Academic Master


Technological Determinism in Twentieth-Century Architectural Theory & Design


The articles Towards a New Atchitecture 1923 by Le Corbuser and C

OMPLEXITY AND CONTRADICTION IN ARCHITECTURE by Rober Venturi 1966 both; shift attention towars the major issue and trends in old architecture of 20th century. The authors speak about the incompetence of the archietecture that is inherent in the art of that time. The author states that complexity and non straightforwardness in atchitecture is not acknowledged like the other fields. While the industry like architecture had been ruled by the new spirit. The economic laws were governing the thoughts and acts of architects at that time.


The articles provide an insight about the problem of house and architecture design in the early and mid 20th century. Le in 1923 describes the technological determinism in the 20th century architectural design as overwhelming; it was like a flood that rolled on towards its detination and helped the designers to adopt to newe tools and techniques using technology. The equilibrium of society pretty much depended upon the architectural design. The 20th century was the period of renewal that brought a revolution of values and revised various elements of house designs.

20th century was the great era of constructing mass houses and buildings that were filled with innovation and new design using technology; the experiment was done in many ways to create unique buildings on a mass production. The spirit of constructing the mass production of houses was increasing.the author called this idea of producing mass houses the “house machine” whih was morally healthy for the development of society and beautiful in the same way. The instruments and technological tools added to the beauty of design as well which was an over all great experience. The artists were able teo use their creativity and animation which added to serve the pure purpose of building great architecture.

The author speaks about airplanes that was a creation of 20th century; it was a signof advancemtne towards a modern industry. The scientists wanted to succeed at any cost with their new flying machine called airplane. It was ann invention that was not only daring but also mobilized which was created with a great spirit. Inventing the airplanes was same as the advancement of architecture. The airplane was built with a logic to fly, it was not supppsoed to fly like a bird or a hawk; the successful realization was the real problem and finding its solution was inevitable. Engineers in that era were mostly busy with creating bridges, liners, mines and railways inteh20th cenrity; the success of airpleanes showed that they succeed intehir mission to find the solution to flying problem. To invent a flying machine that would enable every human beings to remain in air in the next ten years was simply amazing to everyone.

Robert Venturi adds his points in 1966 that he like the contradiction and complexity in architecture in the 60s. but the arbitrariness and incoherence were the problems that needed attention; the modern architecture was filled with the complexity of design and ambigiuity. Complexity and contradiction were issues that were not acknolwledged in the architecture unlike many other fields. The traditional elements like firmness and delight add complexity in the architecture automatically. There fore the result was the difficulties in the urban architecture plan. The author says that hybrid elements of modern architecture added to its complexity and ambiguity. It was not direct and clear, rather it was equivocal and inconsistent. The complex architecture has an obligation towards the totality . Author suggested that the architecture should use convention and make it vivid. Unfortunately the architects did not have the power to replace the honky tonk elements in the architecture. The plan was to combine the new and old techniques to become the part of long term plan. The methods that the architects had at that time must be accepted by them.



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