Academic Master

Human Resource And Management

Identify one manifest and two latent functions that are unique to professional sports teams choice


The present essay aims at identifying one manifest and two latent functions that are unique to the professional sports team’s choice. Manifest functions are known and deliberate, while latent functions are unintentional (Delaney & Madigan 2015). For the professional sports team choices, the manifest functions are the functions that are socialized in the sportsman for the struggle and competition. The manifest functions help individuals in valuing the efforts, competition, and teamwork in society. The latent functions are not intended or explicit but they are very influential in professional sports.

One manifest function

One of the identified manifest functions of the professional sports team’s choice is cooperation. The sports profession helps in teaching cooperation and teamwork to individuals. The professional sports team deliberately chooses to become cooperative because, without this function, the sportsman can’t win the games and work in a team.

Two latent functions

Two unique latent functions for the professional sports team choices are the development of the individual’s character after participating in the sports and the physical activities that help in releasing the sportsmen’s emotions. Firstly, sports encourage individuals to become physically fit because, without a healthy body, it is not possible to play games well. The individuals who join sports as their profession work hard to become physically fit because they know that without fitness, they cannot play and win. Secondly, sports provide individuals with the opportunity to release their emotions of aggression and anxiety in a controlled manner. In the current society, there are various modern ways for releasing the emotions of aggression, but sports provide a harmless way for individuals to release their aggression (Delaney & Madigan 2015).


So, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that according to one identified manifest function, sports teach cooperation and teamwork to individuals. While according to two latent functions, sports help in strengthening the body and mind of the individuals.


Delaney, T., & Madigan, T. (2015). The sociology of sports: An introduction. McFarland



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