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Americanah-Graphical Timeline of 12 Important Events

The famous author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie wrote a novel, Americanah, which became popular in many countries. The events are not mentioned in chronological order, which are arranged in the sequence in this essay. The twelve events selected here include the events from the lives of Ifemelu and Obinze and happenings of national importance. The narration of events that are related to the problems faced by Blacks in the USA after 9/11 is the most important part of the study and project. The collection of relevant pictures, maps, and flags was also an interesting part of the project due to its creativity.

  1. In 1992 Obinze and Ifemelu developed a soft corner for each other when they were school students (Adichie).
  2. In 1994 due to a plane crash, the general lost his life.
  3. In 1994 Dike and Aunty Uju migrated to the USA.
  4. In 1995 Ifemelu and Obinze enrolled in a university in Nsukka as they both wanted to excel in their careers.
  5. In 1997 Ifemelu moved to the USA to improve her education. Uju and Dike provided accommodation to her to facilitate her.
  6. In 1997 Ifemelu migrated to Philadelphia to continue her studies.
  7. In 2000 Ifemelu met Blaine on a train.
  8. In 2000 Ifemelu and Curt started to dine out and meet outside.
  9. In 2002 the US immigration authorities denied a visa to Obinze four times, and he was disappointed.
  10. In 2002 Obinze became successful in landing in the UK on a 6 monthly visa.
  11. In 2003 Ifemelu showed infidelity to Curt, and after some time, their relationship ends. Ifemelu started some online work about race and its various dynamics.
  12. In 2005 in a very unfortunate incident, police arrested Obinze as his marriage was scheduled with Cleotilde. Obinze was deported to his home nation.
  13. In 2010 Ifemelu informed his longtime friend, Obinze, that she would leave the USA and move to Nigeria.
  14. In 2010 the relationship between Ifemelu and her longtime friend, Obinze, experienced many ups and downs, and eventually, they became good friends once again.

The novel is an interesting material for fiction lovers. The events are not mentioned in chronological order in the novel. However, twelve selected events have been listed here in chronological order in the form of a timeline.

In 1994

Dike and Aunty Uju migrated to the USA.

In 1995

Ifemelu and Obinze enrolled in a university in Nsukka as they both wanted to excel in their careers.

In 1994

Due to a plane crash, the general lost his life. His friends and family members were shocked.

In 1992

Obinze and Ifemelu developed soft corners for each other when they were school students.

Life is better with friends! #friendship #life #friendsarefamily | Happy friendship, Happy friendship day, Friends quotes

In 1997

Ifemelu migrated to Philadelphia to continue her studies.

In 2000

Ifemelu meets Blaine on a train. Moreover, Ifemelu and Curt started to dine out and meet outside.

In 2002

The US immigration authorities denied visas to Obinze four times, and he became disappointed.

In 1997

Ifemelu moved to the USA to improve her education. Uju and Dike provided accommodation to her to facilitate her.

In 2010

The relationship between Ifemelu and her longtime friend, Obinze, experienced many ups and downs, and eventually, they become good friends once again.

In 2010

Ifemelu informs her longtime friend, Obinze, that she would leave the USA and move to her home nation.

In 2005

In a very unfortunate incident, police arrested Obinze as his marriage was scheduled with Cleotilde. Obinze was deported to his home nation, Nigeria.

In 2003

Ifemelu shows infidelity to Curt, and after some time, their relationship ends. Ifemelu started some online work about race and its various dynamics.


Adichie, C. N. (2013). Americanah.‌



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