Academic Master


The Existence of God

While having a long journey, I had an opportunity to recognize a devoted atheist who believe that God is a myth invented by humans to make them feel better (Godawa, 2009). After listening carefully to why this person did not believe in God, I got an opportunity to explain why I believed in God. This paper will provide explanations for the existence of God.

The existence of God is the basis for the study of religion. The Bible does not try to prove the existence of God. Christian and non-Christian philosophers made various claims about the existence of God, and natural theology continues to be studied today (Myers & Noebel, 2015). On the other hand, some philosophers argue that it is logical to believe in God even without an evidence. During this time, atheists protested against the existence of God. Most important is the Evil Argument, which asserts that the existence and extent of evil in the universe provides us with a solid basis for rejecting God.

Accordingly, Christian philosophers have developed several theories that attempt to explain why God is morally justified in allowing the horrors we understand. Instead of proving the existence of God, the Bible begins by proclaiming the works of God: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the world (Godawa, 2009).” The original declaration of the Bible assumes that the reader already understands not only the existence of God, but also a basic understanding of who the God is. Although nations may be confused about the nature of this deity, belief in a Creator God is common throughout the Old Testament. Although pagan nations were confused about the true nature of the God, belief in a Creator God was shown to be natural to all people in the Old Testament. This belief in God’s existence is carried over into the New Testament, which builds on the Old Testament’s uncompromising monotheism (Burns, 2019). The apostle Paul stresses in his letter to the Romans that God’s “eternal power and divine character” may be seen in the established order itself (Myers & Noebel, 2015). There can be no rational basis for doubting the presence of a transcendent personal creator, and consequently no justification for unbelief and objectively speaking.

Human beings owe God their reverence and appreciation since they have a natural understanding of their creator, and their refusal to do so is the major cause of God’s anger and punishment. The apostle’s firm belief in natural revelation has prompted some to wonder if anybody can genuinely be an atheist (Godawa, 2009). The answer will be determined by two factors: first, how “atheist” is defined, and second, what Paul means when he says that humans “know” God. It’s difficult to believe that anybody could be fully unaware of God’s presence if the notion is that all men retain some true knowledge of God despite their wicked denial of natural revelation. If “atheist” is defined as someone who rejects the presence of God or claims not to believe in God, Romans 1 not only accepts but also predicts the existence of atheists (Feser, 2017). As a result, atheism might be viewed as a type of guilty self-deception.

I believe in God as the creator and that He created us all in his likeness. I believe Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins and to give us a new life through his death and resurrection. I am a devout Catholic, which implies that I believe in just one God (Myers & Noebel, 2015). God, on the other hand, is a three-person entity known as the Holy Trinity, which includes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Furthermore, as a Catholic, I believe that Adam and Eve disobeyed God, resulting in original sin in every child born. I know from my experience that I was cleansed of my original sin via a procedure known as Baptism. God has played an important role in my daily life from the beginning (Charnock, 2020). I think he always tries to communicate with me. God, for example, always places hurdles in my path to determine if I am strong or tough enough to overcome them. However, some difficulties are more challenging than others; some appear to be insurmountable, while others I solve quickly. All of this is done by God out of love, which is also a strong word in my life.

The moral argument about the existence of God is a broad debate from some aspects of moral life to the existence of God, who is widely regarded as the creator of the morally superior universe. It requires moral debate and is attractive at the same time (Myers & Noebel, 2015). They are intrigued because it is necessary to consider virtually all major philosophical issues in meta-ethics to assess their validity. They are important because of their importance in the general apology of religious beliefs (Feser, 2017). Many ordinary people believe that religion provides certain kinds of values ​​or foundations. This may seem to support theological arguments for morality rather than moral arguments for religious beliefs, if one believes that morality is intentional in every sense, and moral fact seeks interpretation, when the body for the truth of God, moral arguments will appear literally (Godawa, 2009). Many believe that the clear connection between morality and religion supports the notion that moral truth requires a theological basis or that it can best be explained by the presence of God or by certain attributes or acts of God.


Godawa, B. (2009). Hollywood worldviews.

Myers, J., & Noebel, D. (2015). Understanding the times: A survey of competing worldview (5th ed.).

Charnock, S. (2020). The existence and attributes of God. e-artnow.

Feser, E. (2017). Five proofs for the existence of God. Ignatius Press.



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