Academic Master




Type your responses directly on this file, ensuring that you are writing in complete sentences and fully covering each point. Save the file, and then submit it for this week’s assignment.

Step 1: Draft a current claim (thesis) statement.

Global poverty has been one of the biggest problems faced by humanity, according to recent estimates 689 million people live on and below the poverty line. The biggest problem contributing to global poverty is inequality which leads to unequal or lack of job opportunities, poor education, etc.; however, this issue can be addressed by implementing solutions that tackle this problem.

Step 2: Check your claim statement. Is it arguable? That is, will some people disagree with it or pose an alternative position to it?

The argument that has been put forward many times is that ending poverty is not a realistic goal and thus, cannot be achieved. Poverty is the outcome of society’s hierarchy and as long as this hierarchy is maintained, poverty will always exist.

Step 3: Ask yourself “how” or “why” your claim is true. Using because statements, list three reasons to support your claim statement draft:

  • Because implementing global equality can help in creating equal opportunities. Eradicating discriminatory laws, trade laws, and the hegemonic role of World powers will bring balance and will help in minimizing poverty. Preventing global warfare and conflict will give a chance to third-world countries to gain economic stability.
  • Because providing people with education and helping them in developing skills will give them a chance to get jobs, giving them an equal footing in the job market. Devising a plan to creating more job opportunities will result in reduced poverty and economic stability.
  • Because wasting resources leads to a lack of resources, this has led to many families to starvation and contamination of many natural resources. Policies should be made to prevent the wastage of resources and also an effective plan of equal distribution of resources. Equality of resources will lead to the wellbeing of the world as a whole.

Step 4: How will you support your “because” statements? What information/evidence will you need to prove or explain?

  • Support for Because statement #1: In recent years it has been noted that with the decrease in inequality in some countries poverty percentage has also lessened in the said countries, proving that unequal laws contribute to poverty and equality lessens it. In 60 out of 83 countries financial situation of the citizens changed when the income laws were revised. (Hay & Leary, 2016)
  • Support for Because statement #2: Education directly correlates with economic growth and reduces income inequality which brings a person above and out of the poverty line (Giovetti, 2020).
  • Support for Because statement #3: Global waste has led to thousands of landfills, destruction of the ecosystem, and shortage of resources. Global waste not only affects poverty but also the ecosystem by polluting the water, soil and air. This in turn is responsible for lack of clean drinking water, baron lands on which can no longer be cultivated and air pollution that leads to diseases. (Edmond, 2019)

Step 5: In what ways might skeptics object to your reason? What are their worries or concerns or reasons why they are opposed to your position?

Eradicating global poverty seems like an unrealistic and optimistic fool’s dream, the closer we get to eliminating poverty the harder it will get, and eventually, we will be back where we started.

How will you refute or concede to this information?

Global poverty has been reduced to 9.2% in recent years, this is the closest we have gotten to eradicating poverty. Although there is still a long way to go, it is possible as the solutions given above are the reason for the decrease in poverty.


Edmond, C. (2019, May 16). This is what the world’s waste does to people in poorer countries. Retrieved from World Economic Forum:

Giovetti, O. (2020, August 27). HOW DOES EDUCATION AFFECT POVERTY? IT CAN HELP END IT. Retrieved from Concern Worldwide US:

Hay, P., & Leary, M. (2016, October 2). Tackling Inequality Vital to Ending Extreme Poverty by 2030. Retrieved from The World Bank:



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