Academic Master

Environmental Science

Push Pull Parasite Control From Agriculture To Aquaculture


The push and pull technology is the strategy that is being used for the long period of time. This technique comprises of controlling the agricultural pests that are repellent by the push plants (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24). These are also known as the trap pull plants. For instance, if one talks about the cereal crops, such as maize and sorghum, they are often infested by the stem borers. What really happens is that the grass that is planted around the perimeter of the crop is attracted by the insects and the same thing is being used to make sure that the pests are trapped. The technology development was carried out at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24). The Rothamsted research United Kingdom was the one who assisted during the whole process and was national partner as well. The approach’s main premises are the reliance on the combination of the crops that are supposed to be planted around along with the lines of the maize and sorghum (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24).

The domestic as well as the wild grasses both can go a long way when it comes to the crop protection as they seem to attract and trap the stem borers (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24). The grasses are planted in the border around the maize. What these grasses tend to do is that they allow for the push and pull strategy (Koumoundouros et al. 2016, p.25). The other thing that happens is that they tend to serve as the borers of the natural enemies of the crops. The good trap crop is the one that includes the well known grasses such as the Napier grass, or the infamous Sudan grass. The Napier grass is an important determinant of the way it is being used due to the fact that how the defense against the pets is supposed to be carried out (Hara et al. 2013, p.339). Once they are being attacked by the borer larva, they tend to secrete the sticky substance against which the physical traps are being setup. Now, if one talks about the push that is provided by the intercropping of the schemes that are provided by the plants. These plants emit chemicals, and these chemicals tend to repel the stem borer the moths.

Then these moths away from the main crop as well as maize and sorghum which are the best can be done in this regard. These plants have the repellant properties which are related to the species that are the part of leguminous genus Disodium (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24). The Disodium is then planted in between the rows of the maize as well as sorghum (Hagiwara et al. 2017, p.223). One of the key things that is involved during the course of the push and pull technology is that how the behavior modifying stimuli is going to be used during the course of the whole process. It talks about the way manipulation of the distribution as well as the abundance of the stem borers is supposedly carried out.

There are some beneficial insects as well if one talk about the management of the stem borer pests is being carried out (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24). These concepts are based on the in depth understanding of the way chemical ecology is supposed to be shared (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24). Then comes some other aspects such as the way plant and plant or insect to plant interactions is supposed to be carried out. Now, if one takes about the way Gravidstemborer are working, what happens is that females are going to be repelled by the main. At the same time, they are also attracted towards the trap crop (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24). Specially speaking about the Napier grass and the attractive volatile compounds that are trapped due to these plants. There is also an increase of about 100 fold in the total amount for the said time period (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24).

The production of these compounds is happening during the nightfall. Specially speaking the first hour during the course of the nightfall is the one that is extremely crucial (Kurokura et al. 2014, p.273). It allows the stem borer to make sure that they are locating the host plants in the appropriate manner (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24). Thus the technique has been deemed very effective when it comes to the pest control (Guo et al. 2016, p.19). There is increasing consensus among the researchers to make sure that this technique can be used in the aquatic animals. The key fact that is needed to be taken into the consideration is the fact that how the food security is going to be provided (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24). The push and pull parasite control, if it is allowing greater degree of freedom in terms of the food security (Guillou et al. 2015, p.351).

The need of the hour is to make sure that for the better aqua climate, the development of the new methods is done to ensure that the better results can be achieved in terms of aquatic safety (Grima et al. 2014, p.377). The problem is that the way aquatic safety is being compromised these days, there is a need of the hour to make sure that new methods are devised that allow better controls (Kurokura et al. 2014, p.273). Not only the effective utilization of the resources is needed, but bringing about parasite control and making it more effective to the resistance is the key thing that is going to be discussed during the course of this paper (Lavens and Sorgeloos, 2016, p.54). The research is also going to look at the way parasitic behavioral changes might make it more effective to have push and pull control to be done in some other species (Erdahl et al. 2016, p.341). The key thing that is needed to be looked at is to ensure that how the right balance is being achieved in terms of the way controlling mechanism for these plants is (Pretty and Williams, 2015, p.24).

Methods and Results

One of the key things that are needed to be look at with respect to the push and pull paradise control is that understanding is needed to be developed with regards to the way this technology works (Balmford et al. 2014, p.15). Once the basic understanding of this technology is developed, the next thing that is needed to be done is to have an idea that how this technology can be implemented in some other pest control methods (Balmford et al. 2014, p.15). The core essence of this research is that whether the push and pull parasite control is going to be effective in the aquatic environment (Balmford et al. 2014, p.15). The key method that is being used is that how the technology is going to be implemented at the larval stage (Balmford et al. 2014, p.15). The problem at the moment is that there is not much innovation with regards to the way maintenance of the aqua culture is being done (Balmford et al. 2014, p.15).

The research is going to look at the fact that how it can be made sure that the push and pull method for the pest control can be done in the aqua culture bodies as well (Lawrence and Block, 2018, p.65). To do that, it would be seen what are some of the current prevailing methods that are being used for preservation of the aqua culture (Dosdat et al. 2015, p.84). Once that idea is developed, the other phase is going to talk about the fact that how in the long run it can be made sure that the these methods, along with the pest control would also make sure that the overall quality of the water is going to stay the same (Balmford et al. 2014, p.15). The idea is to make sure that some new methods are being devised with regards to the better pest control (Phillips and Lardy, 2014, p.404). Along with that, how the method can be used in the manner that is economically viable so that the method can be implemented at much larger. The other thing that is very important is that how the antibiotic resistance is going to be managed (Balmford et al. 2014, p.15) .

Core Methodology of the Research

The way it works out, the stem borers and other push and pull parasite control programs contain certain moths (Pretty et al. 2013, p.234). What is being done is that repellant intercrop is being used and using that crop, an attractive trap plant is being developed (Pretty et al. 2013, p.234). What happens next is that the insects and other harmful compounds are then repelled from the food crop. Not only that, during the same time they are also attracted to the trap crop (Pretty et al. 2013, p.234). The basic idea is to ensure that the control of the stem borers is carried out. The advantage that they tend to offer is that they also provide quality fodder to the livestock.

It is a key advantage in terms of the pest management is done (Desrosier and Desrosier, 2017, p.4). At the same time, the major concern when using any fertilizer or pest control is that what is going to happen to the level of fertility of the soil (Pretty et al. 2013, p.234) . Here there is enough empirical evidence to suggest that the fertility of the soil is not affected due to the way this problem persists most of the times (Ron and Padilla, 2015, p.297). Then comes the chemical composition, and what really happens is disodium is that it provides volatile chemicals (Pretty et al. 2013, p.234). For instance, the production of the (E)-ß-cymene and E)-4, 8-dimethyl-1, 3, 7-nonatriene is one of the main reasons due to which they repel the whole thing and the stem borer from the moths to the maize is being made. Then there is other important consideration about the structure of the grass (Dan et al. 2012, p.115). The Napier grass for instance is well known to be octane as well as nominal, naphthalene, 4-allylanisole, eugenol and linalool, attract female moths (‘pull’) to lay eggs. On the other hand, the desmodium roots produce chemicals that tend to stimulate Striga seed germination.

The chemical composition of the germination is going to be 4”,5”-dihydro-5,2′,4′-trihydroxy-5”-isopropenylfurano-(2”,3”;7,6)-isoflavanone, and others which inhibit their attachment to maize roots, such as 4”,5”-dihydro-2′-methoxy-5,4′-dihydroxy-5”-isopropenylfurano-(2”,3”;7,6)-isoflavanone (suicidal germination), and there is a strong likelihood that they are going to reduce the level of toxicity and thus reducing the number of pests that are located in the given are (Cutter and Renwick, 2016, p.3). The functionality of the legume is such that they tend to improve the fertility of the soil as well. The fertility is being taken care off by making sure that the way nitrogen fixation is supposed to be working out for the said pest treatment method (Pretty et al. 2013, p.234). The way chemical works, they tend to cause striga to the maize roots as well as bring about the suicidal germination of the seeds as well that goes a long way towards the extermination of these plants (Coser et al. 2013, p.387). Thus their effectiveness during the course of the pest control has already been proven (Pretty et al. 2013, p.234).

The problem is that how it is going to be made sure that the all around pest control and environmental control can be made possible in the current environment. At the moment, the biggest concern for the people who are looking after the environment is that the way pollution is happening in the aquaculture (Williams et al. 2012, p.45). As per some estimates, about 90 % production of the aquaculture production is originating from Asia. It is not even exempted from the disease problems (Williams et al. 2012, p.45). This problem is witnessed due to the extreme lengths on intensification that one gets to see these days (Ramgareeb et al, 2014, p.262). The intensification is the culture in which different marine species and large scale international movement is carried out which effects the aquaculture (Saad et al. 2013, p.133). Not only that, the large scale international movement that one gets to see these days in terms of the fingerlings and the juveniles is another area where concern is witnessed in terms of the sustainability of aquaculture (Ramgareeb et al, 2014, p.262). Thus the core idea of the research is to make sure that whether the push and pull technology is good enough to be used in the aqua culture, and if not what are some of the other methods that are needed to be devised to make sure that better degree of control is witnessed in terms of the aquaculture (Ramgareeb et al, 2014, p.262).

Literature Analysis

During the course of this section, it would be seen what is the host of the existing literature has to say about the way preservation of the aquaculture is supposed to be carried out (Smith and Onions, 2014, p.2). At the moment, the issue that is being witnessed is that any effort that is being carried out to make sure that the agricultural yield is increased, it goes against the sustainability of the environment (Ramgareeb et al, 2014, p.262). With the help of the push and pull technology, there has been certain level of success with regards to the way pest control is being achieved in the crop (Stanwood and Bass, 2016, p.54). Despite this fact though, the major problem that is being faced at the moment is that there is no conclusive evidence that such technique is going to take care of the problems pertaining to aquaculture (Ramgareeb et al, 2014, p.262). It is very important to make sure that the alternative methods and innovation is brought with regards to the way management of the aquaculture is done (Corley and Brandhorst, 2014, p.363). It is due to the fact that the current methods and practices are not good enough to ensure that these things are being taken care off (Zhang et al. 2013, p.163). Thus it would be interesting to see what are some of the other methods that can be used to ensure sustainable practices are being developed across the board and managing the eco system in an appropriate manner (Zhang et al. 2013, p.163).

Interaction of the Building Blocks and Conservation of the Biodiversity

If one talk about the way management of the aquaculture is supposed to be done, the key aspect that the policy makers want to make sure that is that sustainability and the preservation of the biodiversity has to be carried out (Raguso et al. 2015, p.617). The other important objective is that how the improvement in the local community livelihood is going to be done (Raguso et al. 2015, p.617). The work that is being done at the moment is to make sure that with the involvement of the local community workers, the MPA management plan is developed.

The key premises of this plan are to make sure that the conservatism and the sustainable usage of the way management of the biodiversity is carried out during the course of the whole process (Chao et al. 2015, p.406). Not only that, it is also going to include other hosts of activities such as the promotion of the aquaculture and ensuring that sufficient awareness about the way aquaculture can be maintained and preserved (Truscott et al. 2018, p.372). To make sure that it happens, the approach that is being used is the value chain approach (Raguso et al. 2015, p.617). With that approach, it is important that the different steps that are carried out during the process of the value chain of the aquaculture are being looked after in an appropriate manner. That includes getting all the necessary support from the way strong technical support is needed to be extended (Raguso et al. 2015, p.617). The whole premises of the product are to ensure that there is some sort of involvement from the private sector in this regard (Pickett et al. 2012, p.2).

Carrying out the feasibility analysis, it was showed that if the value chain approach is being used, there is considerable likelihood that the environmental capacity of the site is going to be improved (Pickett et al. 2012, p.2). That would also make sure that the profit making ability of the business is going to be sustained at a certain level (Pickett et al. 2012, p.2). What is needed here though is to make sure that the combined vision is created along with the development of the value chain approach in the manner that it becomes sustainable in the long run (Bozkurt and Secer, 2015, p.54). Not only that, with the help of this method, it would be made sure that the level of biodiversity that is needed at each and every level of the value chain of the aquaculture is going to be taken care off. It all depends though on the fact that how the involvement of the private sector is rolling out at the given time period (Pickett et al. 2012, p.2).

Better Understanding of the Ecological Benefits of the Aquaculture

The common perception about the aquaculture is that it is something that is very beneficial for the long term eco system and the environment. But there is a need to have a clear distinction in this regard (Bolla et al.2017, p.374). At the moment, there are several practices that are related to the aquaculture that are good for the environment, but on the other hand, practices such as shrimp farming that goes in the mangroves and some other methods have been proven to be quite harmful to the long term environmental sustainability (Bardach et al, 2014, p.44).

Taking the example of the substantial feeding capacity of the shellfish aquaculture, what it does is that it adds substantial filter to the feeding capacity (Pickett et al. 2012, p.2). When that happens, there is always going to be considerable improvement in the quality of the water (Assavaaree et al. 2015, p.39). The extent to which the quality of the water can be improved can be estimated by the fact that how single oyster that can filter about 15 gallons of water has the capacity to remove considerable number of algae cells that are present in the water (Pickett et al. 2012, p.2). When these cells are being removed, the shellfish then remove the nitrogen as well as some other nutrients from the water (Pickett et al. 2012, p.2). Most of the times, either they are retained or regained or as this waste is cumulated, it goes towards the bottom of the water (Asahida et al. 2016, p.727).

When the harvest of the shellfish nitrogen is carried out, what happens is that the wastage and other elements that are likely to disrupt the quality of the water are completely removed (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). Thus the key thing again is the way value chain is being managed during the course of the whole process. The nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are being directly removed from it (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). When the repacking of these nutrients is carried out, they tend to release atrophic and other nutrient rich contents (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). These contents are also the part of the low dissolved oxygen that is the capacity to disseminate the species. Now this is where the problem occurs, even though there is improvement in the water quality, the issue that is being seen here is that how the biodiversity is affected (Andrade et al. 2015, p.179). It is the dilemma that is being witnessed at the moment with regards to the way aquaculture is likely to affect the biodiversity at the given point of time (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223) .

Ecological Functionality and Aquaculture with Regards to Pest Control

If there is a well developed aquaculture in the area, it is a strong likelihood that it is going o create strong ecological functions that allows the betterment of the inhabitants of that area. For example the shellfish beds and the cages can be used to make sure that the habitat structure is being provided to the relevant stakeholders over there (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). This structure then can be used to make sure that it provides some sort of shelter to the invertebrates (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). These include small fishes and crustaceans that are potentially increasing from the abundance as well as making sure that the extent to which the biodiversity is being witnessed in that area (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). When there is increased shelter, it raises the stocks of the way prey fish are supposed to work along with the small crustaceans (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223).

What they tend to do is that it provides considerable economic opportunities for the people who are living in those regions. As per some estimates, about 10 meter square of the oyster reef is likely to enhance the bio mass of that area by about 3 kg. At the same time, the shellfish that is occurring on the herbivores is also going to be preyed on (Herren et al. 2017, p.65). Due to that, there is significant shift in the energy level as well as it goes from the primary producers to the higher tropic levels as well as making sure that it is skipping out on the multiple generically costing tropic jumps (Hastie et al. 2014, p.179). These jumps are quite likely to make sure that the increase in the biomass is also going to be witnessed in terms of the management of the ecosystem is supposed to be carried out at the given time period. It also goes a long way towards increasing the biomass in the overall ecological system (Cruz-Rivera and Friedlander, 2015, p.218).

Effects of the Stocking at the Molecular Genetic Level

The case of the natural tilapia diversity at Tanzania stands out, which was a particular hotspot for the people who were living in that area (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). What is needed to be done is the assessment of the effect of the molecular genetics level awareness is carried out with the help of the genomes of the native as well as the stocked forms (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). What is going to be done during the course of the whole process is that the recommendations are going to be with regards to the conservation in the in situ and ex situ (Ingvarsdottir et al. 2016, p.537).

These terms are an important determinant of the way pond culture is developed in the area as well as the way sperm banks are being looked after. Then the estimation of the growth of the pure rates and the hybrid forms is going to be done, Once assessment is being made about the extent to which the environmental proliferation is being carried out in the region, during the next phase, it would be seen that how the push and pull technology is going to make sure that the pest control is going to work out in the region (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). The idea behind the case is to make sure that the predictions can be made about the implementation of the push and pull technology in these systems and what is needed to be done to make sure that the correct mechanism is being developed (Welladsen et al. 2014, p.247). During the course of the research, the ecological niches are also going to be looked and it would be seen that how the hybrid stains from the stable isotope ratios are going to be working out during the course of this given project (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). The key thing that is needed to be taken into consideration is that the end result is going to work out with regards to the effect of the push and pull technology in this case (Johnstone et al. 2013, p.98).

Effects of the Push and Pull Technology in the Aquaculture

There is considerable difference when it comes to making sure that the relevant pest control is achieved in the agricultural context as compared to witnessing the same thing in aquaculture (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). The results from the research were mixed to say the least. One of the first things that was seen that when the successful was carried out in the aquaculture, the results were initially encouraging. What happened what there was considerable forage if one talks about the overall soil quality as well as the way fertility of the soil was concerned (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223). At the same time, the when the widespread implementation was carried out, the other major impact that the attract repel plant system was developed in the aquaculture that allowed greater degree of control in terms of the way underwater species were supposed to be surviving (Waterfield and Zilberman, 2012, p.223).

The key thing that was needed to be done was that how the intercropping was done at this level and the result was imminent is that how the whole thing was repelled in the given time period. The development of the decoy plants and the protection from the crop infestation was witnessed for the same time period (Nelson et al. 2014, p.57). The combination that worked out well in terms of the intercropping was the maize and some other additional repelling plants that were working at the initial working plant borers (Nelson et al. 2014, p.57). The other important result that was achieved was that how there was apparent reduction in the density of the stem borer. There was enhancement in the parasitism rates (Romney et al. 2013, p.31). Thus, if the intercropping is done in the appropriate manner, it would allow better pest control at each level. The major problem though was the fact that how the how the biodiversity was supposed to be managed.

There are many living organisms that are very important for the water quality and the eventual survival of the species that are located in the water (Nelson et al. 2014, p.57). When the pest control is carried out such an extensive level, the likelihood is that it is going to disrupt living organisms that are important in terms of the way ecological and environmental effects of the aquaculture is supposed to be carried out (Nelson et al. 2014, p.57). The push and pull technology is bringing down the level of water quality (Nelson et al. 2014, p.57). What is happening at the moment is that due to the at the moment, the technology is still not reached the phase that the multiple plant species that are specifically going to make sure that the they are going to bring about the element of control that is needed to allow for the better system development (Nelson et al. 2014, p.57).

One idea that is floated is that how the attractant plants are needed to be developed to make sure that the effective trap crops that are going to exterminate only those plants that are going to have an effect on the overall longetivity of the plant (Nelson et al. 2014, p.57). Another method that can be used is to make sure that the appropriate intercropping is carried out in the manner that allows the relevant stem borer at the mortality level and reducing the crop losses for the given time period (Nelson et al. 2014, p.57). It has to be noted that initial results are encouraging enough to make sure that one can go ahead with the future research in this regard and come up with the right permutation in terms of the intercropping so that not only the pest control is being done, but also it can be made sure that the biodiversity in terms of the aquaculture can be maintained (Nelson et al. 2014, p.57).

Conclusion and Consideration for Future Research

Out of all the recent technologies that are being developed with regards to the pest control, the push and pull control is something that brings about the control mechanism. Not only it has been well known to make sure that it has brought about the required pest control, it has also made sure that how the overall quality of the soil is being looked after (Pretty and Bharucha, 2014, p.65). There are about 17 species of the stem borers that have been found to be effective with regards to the pest control (Pretty and Bharucha, 2014, p.65). The reason that this technology has been used at the extensive level in agriculture is due to the fact that how the crop culliver and agricultural yield is not effected due to the whole process (Pretty and Bharucha, 2014, p.65). The element of pest control has reached out as high an 80 % in the concern areas.

Looking at its relative success in the agriculture, combined with the concerns about the aquaculture has prompted the researchers to foresee how push and pull technology can be used in the aquaculture (Pretty and Bharucha, 2014, p.65). Especially after the recent cases when the parasites and the other living organism are causing considerable damage to the aquaculture. The concerns are justified due to the fact that the about despite the advantages of the aquaculture, and in general the practice has been well received with regards to bringing about the improvement in the biodiversity, At the same time, the way aquaculture systems are working at the moment, there are significant environmental impacts. Especially if the aquaculture is carried out in the inland waters (Pretty and Bharucha, 2014, p.65). If the whole activity is carried out in the inland waters, it is also likely to damage the wild fisheries as well (Pretty and Bharucha, 2014, p.65). Even though the practice is carried out in the manner that the waste management is looked after, there are some other concerns that are needed to be looked at with regards to the value chain (Kumar et al. 2013, p.50).

There are many ways through which the pest control mechanism can be developed as well as making sure that the biodiversity that is one of the defining features of the aqua climate is being seen (Pretty and Bharucha, 2014, p.65). At the moment, the effort is being made to make sure that the improvement is being brought with regards to the value chain system of the aquaculture is being carried out. The development of the aquatic food webs is another area where improvement can be brought about at a great level (Pretty and Bharucha, 2014, p.65). The element of control that is needed to be brought with regards to the stakeholders is another approach that can be brought upon. Even though the amendment in the value chain would go a long way towards making sure that the whole thing can be improved (Pretty and Bharucha, 2014, p.65). This solution would also make sure that the extent to which biodiversity is not going to be affected during the course of the whole process (Pretty and Bharucha, 2014, p.65).

The cost and benefit analysis implies that such a practice is going to be very costly and without the involvement of the private sector and investors, such an effort would be futile as the exercise is needed to be implemented at the larger scale (Sassenrath et al. 2016, p.285). As far as the push and pull technology is concerned for the management of pest in the aquaculture. The initial reports and results have been encouraging in this regard. It has been witnessed is that when the intercropping is done even at the basic level, not only it has ensure that the relevant pest control is being achieved, it is something that is sustainable in a sense that the quality of the water samples was not affected when the relevant technology was being implemented. The only major problem that is emerging at the moment is that how the biodiversity is going to be affected due to the whole thing (Khan et al. 2015, p.76). One of the defining aspects of the aquaculture is that biodiversity has to be sustained as it has long term implications for the water quality. There are economic implications as well that are needed to be kept in mind (Sassenrath et al. 2016, p.285). There is scope for future research though regarding how intercropping can be done to make sure that better element of control is being witnessed and right sort of permutation is developed with terms of intercropping (Sassenrath et al. 2016, p.285).


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