Academic Master

Laws and International Laws

Criminal Justice Agency Police

The criminal justice selected for this discussion is the police. Management can be said to be the aspect of dealing with people or even things. The things include resources as well as time. On the other hand, Organization is a group of people who come together with the intention of attaining a similar objective. In this regard, the group is predetermined and guided by the same form of guidelines and framework. Leadership on the other hand, is the ability of getting people to follow you and do as you require of them. It is the aspect of leading people to the direction that one considers the best for himself, the people and the organization.

The role of police managers and leaders within the criminal justice

It is worth noting that the police service delivery has improved from the past. In the past, the workforce applied more of coercion in maintenance of law and order. However, more professionalism has taken control of the police force as a result of the leadership transformation. Therefore, leaders and the managers have to engage in various roles within the criminal justice (Findlay et al, 2015). First, they manage all the police officers than are under them in that each is assigned to a specific role. With the specific roles for each of the police officers, confusion is eliminated and work becomes easier.

Also, the managers control the performance of the police workforce. In this case, the leaders determine how well the police officers perform from time to time. In addition, they determine how effective the strategies applied by the officers are in attaining justice for the people. The managers also conduct an evaluation of the level of brutality exercised by the police and hold them accountable (Piquero et al, 2016). This ensures that all the police officers’ conduct their duties in accordance with the law and thus do justice to the citizens.

The managers and the leaders enable the police officers to maintain the ethical standards. In this case, they help in coming up with the required ethics of work. As such, they develop the rules that are in line with the supreme law of the land that is the constitution. As such, they provide the guidelines to be followed by the police in attaining the set ethical standards.

Need for learning organizations in criminal justice organizations

Learning organizations are essential in the criminal justice organizations. This is because there is a need for the continuous transformation of the police force from the use of force towards professionalism. The police officers require essential training for them to attain the best levels of performance. In addition, there has to be a learning environment allowing the officers to understand the need to abide by the laws of the land. It is in the learning organizations that the basics of the police are instilled in the police officers. In addition, it is in the same learning organizations that the officers specialize in their areas of professionalism (Maxfield et al, 2017). The learning organizations form the basis for the career development of the recruits as well as the continuing officers.

Different generations in the changing criminal justice organization

Baby boomers

These are officers born long ago and mainly compose of the elderly. They are officers nearing their retirement age. Due to this fact, they have faced much more than the younger generations. Therefore, they are ready to face any difficulties and work under minimal supervision.

Gen Xers

They are the middle aged officers. They are younger than the baby boomers but older than the millennial. They are likely to conflict with the millennial due to the differences in their ages as well as their requirements.


Many of such police trace their birth dates from the year 1980 to date. Such officers are young and with high expectations. As such, they are likely to have major conflicts with the rest of the generations in the organization as they have higher level of work demands.

Aspects of leadership effective for the various generations

Team building: in all the generations, team building would be essential. This presents a good opportunity for the different generations to develop a good and effective coordination for better working relationship.

Outstanding self-awareness: the millennial need to have a high level of self-awareness. They need to determine their reason in the service and thus pursue more of the criminal justice profession more than their personal needs.

Communication skills: all the generations need to learn and adore best communication skills. Such skills would encourage free exchange of ideas among the different levels of management. As such, better services will be offered and all are likely to work as a team.


Findlay, M., Odgers, S., & Yeo, S. M. H. (2015). Australian criminal justice. Oxford University Press.

Maxfield, M., Hou, Y., Butts, J. A., Pipitone, J. M., Fletcher, L. T., & Peterson, B. (2017). Multiple Research Methods for Evidence Generation. Advances in Evidence-Based Policing.

Piquero, A. R., Bersani, B. E., Loughran, T. A., & Fagan, J. (2016). Longitudinal patterns of legal socialization in first-generation immigrants, second-generation immigrants, and native-born serious youthful offenders. Crime & Delinquency, 62(11), 1403-1425.



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