Training is not a waste of time, especially when the trainees achieve the desired objectives as enshrined by their trainers. However, a number of individuals perceive that training is a waste of time. This is especially true in cases where the training needs of the trainees are not effectively assessed, thereby leading to failures in implementing worthwhile programs (Arthur et al., 2003). Furthermore, the absence of adequate efforts directed toward analyzing the effectiveness of a training program makes most trainees develop perceptions that their training did not yield any substantial fruit. In this regard, most corporate organizations usually move from one training program to the next regardless of whether or not the trainees have achieved the full potential of their training program.
Analysis Of An Ineffective Training Course Or Program
I once attended a training course whose primary purpose was to enlighten the trainees on how best to use the new ERP platform that the company was implementing in order to improve its effectiveness in service delivery aside from instituting proper monitoring of its processes and systems. The focus of the training program was that the trainees would become successful ERP managers with the capability of training the rest of the employees in the company on how to use the platform (Klein & Weaver, 2000). Nonetheless, the training program was not effective as the trainees, including myself, did not understand anything that was taught to us. Furthermore, we never understood the specifics of the new ERP platform. The reason for this failure is largely attributable to the tough technical jargon that the instructors used during the training program, as well as the rush course with which the training program was undertaken. As such, some of us who were not savvy in computer languages and jargon did not immediately understand what was being taught, and due to the rush by the instructors, we never got an opportunity to seek clarifications in areas in which we had difficulties.
Given another opportunity to plan and implement the training program, I would increase the time provided for undertaking the training program, as this would provide room for the trainees to improve their understanding of the training package, especially in such a training program where technical jargon is used. In the same regard, I would also be particular in ensuring that the trainers take everyone on board through every step of the training program (Schlegel et al., 2017). As such, this would cater to all those who would not have understood what was being instructed from the word go and, more so, those who wanted a second clarification on the issues under discussion. In addition, I would also give room for demonstrations, especially through audiovisual platforms and practicals, to facilitate a better understanding of the training program package by the trainees.
The best time to evaluate the validity as well as effectiveness of the training program is during the practical sessions, whereby the trainees are supposed to implement or put into practice what they have learned during the training program (Arthur et al., 2003). For instance, in the above case relating to my training program, the moment of truth came when I returned to my workstation and was required to use the new ERP platform in undertaking my corporate duties and responsibilities at the company, a task which I failed miserably as I had not acquired much knowledge from the training seminar. In order to avoid such moments of disappointment for the trainees, I would give room for their trainers to test them on the core concepts of the training program to ensure that everyone is fully aware of what he or she was supposed to learn from the training program.
Arthur Jr, W., Bennett Jr, W., Edens, P. S., & Bell, S. T. (2003). Effectiveness of training in organizations: A meta-analysis of design and evaluation features. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(2), 234.
Klein, H. J., & Weaver, N. A. (2000). The effectiveness of an organizational‐level orientation training program in the socialization of new hires. Personnel Psychology, 53(1), 47-66.
Schlegel, K., Vicaria, I. M., Isaacowitz, D. M., & Hall, J. A. (2017). Effectiveness of a short audiovisual emotion recognition training program in adults. Motivation and Emotion, 41(5), 646-660.