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A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner

Emily’s story is a story that shows the soul of the time, and it was written by William Faulkner. The time and spatial arrangement of the story of the arcs shows two aspects: the old times and the present (Gehmlich). Miss Emily lives between these two periods. Despite the exception, the culture and traditions of society are influenced. Emily is unhappy that she must live and think about the past and cannot follow a rapid pace of change in Jefferson’s community.

Write the story in 1930. Miss. Here’s a story about the mysterious life of Emily Grierson. It shows the impact of a person’s social change. This story is highly considered. The five chapters in this story create tension because they do not have a chronological order. This story is classed as the Southern Gothic language for use in the Southern environment. “Resistance to change” is the key theme of history. Faulkner uses memories and ad strategies.

Emily Grierson, known as Miss Emily, is the main song “A Rose for Emily,” written by William Faulkner. Emily was a proud family member during the Civil War; Miss Emily lived in a home that was very well decorated with her father and her servants. The Grierson family make themselves better for others in the city. According to Mrs. Father Emily, none of the young children are together with Miss Emily. Due to this attitude of Miss Emily’s father, Mr Emily could not establish real relationships with anyone else, but her father seemed to have her life. Homer Barron was praised as a funny and loving person. Emily left the house several times and never had fun with people. When Emily suggested that Homer Barron succeed in marriage, Homer refused to marry Emily because she did not want to go back with her, and it was boring Emily wanted. Emily poisoned Homer Barron and killed him, and saved him forever.

Passage creates tension in your life. At first, you can not take your father’s death. After that, taxation creates tension in society, refusing to pay. The Alderman refuses to pay when he goes home to levy taxes, and he does not pay taxes on Jefferson. This Sartoris Corner explained to me. The colonist never admits even his death. Emily also ends the murder; Homer loves Barron because of his poverty. Ironically, he cuts Homer Barron’s body for 30 years at home. Emily’s father was kept longer than he wanted. When she was released, she was about the weight of relationships and love. After he learned that Homer had left him, he killed him and continued him forever.

There are two literary responses on return and notice that are often used to create anomalies. Reminders are events that occur before the moment when the story goes on. Flashback is used to create a background for your current text situation. The forecast used is an alternative literary device to create an eye that does not happen. Faulkner uses both devices in Emily’s Roses. The story goes back to mind that the students are not. The stories go back and forth throughout the life of Emily Grierson throughout history. Faulkner uses statistical language in history.

History shows Miss Emily’s evil life in terms of the inhabitants of the city. The third story could help us understand the voice of the whole city. She tells the details of Mrs. Emily, such as the stories, the tax, the old system, the uncomfortable smell from the home, the relationship with the father and his love, and the preservation of his father’s remainder and his lovers.

The plot also includes a similar irony. Mr. Emily has a social background that is so big that she does not have to pay taxes. Despite the fact that there is a higher class of southern social status, crime is and will lose sense. Faulkner uses this awesome to criticize the class system in the South at that time.

There is a Faulkner in Mississippi called Joknapatavfa. History is taking place in Mississippi, a small, well-developed society that represents life in the United States as it is. There are acts in Jefferson that are similar to those in every city in the United States. There are internal rules and traditions. People look at each other and expect each other according to established rules in their societies.

One of the most important social values ​​is marriage. Emily is aggressive, as if she were alone. When Homer Barron starts to see, the people will be happy for the first time. People were hoping to get married and get their place in society in this way. People are watching their situation, but nothing has changed. After that, people still hoped that they would manage their personal life and marriage. However, Homer Barron has an active social life, and she does not want to marry her. Social pressure may have been one of the reasons why Homer Barron was killed. It was the only reason to wait for him. People are waiting to hide or run away, but at least the dignity they see.

The family of Sartoris is very respected, but the anti-social life led by Emily has a general outbreak. After eliminating Barron Homer, he has never seen it publicly. It was a social issue. In a small town like Jefferson, people should have an active social life to show that they are part of this community.

Racial discrimination is also a cultural tradition. Actions take place after slaves, but the position of the servants in society is low. From time to time, it can be seen that racial discrimination is considered normal. The African Americans were all the servants. Mrs. Emily reforms a low social status, where African Americans are not allowed to go anywhere without aprons. She was served by an American servant until Emily died. There is already a definition of the connection of your life with the relatives of Sartoris.

Another tradition mentioned in this story is crying, and it should be noted when people die. After the death of her father, Emily did not get upset. It shows that society is involved in society because you do not hesitate to join each other. For example, most of his people attended the funeral in Bremen because he showed that there was a declining monument. The women wanted to go to the funeral to enter the house. Jefferson citizens encourage public awareness and prosperity (Breem, 3).

Emily was a family of influences of Sartoris. He was not involved in public life, but at the same time, people were a museum and not as a person. This was part of the cycle. As a child, he always grew up afraid. Everyone put pressure on his father, and he was feeling emotionally unstable. Emily was almost the same. It was not only anti-social, but people think that the whole family of Sartoris was generally a mental disorder. The family’s father was afraid and respected to determine the fate of the team. Sartoris was cautious, and they did not even start small conflicts. The attitude to the family is illustrated where all citizens have anxiety about the non-local smell that comes out of the house of Emily, they do not face the owner of the house; They wrote a newspaper.

An undefined article shows that the name of the reader/listener is not a designated area. Perhaps everything is spoken by the speaker for the first time, or he speaks in general terms. The uninhabited sections in English a / a. Words that begin with a voice and words beginning with a consonant.

However, there is no such difference in the Turkish language. For example, when we are in the first sentence of the Turkish language history and translation, we find that there is a problem with the translation of certain articles. We do not see any problems with the transfer of unfinished goods. Perhaps this is the most important proposal in the whole story. Using the exact article in this clan, tell us something. This is not just a “smell” which attracts citizens’ attention; It’s a “smell”. The storyteller makes sense of the odour by using a certain substance that does not give “an indefinite period”. Faulkner’s role in the history, meaning “smell” is clear. However, the lack of difference between the exact and obscure reference to Turks can fully understand Faulkner’s objective. And this enables readers to detect the writer’s secret goal.

Ms Emily Grierson: Using the full name and title, it is clear that Emily and her storyteller are “distant” people of a distant relationship. In the Turkish translation, this sentence did not change. This creates the same effect for target readers. Black: This word applies to slavery and racism. Use this word for slaves and distant relationships. Faulkner uses this word in capital caps. However, in Turkish translation, the translator does not consider this detail. Nigger is a depressing term for black people at the same time. The use is rather mental. This term is translated as “Negro” as Negro. There is no difference between “Negro” and “Negro” translations. These terms will lose importance in Turkish translation. Therefore, we can say that translation is a chancellor’s loss.

Sheriff: In modern use, the sheriff is the legal body responsible for the area. The history of “sheriff” shows that the time is different from the past; instead, the aristocracy of the working class is at work. This is very common in the United States, especially. As a rule, however, the people of the area do not always choose it. In translation, “police director” means an English police officer. In Turkey, police officers are not elected by district. Again, the reader has a meaningful loss focused on the translation.

This recital has long expressions with the complex designs of Faulkner’s writing style. At the beginning of the novel, Faulkner uses a long sentence to describe the death of Emily and the reaction of the inhabitants to death. This creates a strict tone at the beginning of the story. For example, “Alive, Miss Emily, was a tradition, a mission and anxiety: In 1894, when her father had a number of hereditary claims, Mayor, Colonel Sartoris had killed her father because no black woman was supposed to have taxation without prejudice, so he did not show up the streets on the streets. “This proposal is too long. This is a mixture of 63 words. This creates a heavy atmosphere and challenges the reader because of the reader’s length. At the end of the translation, the transition will not affect the basis. The translator has a translation strategy based on resources, especially for preferences in the dictionary. However, the translator did not get this strategy for a corresponding phrase.

In addition to the long and complicated items, Faulkner uses short, simple sentences to make effective communication, especially in conversations, and to show the character in the story. In history, it is understood that all the words Emily said were simple and short. This shows Emily’s reluctance to communicate with others while at the same time his dignity. The dialogue between Emily and the pharmacist is an example.

A style analysis and style of translation “Roses for Emily”, with the characters of the reader, theme, etc. Faulkner helps them understand them effectively. It should be emphasized that the model and analysis give a better understanding of the descriptive aspects of the text. The analysis of the translation is intended to show that the functions of the stories are lost or in translation. It is a translation that always has losses and benefits.


Breem, D. S. (n.d.). Style and Meaning in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”. Gaza, Palestine.

Faulkner, W. (2002). Emily için Bir Gül. In E. (G. Ezber, Trans., pp. 37-Everest.

Fillmore, C. J. (1971). Santa Cruz Lectures on Deixis. Bloomington: Indiana University Linguistic Club.

Leech, G., & Short, (2007) [1981] M. Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose. (2nd ed.). London: Longman Miller, J. (1982). United States in Literature. Glenview Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company.

Short, M. (1996). Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose. London: Longman.

Toury, G. (1995). Descriptive Translation Studies- and beyond. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.



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