Academic Master


Amy And The Orphans


A swarming car, 100 miles, newly orphaned children that are three in number, a talkative stranger, and a giant family conspiracy take a road trip to AMY AND THE ORPHANS, which is somewhat uncomfortable. When their elderly father passes on, the sparring siblings Jake and Maggie are at a crossroads (The Hollywood Reporter, 2018). They stressed over breaking the news to Amy, who was a victim of Down’s syndrome and lived in a state home. On their way, the two discover how they barely know each other and their family. Apparently, of all the siblings, Amy is in a better position to define herself.

The Mood Of The Audience

Lindsey Ferrentino’s plot elements in the new play involve a troubled marriage, the demise of a family member and two siblings who are after uniting with their younger sister, who is a victim of Down syndrome. It comes as a surprise that the play happens to be a comedy, which fits the riotous description. Lindsey Ferrentino, in this new work, endeavours to paint a delicate picture by balancing the act with its blending of humour and pathos. The play, to a great extent, placed the audience in a comical mood. From time to time, the act is off its high wire, turning too profoundly into sitcom-style descriptions and one-liners (The Hollywood Reporter, 2018). However, the perpetual strong beating heart in the script makes overlooking the tonal inconsistency easy.


Ferrentino links two stories. The first involves Sarah and Bobby, acted by Diane Davis and Josh McDermitt, respectively, thirtysomethings endeavouring to make their marriage work in a vacation. Their nervous conversation paints the picture that the medication is not working. Sarah rebels Bobby’s determinations to be relaxed and clears the air that she is offended by his continuous overeating, the result that are visible when he is bare-chested.

The lighting was perfect for the play, and it is like every single illumination reflected the mood intended by the director in the script. The backdrops equally came in handy in giving or creating the feeling the audience anticipated. The costumes that the actors owned were in sync with their character and their situation at the moment. The sound had its roller-coaster share in its highs and lows when it came to this play (The Hollywood Reporter, 2018). It served and cued the happy and the sad moments of the play. The director, on the other hand, did a great job in the scripting. There was chemistry between the actors, and they had a spirit of teamwork.

The actors are professionals and have been involved in globally recognized projects. For example, Ms Brewer’s credits are on the American horror story. She had recognition for her part in the 10-part series, which is a sensation not only to the American viewer but also to the world at large. However, every single actor played their part well, and this made the audience glued to the play the whole time.


The director put on a mixed reaction to the act by balancing the humour and the pathos. Consequently, this puts the viewer in a happy mood. The lighting was in sync with all the transitional moments in the play, and so was the sound. The cast was also perfect, and they exercised teamwork in their delivery.


The Hollywood Reporter. (2018). ‘Amy and the Orphans’: Theater Review. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Apr. 2018].



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