Academic Master

Environmental Science

Are the Climate Change Struck Countries An Important Concern for The World?


Climate change is an issue that has raised massive concerns for the world in recent decades. Global warming has been on the rise mainly due to the industrial and population growth in the world. The issue has already been properly highlighted as a future cause for concern. The world leaders and major world organizations have tried to come to some policies to prevent the concerns. But are the countries currently struck by global warming a concern for the world? The answer is uncertain but the fact is that the people in such countries are in for a lot of suffering. On the present day, potentially the biggest world issue is the effect of global warming and the lack of necessary efforts to fix the destruction caused is a major social justice concern.


Fundamental necessities of life are the most important requirements for a person to survive. Climate change for some countries is killing those fundamental necessities for the people living in countries situated at the equator. Looking from the perspective of the global warming affected countries, the major concerns right now at each home would be of water, food, survival, hot weather, floods, sea level rise and immigration. If people cannot find peace in one part of the world due to being deprived of all the essential living qualities and basic necessities, then they deserve to be given importance in the context of social justice. Another major problem is that most of these affected countries are poor so they cannot even afford to solve their problems neither many of them have enough resources to grow forests as countermeasures (Levy, 2015).

The people in such areas have no other choice but to rely on the world for help. Most human right concerns are raised when it is a war or a violence issue while global warming issues are taken as environmental issues by the people not directly affected by it. It is not realized how many people are living in the extreme circumstances because people are not aware completely. Therefore, taking up the treatment of the affected groups to global warming as a social justice issue is important.

Coming to the remedial measures, the first thing this social justice issue needs is the concern. By raising concern and bringing awareness to the world about the problem and the dependencies of the affected countries on all the world, a collective positive effort can be made. The awareness also alerts other countries which are not yet really affected by global warming but will very soon be. Looking at the short-term solutions, the funds need to be raised and aids need to be provided to these hotter regions to get them the basic necessities of life. Organizations may also look to test the water and food qualities in these areas and take proper measures to get rid of the diseases produced by the hotter climate. Providing trees plantation, shelter, and other necessary environmental conditions also need consideration for the short-term solutions.

There are no long-term solutions currently available apart from the option of immigration. The situations look to be forcing the people from the climate change struck countries to migrate to much safer, colder countries. In such a situation, the national policies need to be avoided by the countries and show of a positive, welcoming attitude needs to be done for the option of migration. Immigration laws are already being discussed by some countries for the global warming affected people. Apart from this, individual level awareness and responsibility should also be taken into account. The effect that will come up if all the people start taking preventive measures individually for the countering of global warming would be a great solution. Some organizations are also playing the responsible role of raising concern about this issue in front of the world.

Organizations like “One World” and “Human Rights Watch” work to raise awareness and act towards the possible concerns of human rights pertaining to all kinds of issues. The organizations that have the status of being the most impactful in such an issue are “World Health Organization” and “International Monetary Fund”, as they can provide with the work force or the funds. Organizations like “Earth System Governance Project”, “Global Environment Facility” and “International Panel on Climate Change” are currently leading in serving the purpose of raising concern and providing relief to the climate change struck communities (Pariona, 2018).


Climate change is already a big global environmental concern but it also needs attention on the social side. The affected countries are mostly poor and therefore, unable to deal with the extreme problems they are having. Some organizations are working to watch over the climate change issue and its impacts on the human rights while many are dealing with similar issues and their strong role in the prevention and relief from global warming destruction may do justice to humanity. It will be a social justice if the world joins together to help out the people living with extreme difficulties every day.


Levy, B., & Patz, J. (2015). Climate Change, Human Rights, and Social Justice. Annals Of Global Health81(3), 310-322. doi:10.1016/j.aogh.2015.08.008

Pariona, A. (2018). Major International Organizations Fighting Environmental DestructionWorldAtlas. Retrieved 23 April 2018, from



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