Academic Master


the ideological similarities of Michael Jordan and LeBron James

Michael Jordan currently represents veteran LeBron James. Michael Jordan is an established pro on the basketball courts with a higher profile degree than ever seen there before since the time of MJ’s prime. Both of them have made a legacy in the basketball field as well as worldwide sports in such a way that no other athlete has ever managed. Therefore, their ideological similarities have resulted in people asking about sports today if LeBron is better than Michael Jordan. Indeed, they are similar players. They have had a great impact on the league by helping to make up for greatness, although there are some minor differences in the styles they use in playing. Success has also set both apart.

LeBron James and Michael Jordan are therefore considered to be wonderful players who actually maintained a legacy for the greatest time as they have contributed to the outcomes made by their times in various seasons. Currently, LeBron is taking great steps in the fifteen sessions in comparison to Michael Jordan, who was considered to be below, hence giving a more realistic contrast between the two. Both of them have won matches such as the Rookie of the Year, Scoring Leader,- -NBA First Team, NBA Championship, Finals MVP, and Season MVP. Actually, they are two players considered to be victorious and best in position, although, in other categories, their differences arise (ShanellStar).

Currently, “King James” is the name given to LeBron James in the NBA, as he is considered to be the prevailing player in the League. LeBron James is famous because of his domination of athletics in the league today. Michael Jordan was able to win over his competitors due to his high-profile quickness; in LeBron’s case, he won over his opponents due to his strength and high speed. Actually, he is powerful like a linebacker and can absorb and also complete, unlike any player in history. The discussion one can m about LeBron as the best player and Jordan also been on the most best’s teams. During the time when LeBron had to leave Cleveland after he made the final matches with the Cavaliers, all his teammates missed the plays off the following year as well, and Michael Jordan left Chicago. The teammates had a layoff during the following years.

However, Michael Jordan was referred to as a legend, the NBA king, winning 6 NBA final matches. He was also a legend known because of his vertcal48 inches, which resulted in his nickname “Air Jordan. “ Indeed, LeBron might have both speed and strength, although much in contrast to Michael’s ability in basketball. Ideally, Jordan is said to be a breed of athlete who has a combination of both talent and athleticism, as well as concentration and unearthly intensity. He is driven by passion and emotion and prevails over the unreachable. He managed to make a score at will and also make plays for his fellow team members to play. He always listened to the coaches, and he had no fare in the responsibilities aligned with leadership (ShanellStar).

Both LeBron James and Michael are similar players, although their different lifestyles, playing techniques, and success have made them apart. LeBron might be referred to as the best player in the league currently. Although no match for “Air Jordan”. From my perspective, there has never been such a player, and probably no player will ever emerge with such greatness in basketball games as Michael Jordan. He is thus an overwhelmingly fantastic player who made changes in the NBA, and history will remember him as the legendary player in that respective game. Henceforth, we all live believing that if someone attacks Earth and a legend is needed to shoot and jump to save it, Michael Jordan, the basketball king, can be the vital protector of us.

Work Cited

ShanellStar. “Lebron James Or Michael Jordan.” Slideshare.Net, 2018, Accessed 22 Mar 2018.



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