Academic Master


Social and Emotional Development of Students


Social and emotional development in adolescents is a process of learning how to interact with other people, learn about themselves, and make choices that reflect their values (Jansen & Kiefer, 2020). It is also a period of rapid physical, intellectual, and emotional growth. Adolescents develop social skills through interaction with peers at school, at home, and in the community. They learn how others think, feel, and behave; they develop empathy and understanding of the feelings of others; they learn how to take turns or share things fairly; they learn how to assert themselves in relationships with family members or peers; and they learn how to manage conflicts that arise through disagreements or conflicts with authority figures (Jansen & Kiefer, 2020). This brief essay addresses how secondary school educators may foster a productive learning environment by promoting students’ social and emotional growth by selecting beneficial lifestyle habits and an effective use of technology.

Emotional highs and lows occur more often throughout early adolescence. The emotional ups and downs of early adolescence have been linked to variations in hormone levels, which may be connected to the puberty-induced hormonal alterations that cause these shifts. Teens’ erratic emotions moderate as they enter adulthood, perhaps due to the development of the prefrontal brain and the body’s ability to regulate hormone levels (Peculea & Bocos, 2013). Stressful life events, such as entering middle school or junior high, or beginning sexual encounters or love relationships, may lead to emotional shifts throughout adolescence (Peculea & Bocos, 2013).

Adolescents Developmental Stages

Adolescents often first become self-aware of their emotional patterns, such as feeling guilty after expressing anger, throughout adolescence. They may be better able to manage their feelings now that they are more self-aware. Adolescents have more finesse in expressing their feelings to others. They learn, for instance, the value of masking their displeasure in social interactions. They are also more likely to know that effective emotional expression is crucial to a healthy relationship (Mampane & Ross, 2017). Adolescents undergo two distinct developmental stages: learning identity and identity diffusion, learning intimacy and isolation (Mampane & Ross, 2017). The initial stage of the adolescent’s identity crisis is the attempt to define one’s identity. Identity confusion, misbehavior, rebellion, and self-doubt may affect even the most mature and successful teenager. A sense of maturity and confidence in oneself should dawn on them about this time. The teenager looks up to this individual and begins to model their behavior after that of their role model.

In the second phase, individuals developed a genuine closeness with others outside their immediate family. A partner in the form of a boyfriend or girlfriend may emerge for them. They may start going out more often and spending less time at home. Though it may not occur until much later in life, this is also when they may begin to experience genuine closeness via intimate relationships (Raising children network, 2018). There is a wide range of what and how adolescents are taught about sexuality from many sources, including parents, peers, the media, and formal schooling.

Classroom Strategies

In the alignment of the Christian worldview, the use of a classroom environment that is rich in respectful, meaningful conversation is a great way to promote healthy social and emotional development in early adolescents and adolescents. This can be done by having silent reading time in addition to regular class discussions and allowing students to work together on projects that involve collaborative learning. Secondly, a classroom environment where students are encouraged to express their feelings openly and honestly can help promote healthy social and emotional development in early adolescents and adolescents. This can be accomplished by having open-ended discussions about emotions, discussing how they have changed over time, or asking them to share something they are proud of doing.

As teachers are responsible for actively fostering their students’ personal and social growth. For the sake of the development of the students, the teacher will be instructing, students need to pay close attention to their individual requirements and use the strategies one has learned in their coursework and trainings. During the school day, children often expect their teacher to provide them with the resources necessary for personal and interpersonal growth. Also, teachers may utilize various methods to help their students learn more effectively in class. Supporting kids’ social and emotional development is one approach that might be used. When a student seems to be suffering an emotional crisis, the teacher must have a conversation with them and show that they care about them and want to help them sort through their feelings. Then the teacher may assist them in finding a way to resolve their disagreement.

As a result, their pupil will be better able to deal with difficult situations and achieve emotional maturity. Methods for resolving student-peer disagreements in the classroom are another potential take-away from this essay. The best method to help kids see all sides of an issue is to facilitate classroom conversations where they are sure to find at least one person with whom they strongly disagree. They will get a better understanding of people and be better able to settle disagreements as a result. When teachers use technology in the classroom, it becomes easier to recognize and accommodate students with a wide range of learning styles. In this way, it can speed up the educational process. Learning how to responsibly use classroom technology is essential for students’ development. Every classroom might benefit from having one, and instructors should make good use of them to demonstrate how students can use technology to further their learning. It has the potential to help them learn much more than they ever dreamed possible.


To conclude, it may be inferred that adolescents go through a process of social and emotional development in which they learn to connect with others, discover who they are, and make decisions that are consistent with their beliefs. Physical, mental, and emotional maturation all occur quickly during this time. Interaction with peers in the classroom, at home, and in the neighborhood, all contribute to the maturation of adolescents’ social abilities. They learn to understand the perspectives of others, empathize with those who are different from themselves, share resources equitably, stand up for themselves in peer or family relationships, resolve disagreements with others and authority figures, and asserts themselves in social situations. Teachers in secondary schools may help create a positive learning environment by encouraging their pupils to develop their social and emotional maturity by adopting healthy behaviors and using technology effectively in their classes.


Jansen, K., & Kiefer, S. M. (2020). Understanding brain development: Investing in young adolescents’ cognitive and social-emotional development. Middle School Journal, 51(4), 18–25.

Mampane, M., & Ross, E. (2017). Beyond the Silence: Emotional Experiences of Adolescents in Foster Care. SOUTHERN AFRICAN JOURNAL of SOCIAL WORK and SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, 29(1), 107–121.

Peculea, L., & Bocos, M. (2013). Development of Social and Emotional Skills through Intervention Programs among Adolescents. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 76, 618–623.



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