because it is hard-earned due to tough economic times (Tolbize 2008). Lastly, this generation of nurses tends to occupy senior management in the workplace. Moreover, they hold decision-making positions and have a lot of influence in the nursing profession.

Generation X

Gen Xers are believed to have learned to be more cautious. They are fearful of strangers. They are self-focused, liberated problem solvers who appreciate family over career. Moreover, nurses in this generation are described as cynical and pragmatic. They were born between 1946 and 1980. The majority of them had mothers who did their jobs outside their homes. They are very reliant and have the right work-life balance (Stanley, 2010). They tend to be reasonably techno-savvy. Presently, many are moving into management positions in nursing. They enjoy the improved opportunities for women, especially in management and decision-making in the workplace. They also enjoy protection from the laws, which are against discrimination against women.

Baby Boomers

This generation of nurses is believed to be born between 1946 and 1964. They were raised during the post-Second World War, which realized a growing economy. They tend to work more extended hours and embrace stronger work ethics. They form the most significant part of the working nursing workforce. They constitute about 55% of the nurses in the western countries (Staiger, Auerbach and Buerhaus 2012). They hold leadership positions. Boomers were raised in a hopeful, secure time because they were valued as children (Tolbize, 2008). This generation is recognized for idealism and has a sense of privilege as well as purpose. This generation has developed a feeling that they are unique. Boomers use electronic mail and are technology savvy. And prefer to communicate through technology.

Generation Y/ Millennial Generation

They are believed to have been born between 1980 and 2000. They are the second most significant cohort. They are supposed to have been raised by parents who gave them a lot of attention. They are very techno-savvy. Besides, they have exhibited a higher level of volunteerism. Nonetheless, they constitute a smaller percentage of the nursing workforce. The Millennials are coming of age with internet smartphones as well as electronic mail (Stanley, 2010). They usually prefer to use the internet and smartphones to interact. Additionally, this cohort tends to spend a lot of their time on social media platforms such as Skype, Twitter, and Facebook, among others. They completely feel wrong when they cannot access the internet.


In brief, nurses from various generations can understand each other and be okay as a team to improve patient outcomes. They have generational differences, but they have a common goal of improving patient outcomes. Teamwork and cohesiveness will enable such nurses to pull towards a common direction. Thus, there is a need for management to understand the generational differences and to efficiently manage them so that there can be improved job satisfaction and retention among nurses. Moreover, the management needs to use generational variations to improve the unity and teamwork of nurses. This will enhance not only patient outcomes but also satisfaction among nurses. These differences have influenced moral values as well as the sense of hard work among nurses. The veterans will guide and nurture the millennials even as they perform their nursing work. Besides, generational variation brings a hybrid of ideas. The majority of veterans have management positions, and they share their experiences with the millennials so that they can improve patient outcomes.


Trust is one of the most important virtues in an organization. Members are, therefore, expected to have trust among themselves. Trust can be lost when there is no open and effective communication among members. It can also be lost when there is no honesty (Huang, Kahai & Jestice, 2010). Learners, thus, should embrace honesty as they understand their members.

One of the strategies for effective inter-professional teamwork and collaboration in health care delivery includes describing to its members the benefits of teamwork. Also, the leader should highlight the significance of effective communication. Moreover, the team leader should design, distribute and follow up on tasks the team members have been given.

There are ways leaders should behave if they intend to build the required trust in the teams they lead. First, the managers should always lead by example. That is, they should be on the front line in implementing the rules for others to follow (Huang, Kahai & Justice, 201). Secondly, leaders should embrace honesty at all times when leading others. Moreover, leaders must always permit open communication among the teams they lead. The leaders must allow the team members to always communicate their minds at all times without fear (Boies, Fiset & Gill, 2015). Further, managers should keep the promises they make to the team members as well as focus on their commitments. Overall, the leaders should treat every member of the team equally and fairly without special preferences to some members.

There are some behaviours that, when exhibited by the leaders, might undermine the needed trust within the team that they lead. For instance, when the leaders discriminate against other team members or unfairly treat other members of the team. Also, when the manager does not allow for effective communication between the team members (Eisenberg, Gibbs, & Erhardt, 2016), when the leaders talk ill concerning the other members of the team, it can promote dishonesty and lack of trust among them. Further, the leaders can promote a lack of trust among the team members if they do not keep the promises they make to the members, and overall, when the leaders do not accept their mistakes when they commit them.

It is important to note that it is not only the role of the team leaders to build trust but also the role of the team members. The team members can promote trust by staying committed to their roles in the team. Also, the team members can build trust in the team by promoting effective communication (Boies, Fiset & Gill, 2015). Moreover, promoting mutual feedback from the team and the leaders, understanding each member of the team at work and presenting evidence at a time of the problem will help build trust in the team. Further, discussing the problems openly will also assist in building team trust.

The first principle of effective inter-professional team leadership is the requirement for the understanding of the team members as well as the teamwork. Leaders should embrace the knowledge of the team’s roles and responsibilities. The other principle is effective task distribution as well as follow-ups. Moreover, there should be usual and crisis communication among the team members. Also, the team and team leadership should effectively manage conflicts and negotiations in the team (Huang, Kahai & Justice, 2010). Overall, there is a need for strategies for effective team membership and leadership.

In multifaceted health care, patient outcomes should be enhanced. Also, effective service delivery should be implemented in healthcare settings (Boies, Fiset & Gill, 2015). Moreover, healthcare providers should be satisfied with their work. Also, there would be collaboration as well as teamwork for the success of the healthcare setting. Finally, the healthcare setting should maintain the attainment of the organizational objectives and goals.

There are numerous consequences of a team that lacks trust in their leader. The first consequence is poor patient outcomes, errors in service delivery in health care, as well as lateness and job dissatisfaction among physicians in healthcare (Huang, Kahai & Justice, 2010). Moreover, due to the lack of trust, the life of a patient may be at risk in the health facility.

Works Cited

Staiger, D. O., Auerbach, D. I., & Buerhaus, P. I. (2012). Registered nurse labor supply and the recession-are we in a bubble? New England Journal.

Stanley, D. (2010). Multigenerational workforce issues and their implications for leadership in nursing. Journal of Nursing Management, 18, 846Y852

Tolbize, A. (2008). Generational differences in the workplace. Research and Training Center on Community Living, University of Minnesota.

Boies, K., Fiset, J., & Gill, H. (2015). Communication and trust are key: Unlocking the relationship between leadership and team performance and creativity. The Leadership Quarterly26(6), 1080-1094.

Eisenberg, J., Gibbs, J., & Erhardt, N. (2016). The role of vertical and shared leadership in virtual team collaboration. Strategic Management and Leadership for Systems Development in Virtual Spaces22.

Huang, R., Kahai, S., & Jestice, R. (2010). The contingent effects of leadership on team collaboration in virtual teams. Computers in Human Behavior26(5), 1098-1110



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