Academic Master


Correlation Between Magic And Occult Studies

Literature Review

The concept of magic has been under discussion for many years in human history. It is considered as the one branch of the study of religion and the social sciences recognized on the basis of its paranormal factors. It is explained as the feature which comprises many practices that differ from the natural paradigm of religion and science. The prospect of knowledge always comes up with the facets of mystery and unexpectedness. On the other hand, the approach of occult studies is closely associated with the elements which are claimed as hidden or beyond the understanding of physical sciences. The practising occultists explain the facet of occultism as the study of the spiritual reality, which cannot be simply understood with the approach of rational aspects. It is the study which focuses on the supernatural or paranormal dimensions of the universe. There are plenty of studies which explain the strong association between the facets of magic and occult studies. Assessing the relationship between magic and occult studies is a feature of interest for many scholars around the world. Here, the particular focus is to examine the connection between magic and occult studies, considering the previous research work related to this paradigm.

It is crucial to understand that the investigation of magic and occult studies is not a new concept. It has its roots in the ancient civilizations. Bruce Kapferer explained the broader aspect of knowledge in anthropology. He develops the idea that the facet of magic can be effectively understood through the discipline of anthropology. The specific approach of the occult studies gives a new dimension to understand the conceptual and theoretical aspects associated with the phenomenon of magic. The particular concept focused on by Kapferer is related to the proper understanding of the epistemological approach to occultism.

The concept of the occult cannot be separated from the specific approach of mysticism and supernatural practices (Kapferer). It is an entirely different prospect from the scientific rationality and reasoning that usually prevails in the world. The broader term of the occult can be characterized as the Western approach, which comes under the consideration of fascination or immense level of attraction. The facet of magic can be effectively adapted to understand the feature of fascination associated with the study of the occult. It is notable to mention that the development and the consideration of magic can only be defined within the approach of post-Enlightenment secularism.

Magic and witchcraft are two categories that are considered influential practices associated with the broader aspect of the occult. These facets are known as the alternative approaches to the concepts of rationalism and logic. Magic can be ranked as the one practice that creates the difference between the approaches of rationality and paranormal activities, which are a basic element of the difference between science and occultism. Lehrich, in his book, effectively discussed another perspective associated with the feature of magic and the overall prospect of occult studies. A proper understanding of the different dimensions linked with the occult mind can be helpful in investigating the theory and the practice of magic. The author of the book considers modern-day features to explain the phenomenon of magic (Lehrich).

There is evidence of previous research studies on the facets of the sociological and anthropological disciplines, which discover the features of magic by adopting the traditional approach. The phenomenon of magic is usually discussed through the fields of sociology and anthropology. There is little consideration given by the academic scholars who developed the framework related to the conventional features of the element of magic. The connection between the occult material and magic can be assessed through the historical information delivered by an early form of Greek knowledge till today’s modern pattern of investigation.

Hanegraaff successfully defined the idea that the overall aspect of occult studies can be identified as the main reason for the survival of magic in today’s world. It is closely connected with the many elements of modern society, which can be effectively explored through its rich historical background. Hanegraaff adopts the particular approach of the disenchantment of the world, which was delivered by Max Weber, to discuss the features of the occult and the magic. He explained the broader form of this prospect with the compatibility between Weber’s views and the continued strength associated with the occult in today’s culture of Western society (Hanegraaff). The particular approach of ‘hermetic’ magical norms is considered the foundation by the scholar to explore its relationship with Western culture. This piece of literary work also examined its link with the era of the Enlightenment. Three main dimensions are considered by the scholar to define the association between the element of continuity and the developmental change referring to traditions of magic.

Different theories of magical efficacy play a major role in determining the prospect of a relationship. The aspect of magic is also linked with the occult on the basis of different applications adopted by magicians to consider magic as the legitimate form of practice in the overall scenario of society. The feature of transformation, in the case of magic, is the one dimension that impacts the pattern of modernization and secularization. These changes can ultimately be observed by a thorough understanding of the specific approach of occult studies.

The mystery is one crucial aspect that builds a strong connection between occult studies and the phenomenon of magic. This particular prospect can be a witness in the modern time. The roots of this particular connection are attained through its historical foundations in previous times. Nowadays, the mystery of magic is so closely linked with occult studies that this feature cannot be understood separately. The paranormal features of magic are supported by occult studies, which come up with the consideration that it is not possible to define the existence of everything on the basis of some theoretical foundations (Burton and Grandy). The objectives of science and occultism are different due to the consideration of theoretical features. Consideration of the theoretical argument creates the difference, which is also present in the case of magic.

The prospects of occult studies and magic always come up with many elements of secrets that everyone in society cannot explore, and there is the consideration of the many things that remain hidden from many people. The approach of science can be adopted by the proper understanding of the clear and distinct approach to the different prevailing phenomena of life. It cannot be a witness in the case of the occult and the magic as it comes up with the consideration that today’s world never provides the approach to the people through which they can understand every aspect of life.

Secrecy is the one common aspect which connects the facet of occult studies to the phenomenon of magic. It is evident that there are many elements or practices that magicians want to hide from the world. There is the identification of the many customs and norms associated with the practice of magic, which is considered beyond the reach of the common man. The reason behind the secretive elements can be identified as the consideration of power, which is one crucial prospect of occultism. The major reason which can be identified in the case of power referring to the domain of the occult is to influence people. The particular instrument of mystery gives the edge to the approach of the occult, which is also present in the case of magic. The specific form of Occult philosophy also has strong and influential features in the particular time period of the Elizabethan Age. Frances Yates’s book identifies and critically addresses the following phenomenon.

The approach of the occult philosophy can be effectively understood through the consideration of its link to the facet of the Renaissance (Yates). The broader themes of Hermeticism and the Christianised approach of Jewish Cabala play a crucial role in understanding the philosophy of occultism. Today’s modern approach to the occult can be understood through the approach of the Hermetic side. Cabala is known as the one important dimension to understanding the overall philosophy of the occult. It is the specific technique referring to religious contemplation, which can be referred to as the aspect of religious magic.

To conclude the discussion about occult studies and magic, it is essential to mention that both these facets are closely associated with each other. Both have many of the common factors which make magic the one crucial prospect associated with the broader term of occultism. Today’s wide approach to magical practices is extracted from the fertile foundation of the occult. Different techniques of magic provide holistic experiences related to today’s culture, which work under the approach of occult studies. Magical practices and different beliefs of occult approach ultimately link with the prospect of religion as its one necessary branch.

Work Cited

Burton, D., and D. Grandy. Magic, Mystery, and Science: The Occult in Western Civilization. Indiana University Press, 2004,

Hanegraaff, Wouter J. “How Magic Survived the Disenchantment of the World.” Religion, vol. 33, no. 4, 2003, pp. 357–80.

Kapferer, B. Beyond Rationalism: Rethinking Magic, Witchcraft, and Sorcery. Berghahn Books, 2003,

Lehrich, C. I. The Occult Mind: Magic in Theory and Practice. Cornell University Press, 2007,

Yates, F. The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age. Taylor & Francis, 2003,



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