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Different Bargaining Failures as the Main Cause of American Civil War

Bargaining failures is a dynamic of war illustrating cause of war as a result of the cooperation of states to fight other independent countries having an opposing claim or quest. As from the history of U.S, there existed two states, slave state which legalized slavery and Free State which prohibited slavery. With time, slave states expanded leading to a clear distinction during the American Revolutionary War in 1775-1783.However, the north had the most significant number of states hence won.

South and North American controversy over Slave trade was the main cause of the resulted civil war. The southern supported slave trade for their cotton plantation depended on such form of labor whereas North plus other states where the slave trade was legal, opposed slavery in the U.S. This occurred after Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election in 1860. The southern slave states declared their secession from the U.S to form confederate states of America (Brown 6). However, it was never recognized by the U.S government or by any foreign country. The states that remained loyal to the U.S government were referred to as the North or Union. It consisted of the twenty-three states since Southern slave states only grew from seven to eleven states. This resulted in the emergence of civil war in April 1861. The southern and Union states volunteered armies which fought for over four years of which the Union finally won. It forced Robert Lee to surrender power to Ulysses Grant after the courthouse battle, and the generals from the south lost their capabilities as well. As a result, Confederacy collapsed, slavery trade was abolished, and millions of slaves all over the country were freed, thereby restoring national unity. It is clear the failed bargain is a dynamic depicting the causes of civil war and political situation in America.


Brown, Zachary. “” Indianizing the Confederacy”: Understandings of War Cruelty During the American Civil War and the Sioux Uprising of 1862.” Penn History Review 23.2 (2016): 6.



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