Academic Master


Research: Method, Design, and Rationale

Exploring the rate of seasonal-pattern depression in an Inuit community

Methodology: Descriptive qualitative. A descriptive research design is appropriate here. The reason for choosing such a method is that the researcher will need to look into records of patients, conduct interviews, and even make observations. Descriptive research design is the best for it describes fully the data gotten regarding seasonal-pattern depression

Democracy in America

Methodology: Explanatory research design. Research design: Mixed research design. Rationale: The method can be used in analyzing the data received from the qualitative and quantitative research methods. It also complements the strengths of a single design as well as overcomes the weaknesses of a single method.

The relationship between compassion fatigue and burnout among critical care nurses

Methodology: Correlational/ regression analysis. Research design: Diagnostic research design. Rationale: The correlational method shows the relationship between the two variables. The diagnostic research design focuses on providing the root cause of the problem and provides a suitable solution.

Two drugs for Alzheimer’s show promise

The qualitative research method is used. The appropriate research design used is the descriptive research design. The rationale behind this is that the researcher needs to describe the two drugs fully for the audience to understand

Evaluating technology with student success

Methodology: Quasi-experimental. Research design: Experimental research design. Rationale: Quasi-experimental method compares the students who succeed and those who do not with their access to technology. The experimental research design shows the difference in results between the two groups of students.

Factors that influence weight control among women

Method: quantitative research method. Research design: Diagnostic research design. Rationale: Quantitative method provides figures to be used in the analysis. The diagnostic research design focuses on providing the root cause of the problem and provides a suitable solution.

The meaning of living with brain injury and stroke10 years after the injury

Method: Descriptive method. Research design: Explanatory research design. Rationale: Descriptive method describes the situation as it is. Explanatory research design explains how possible it is to live with brain injury and stroke10 years after the injury.

Exploring the beliefs of healing among Aborigines

Methodology: Descriptive research method. Research design: Descriptive research design. Rationale: The descriptive method will describe the beliefs of healing in Aborigines, and the design will further tell what those people believe.


Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L., Gutmann, M. L., & Hanson, W. E. (2003). Advanced mixed methods research designs. Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research, 209, 240.

Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research methodology: Methods and techniques. New Age International.



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