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Some strategies for Early childhood educators to encourage parent’s involvement


Family or parental involvement is essential in early childhood education. Building strong partnerships with families will help support kids in their development.  Most parents need to be engaged in their kids’ learning development. However, they do not know how to get involved. Early childhood educators may undertake several measures to increase parent’s involvement.

Constant communication with parents

Establishing a strong partnership with parents/families is an important initiative for educators to offer effective learning experiences and opportunities in their preschool. To develop and promote the skills of kids, teachers should ensure that they are regularly communicating with families, and seek out involvement activities to incorporate them into their children’s learning process.

Inviting Parents into the Classroom

Early childhood educators should request parents to be guests in the preschool classroom to encourage involvement.  Parents should be invited to share information concerning their careers. The preschoolers’ educators should request the guest parents lead an activity related to one of their exceptional talents or games.

Delegate to Parents

The educators should make parent volunteers feel like part and parcel of the team, by possibly giving specific tasks to them.  The implication is that parent-involvement activities in the preschool do not have to be entertaining or educational.  Rather, they may be practical as well.

Parent’s Involvement in homework assignments

Early childhood educators should make regular homework assignments, requiring learners to discuss whatever they are learning in the classroom with their parents. This will enable the parents or families to get involved in what their kids are being taught and monitor their children’s progress through the homework.

The preschoolers’ educators should engage parents in school planning as well as meaningful volunteer opportunities. Through these events such a volunteer opportunity. Parents and teachers will get to know each other. Therefore, there will be robust participation and engagement of parents.


Overall, getting parents or families involved in your preschool classroom does not need to be difficult. Regular communication with parents, asking questions, and inviting them to be part and parcel of the preschool community can benefit teachers, learners, and parents/ families.


Wardle, F. (2013). Collaboration with Families and Communities. Bridgepoint Education.




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