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Demographic Characteristics of Suffolk

Suffolk is a suburban country which is present on the island in the United States. The country has the extreme of the New York. The population of this country is approximately 1.5 million as of 2017 census making it fourth most populated country in the state of New York. The total area of country is 2373 square miles and in this only 912 square mile is the land area and rest is water. The three sides of the country are surrounded by water. The country is second largest in New York. The median age of the population is 41.2 which is 10 percent higher than the median age in the New York as the median age in the New York is 38.4 (“U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts,” 2017). A total of 62 percent people are of age between 15 years to 64 years. Whereas 22 percent people are under the age of 18 and 16 percent people. Approximately 69.2% of people living in Suffolk are white which is 25 percent higher as compared to New York. Other races are which are common is Hispanic making up to 18.2% of the total population and similar to the percentage in the New York. Also, 7.2% of total population is black by race/ethnicity and this rate is 50% lower in the country as compared to the one in New York. The country has almost 51 percent female and rest are males and this percentage is similar to the statistics of New York. English is the most spoken language in the country and 75 percent of people can only speak English.

The size of the family is another demographic indicator which is essential about the development and understanding the demographics of a country. There are approximately 474,311 households present in the country and the average household size is 3.1 persons per house hold. Approximately 52 percent of the population is married and is living in the same house for years. Most of the people living in the house are the owner of the house and only 21 percent of the people are living in the rented houses.

According the statistics of the year 2016, the median household income of the resident of this country was $ 92,933which is 1.5 times more as compared to the median income of the household of the residents of New York. The per capita income is $40,253 which is 10 percent higher as that of New York. Despite this household income 7.3 percent people of Suffolk are living in poverty (“Census profile,” n.d.). The reported employment increase rate for one year is 0.81 percent and the most common jobs for the people living in the country are in the field of management, bussiness, sales, science and arts, as well as other services. For example, 14.2 percent people living in Suffolk are involved in the administrative kind of jobs. However, the most common jobs are not the highest paid jobs in the country because the highest paid jobs of the country are healthcare, firefighiting, legal and engineering jobs. In the year 2015, it was reported that there was a desparity in the wages for males and females. It was reported that males receive 1.25 times more then females doing the same job.

Education of the country is the baseline for any development and the progress. If the minimum educational level is high that means the country has brighter future. Suffolk has several universities both public and private across the country. In Suffolk, 90.8 percent of the people are high school graduate or above and among them 34 pecent have a bacherlors degree or higher (“Suffolk County, NY,” n.d.). The education percentage of the country is similar to the percentage of the New York. In the country most of the student population is female with a total of 8599 studnets (“Suffolk County, NY,” n.d.). The major subject studied by the students are bussiness administration, management, psychology and health services (“Suffolk County, NY,” n.d.).

Health Status of the population:

The health of the population is reasonablly better and 89 percent of the civilians have health insurance coverage. Life expectancy of the country is higher as compared to the life expectancy in the United States. However, the people living in low socio-economic places or deprived areas have 7.2 years lower life expectancy for men and 4.4 year lower life expectancy for women (Suffolk-Health Profile, 2017). However, 4.6% of the total population under the age of 18 year has no health insurance coverage. But there is approximately 14 percent of the population above the age of 18 years is not insured.

According to the data, there were 11336 deaths occurred in the country in the year 2011. There are several causes of the deaths but the leading causes are heart diseases, cancers, unintentional injuries, chronic respiratory dieases and stroke.

Adults of the country also have high rates of other chronic disease such as diabetes. According to the data from the year 2009, 9 percent of the population has diabetes (“Suffolk County Indicators For Tracking Prevention Agenda Priority Areas,” 2012). Body weight is one of the main reasons which can initiate several health diseases. For example, increased body weight can lead to diabetes, heart problem and other health issues. Approximately 21 percent of the suffolk population was obese as per the data from the year 2009 (“Suffolk County Indicators For Tracking Prevention Agenda Priority Areas,” 2012). The rate must have increased because of the sedentary lifestyle and increased junk food prevelence across the globe.

Cancer is another leading cause of deaths in the country after the heart diseases. For example, it is reported that one in two men and one women among three will be diagnosed with one form of cancer at some point in their life. According to the data, the age adjusted cancer rate for the country is reported to be 170.6 per 1000 people living the country and the data is from the year 2007-2009 (Bellone & Tomarken, 2017). As per new york registary data, that approximately 8900 cases were reported for the Suffolk country (Bellone & Tomarken, 2017).

Suicide is one of the unfavorable and unpridicted types of mortality. Having a high suicide rate negatively impact the growth of the country as well as the life of the individuals. The sucide rate of the United States is increasing over the pass few years and the Suffolk also has been reported to have high suiced rate which is 6 percent approximately closer to that of reported in the New York that is 7% (“Suffolk County Indicators For Tracking Prevention Agenda Priority Areas,” 2012).

Maternal and child health depends on the fertility rate of the country and the fertilatiy of this country is 3.8 percent which is 80 percent of that of New York fertility rate. The infant mortality rate was 3.9 per 1000 live births in the year 2009 (“Suffolk County Indicators For Tracking Prevention Agenda Priority Areas,” 2012). There was a decline in the infant mortality rate from 2007 to the year 2009. However, there was 50 percent decline in the neonatal death when the rate went from 1.4 to 0.7 per 1000 live births. Low birthweight is another issue which hamper the health of the child. Several countries are struggling to cater the issue and percentage is decreasing. But the percentage of low birthweight is still significantly high. It is estimated fron the data of 2009 that 7.6 percent of the new born children in Suffolk has low birth weight. The percentage of low birth weight remains almost same as the 7.5% children were reported to born with low birth weight (“Maternal and Infant Health Indicators – Suffolk County,” 2017). The low birth weight is defined in these reports as child who is born with a weight of 2500 grams of less.

Maternal mortality rate is another main factor determining the health and well-being of a country. Having a high maternal mortality rate questions the overall health and health care system of the country. The maternal mortality rate in Suffolk is 14.9 per 1000 live births between the year 2013 to 2015 (“Maternal and Infant Health Indicators – Suffolk County,” 2017).

Disability is another element which describe or provide information about the health of a country. Approximately 6.8% of the people age between 18 years to 64 years residing in Suffolk are disabled (Bellone & Tomarken, 2017) Among this percenttage 6.6 percent are white and 10.4 percent are balck. The percentage is high of disabled people who are above 64 years of age that is 25 percent (Bellone & Tomarken, 2017).

Health Care Resources:

The health department of a country is the one which provide the resources that can be used for the improvement in healthcare. There health department of Suffolk provide a range of services to the resident of the country. The health department of the country is primary divided into nine categories which are educators, health care professionals, entolmologists, forensic specialists, sanitarians and engineers. These departments are supported by administrative staff who help in ruuning the functions of the department smoothly.

The doctor-patient ratio is another aspect which determines the healthcare resources of the country. In order to enahnce the quality of care, doctor patient ratio is important because if the patient ratio is too high for a doctor then he or she will not be able to provide the health services in a quality mannner. The patient-doctor ratio in Suffolk is based on the type of care. For instrance, it is 1 to 75 for primary care, 1 to 79 for dentists, 1 to 232 for mental health professionals and 1 to 74 for other services.

Infant Mortality:

Parenatal care and infant mortality are one of the essential indicators for the health of any country. Most of the women have their first birth and are not able to understand the changes that are happening in their life.

The infants are one of the direct related to the health of the mothers. The average infant mortality rate of the country Suffolk from the year 2007 to the year 2011 was 4.1 per 1000 live births (Bellone & Tomarken, 2017). The racial difference for the rate is high as the afican-american has the highest rate of infant mortality in these five years which is 10.6 death per 1000 live births as compared to 3.6 deaths per 1000 live births among white people (Bellone & Tomarken, 2017).

Premature birth, pregnancy complications, health of the mothers, infections, and other respiratory diseases are some of the reasons for the infant mortality across globe. In Suffolk, one of the main reasons for the deaths of the babies before their first birthday is premature birth. Approximately 60 to 70 infants die in the country annually because of several reasons such as 60 percent of the infants die because of extreme prematurity, 20 percent from congential anomalies and 11 percent are those when there is no explaination of the death of the children (Bellone & Tomarken, 2017). Because the pregnancy rate of female between the age of 15 year to 17 years is 15.9 per 1000 (“Suffolk County Indicators For Tracking Prevention Agenda Priority Areas,” 2012) which is fairly high. The young female will have issues during their birth leading to increased rates of infant mortality.

Existing programs in the community:

Because of high rate of the infant mortality in the country, there are several steps that government and public service agencies have taken to improve the health and health serives for the residents of the Suffolk country. There are several community health programs such as Suffolk Parinatal Coilation, postpartum resource center and other programs which has been used to imporve the health of infants and the mothers (Bellone & Tomarken, 2017). These organization work with the government to provide the resources to the community. For example, the Suffolk Parinatal Coilation is a non-profits organization which is working in the section of infant health such as it provide resources to lessen the infant mortality, birth weight issues, prematurity issues as well as promote the women health leading to improvement in the health of the families (Bellone & Tomarken, 2017).

The government of Sufflock has also intitated several programs to improve the health of infant as well as reduce the rate of infant mortality. The country department of health services and health centers provide a comprehensive primary care for the children, infants and mothers. The services include immunization programs, child and mother examination, screening and other issues (Bellone & Tomarken, 2017). The visits to the health centers have increased over the years for those who are between the age of 0-21 years because of the services provided by the country.



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