Academic Master


The Telegraph and the Evolution of Language


The Telegraph is becoming the climax of obsolete technology. The last was sent about three years ago, and Morse died a few years prior. However, in terms of influence, Samuel Morse has an obsolete one. Many describe him as an American Leonardo, a man of many talents and numerous interests. Samuel B.F Morse was trained as a virtual artist, which made him one of America’s best painters and one of the adopters of daguerreotype photography. Moreover, Morse was one of the most influential people in America’s politics of the 19th century, but his impact in the area was not huge. His political inclination was anti-Catholicism and pro-slavery.


The Telegraph shows that Neologism is more than just a process through which certain meanings are attached through a short statement. Therefore, language can be described as an ability to take a finite set of key elements to come up with an infinite combination that is comprehensible to the receiver. Given the definition, it is now clear what it means about the grammar of action. Gollum Caucus points out that “the term “Horse” means which one that names shape. “White” is what means one names a color. Therefore, what names the color is not what names the shape. It can, therefore, be concluded that a white horse is not a horse.”

As Gleick points out, like a sentence, the catalog of human actions is infinite. We stretch beyond limits to come up with new ideas. Humans perform an infinite variety of routines. That’s what motivated the invention of the telegraph. Various complex actions can be broken down into small constituent actions, just as the statement can be broken down into smaller units. In Gleick’s Work, he proposes a link between language and the subsequent actions in order to understand the idea behind the telegraph. Not only speech but also the skilled act that appears to involve the existing problems of serial ordering, down to the coordination of talking either through text-talking or printing. Just like a stream of speech does not have explicit pauses between the words, telegraph actions don’t contain any explicit pauses or breaks within their components. Yet people have been parsing streams of language and sequences of actions into their parts. Since the invention of the telegraph, Literacy has proven to be a fundamental part of human civilization and development.

In the past, people used to communicate using letters. These letters later transformed into telegraph messages. From there, we have had a gradual advancement to other technological frameworks such as the telephone and text-talking through mobile phones. Therefore, if we really skipped any stage of communication technology, we wouldn’t have made such a significant leap. David Diriger points out that “the new technology was a virus. It couldn’t be monopolized and, at the same time, could not be suppressed. People could learn the few semantically empty letters.” The options we have for communication far outweigh those of the past generation. Nowadays, children are learning new skills as a fundamental part of their lives. Language is a fundamental component of human life that most people learn without knowing it. This way, we learn, and our ability to showcase our language capabilities has surpassed the years of telegraph representation, reports, or box representations. “Language fits so well that the users cannot always see any flaws or gaps. Until soon, various cultures invented logic.”

It is important to mention that we can only liberate and collective intelligence, we can focus on digital literacy, and what we have now is perhaps the best opportunity and the necessary technology to help us create, shape and developing ourselves as the of our cultures such as Samuel Morse. Every person acts knowingly with the help of communication as well as the circumstances that surround one’s conduct when he understands the nature of his conduct or the existence of his circumstances. Every individual with knowledge and respect understands how to act reasonably in order to impact the outcome. It is important that taken-for-granted ideas of modern technology help explain the properties of things by focusing on the superficial elements of the micro world.

But like anything else that people take for granted, modern technology was made in history. The Telegraph has been in existence since the 19th century. At first, it was not such an important component of human life. It didn’t help in any way since no one was interested in elaborating that the world depended on them. Still, the Telegraph was a technology that made people believe that there was a new path in communication other than printing. It was not just a thing of speculation. Unlike printing, people were able to engage with it in an empirical manner, thus providing a profound shift in communication. Language and communication are some of the fundamental human actions that have evolved over time for people to survive.

Text – language is one great example of this. People want to always fit as much information as possible into a very small space and still maintain a certain level of understanding by the recipients. “Thou must learn the alphabetical order, as they stand with no Brooke, where each letter stands.” However, many people still don’t like It. Text-talking has long been viewed as a less literate communication framework. However, since we have been able to get rid of large parts of redundancy in language, it can be argued that “text-talking” can be viewed as the new efficient language. Since the invention of phones, the purpose of communication has been to objectively describe language by not necessarily focusing on the positive side or the negative side. The biggest advancement of the telegraph occurred in the 1850s when it was realized that the clicks of the device provided a clear pattern that was easily understandable by the users.

This facilitated the operator’s ability to hear the message and write it down. Such forms of advancements led to the invention of the Duplex telegraphy, which let two messages be transmitted over a wire at the same time. This was later advanced to Quadruple, allowing four messages to be transferred at the same time. This further saw the improvement of the Telegraph machine by Buckingham to a house system. “For this invention of forgetfulness, for those who understand how to use it, since they will not improve their memory, the initial trust is put in writing using external characters that are not part of their individual memory within them. You have invented a weak memory, but reminding”(Tebeaux). This enabled the printing of messages in Roman letters on blank paper and ready for impartment. Historically, it is clear that the telegraph was a great invention that changed the way the mob communicated and allowed people to easily connect where “the historical writing system at the opposite side took a long period to emerge: The alphabet was just a single symbol for one minimal sound.”

As long the sender and the recipient are linked to a wire. Therefore, the evolution of language and communication is social-cultural; the kind of evolution in language is the stock in trade on historical linguistics. “The clerks who use the recording instrument become experts in the respective hieroglyphics, and they don’t need to refer to any printed records to know what message the recording instrument has. They have fully understood its speech. They can use their ears to listen to the clicking and print what might be needed.”(Baumann)

Compared to the invention of the telegraph, historical linguistics is a relatively old discipline. It is an area that has accumulated a huge amount of theories and concepts as well as facts regarding the transformation of language over the years. “The long persistence of written word made it possible to establish new structures on what was known the world then and what was known about knowing”. It has reconstructed numerous protolanguages from which most of the modern languages are developed. The ancestor languages in the dot-com often descended from the ancient languages such as the Iroquoian family or the proto-Iroquoian. Even though languages change over time, they do so within the boundaries of universal constraints in the forms of phonological systems. As a result, people develop language from that of an earlier generation and still won’t develop another different language from that of the community.


Even though Samuel Morse’s invention is mainly limited to his famous invention, he still has the huge attention that he received. Antiquated as it might appear, the telegraphs act as a great representation of revolution in communication rivaling the printing world. Unlike printing, the telegraph had no speed limits at which a physical message could be transmitted in different locations. John Salisbury indicates, “Fundamentally, letters are shapes used to show voices. Therefore, they represent things brought to mind through the eyes.”

Work Cited

Baumann, Gerd, ed. The written word: Literacy in transition. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.

Tebeaux, Elizabeth. The emergence of a tradition: Technical writing in the English Renaissance, 1475-1640. Routledge, 2018.

James Clarke Maxwell .new wires: new logic:no other thing is more enswathed in the unknown:1878.



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